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Started by Balbinus, March 16, 2007, 12:05:08 PM

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Cool pictures of Kappa here:  http://www.pinktentacle.com/2007/03/edo-period-kappa-sketches/

Rather wonderfully coming across as actual period sketches by naturalists, there's a cryptoarchaeology campaign there somewhere.

Not sure where I saw this, possibly on this site somewhere.  But I thought it would interest folk and could have gaming application.


What's bizarre is that these really appear to have been actual sketches from life of the time put in books alongside other naturalist drawings.  What the hell the source was I have no idea, very strange stuff.

Edit:  My presumption would be that the books contained drawings from life and speculative drawings where a sample wasn't present, which could explain how mythical entities got into these kinds of texts.


I love kappa as critters for encounters in medieval Japan stories!  :)

Hastur T. Fannon

I note with purile interest that one of these captured kappa apparently had three anuses



Quote from: BalbinusCool pictures of Kappa here:  http://www.pinktentacle.com/2007/03/edo-period-kappa-sketches/

Rather wonderfully coming across as actual period sketches by naturalists, there's a cryptoarchaeology campaign there somewhere.

Not sure where I saw this, possibly on this site somewhere.  But I thought it would interest folk and could have gaming application.

Japanese folklore has the most amazing you-couldn't-make-this-up-if-you-tried monsters...  has anyone done a bestiary / monster manual of Japanese critters for RPG's (I remember Oriental Adventures for AD&D had a miserly few... not sure if any of the later editions statted out the whole pantheon)...

Anyway... cool!


The same goes for many Native America, African, and Indonesian monsters. I think we accept the madder versions of European lore (Faeries with no backs and cow's tails) because of habitual exposure.

The views of Kappa on all fours makes me think they discovered Komodo Dragons, of course we can't discount the fact that they might have found fossils of various dinosaurs, and simply extrapolated.
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Those are very cool, thanks for posting them!

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el diablo robotico

I just found me a new desktop! Awesome Edo period sketches.