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Help with a player background

Started by bnickelsen, February 05, 2015, 09:21:44 PM

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I need a some suggestion filling in the blank for one of my players background
So far it starts like this.
He is a Dragonborn Barbarian., in his youth he and others of his age were sent into the wilderness as part of their coming of age ritual. He had been witness to this tradition many times growing up. However here is the twist, when he returned all the people of his clan were gone. Vanished with out trace or clue.
The mystery is what happened.
Also wondering if there is anything in the D&D 5e aventure "Queen of the dragon Hoard" that might tie in with this kind of plot line?


Raymond E Feist has a whole series of books which starts with a very similar premise: Talon of the Silver Hawk

Whilst the youth is away finding his adulthood, his village and all the others for miles around are razed to the ground by a marauding army. Thus starts a life of vengeance...


Well you could leave it a unknown until something develops later that clicks for you or the player to connect.

As for Hoard. Actually. Yes there is. Early in the module the PCs will discover that the raiders are taking more than loot. They also take people. So it is possibly a whole tribe was taken. Possibly by magical dominance or however else would make sense that they were rounded up without a struggle.


Quote from: bnickelsen;814299I need a some suggestion filling in the blank for one of my players background
So far it starts like this.
He is a Dragonborn Barbarian., in his youth he and others of his age were sent into the wilderness as part of their coming of age ritual. He had been witness to this tradition many times growing up. However here is the twist, when he returned all the people of his clan were gone. Vanished with out trace or clue.
The mystery is what happened.
Also wondering if there is anything in the D&D 5e aventure "Queen of the dragon Hoard" that might tie in with this kind of plot line?

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Quote from: bnickelsen;814299He is a Dragonborn Barbarian., in his youth he and others of his age were sent into the wilderness as part of their coming of age ritual. He had been witness to this tradition many times growing up. However here is the twist, when he returned all the people of his clan were gone. Vanished with out trace or clue.
The mystery is what happened.
Also wondering if there is anything in the D&D 5e aventure "Queen of the dragon Hoard" that might tie in with this kind of plot line?

What colors or metals of Dragonborn are he and his clan? Regardless, it could fit in with Hoard of the Dragon Queen (the Cult of the Dragon or its allies want to use them - kidnapped - or stop them from meddling - wiped out - or the clan fled into hiding to avoid either - evacuated).

Another idea is false memories - his clan never actually existed. Then the real mystery is where he actually came from; who implanted the memories and why. Or the clan made a pact with some power (maybe they were all sorcerers) and the due date came up.