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Monte Cook's Second Kickstarter is Up

Started by JRT, October 16, 2013, 11:35:31 AM

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Quote from: Arduin;703265I have no idea.  I wasn't talking about USPS prices... (I don't know any business person stupid enough to use USPS for international shipping.  Do you?) :jaw-dropping:
All the ones that want customers on small packages? USPS is generally far cheaper than any courier on small international packages under about 50 lbs. There are rare exceptions, such as UPS to Canada, but the reality is that even there USPS ends up being cheaper due to rarely getting hit with customs charges (whereas UPS always charges brokerage fees that are often more than the initial shipping costs).

Asking questions about the fictional game space and receiving feedback that directly guides the flow of play IS the game. - Exploderwizard


Quote from: Bobloblah;703270All the ones that want customers on small packages?

I'm talking a concern larger than a SOHO set up.  You don't send single small packages internationally.  :cool:


Quote from: Arduin;703292I'm talking a concern larger than a SOHO set up.  You don't send single small packages internationally.  :cool:
Right. When the discussion was around shipping costs in the context of Kickstarters, which ship - wait for it - small packages internationally.

The goalposts have redshift.

Asking questions about the fictional game space and receiving feedback that directly guides the flow of play IS the game. - Exploderwizard


Quote from: Bobloblah;703506Right. When the discussion was around shipping costs in the context of Kickstarters, which ship - wait for it - small packages internationally.

No, I mentioned it in regards to ANY commercial shipping between Canada & USA.  Reading in FUNdamental.


Quote from: Arduin;703522No, I mentioned it in regards to ANY commercial shipping between Canada & USA.  Reading in FUNdamental.
Spelling too, apparently. Too bad you can't manage either. Nice dodge, though.

Asking questions about the fictional game space and receiving feedback that directly guides the flow of play IS the game. - Exploderwizard


Quote from: JRT;703264I think you're unfairly making an assumption that Numenara is just D&D rules Monte wanted to use instead of something different.  I expect that if Monte was still doing work for WoTC, he'd be taking a more traditional approach to the game and I doubt GM Intrusions and other rules would have suddenly appeared in D&D 5e.  A game designer's output can be radically different based on the assignment and product.

I have no doubt that Monte's version of 5e would not have been Numenara; he would have been far more controlled about it, but I also think that some of the ideas in his current games would have been stuff he'd have tried to implement into 5e, because Monte has always been about wanting to do stuff he thinks is new and cool for its own sake.

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J Arcane

Quote from: RPGPundit;704046I have no doubt that Monte's version of 5e would not have been Numenara; he would have been far more controlled about it, but I also think that some of the ideas in his current games would have been stuff he'd have tried to implement into 5e, because Monte has always been about wanting to do stuff he thinks is new and cool for its own sake.


How dare he.
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Quote from: J Arcane;704049How dare he.

There's nothing particularly wrong about it, if you're making a new game like Numenara.  On the other hand, if you're entrusted with designing a new edition of the oldest and most popular RPG in history, then yes, there's a problem with that mentality.
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

My Blog:  http://therpgpundit.blogspot.com/
The most famous uruguayan gaming blog on the planet!

Check out my short OSR supplements series; The RPGPundit Presents!

Dark Albion: The Rose War! The OSR fantasy setting of the history that inspired Shakespeare and Martin alike.
Also available in Variant Cover form!
Also, now with the CULTS OF CHAOS cult-generation sourcebook

Arrows of Indra: The Old-School Epic Indian RPG!
NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

The new Diceless RPG of multiversal power, adventure and intrigue, now available.

Justin Alexander


42 hours to go and the kickstarter is at $321,900 as I write this. I'm mavening the heck out of this right now because they've just announced a new stretch goal (probably somewhere around the $360k or $380k level) which will unlock a new 96-page adventure. I'm generally a big fan of Cook's and Cordell's adventures, so I'd really, really like for that to become a reality.

On a similar note, I'd also like to point out just how ridiculously good the deals are with the Superfan packages at this point:

The MCG Superfan pack, for example, breaks down to $25-$30 per book (significantly below retail price). But, on top of that, you also get the $120 collector's edition of the core rulebook, multiple decks of cards, a bonus poster map, and a fan kit of goodies.
Note: this sig cut for personal slander and harassment by a lying tool who has been engaging in stalking me all over social media with filthy lies - RPGPundit


It was very difficult not to bump my pledge up to $200; if I didn't need to save some money for Christmas, would have done it in a heartbeat. While watching other people play rpgs is like witnessing a root canal, the inaugural play session I saw yesterday leads me to believe this will be a great game.
It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.

Maese Mateo

I agree, the actual play was very entertaining to watch.

For those who haven't seen it yet, here it is (read the text below the video before watching it for an intro to the game).
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