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Monte Cook's Second Kickstarter is Up

Started by JRT, October 16, 2013, 11:35:31 AM

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Looks like Monte's teamed up with Bruce Cordell for a second major RPG


This one looks really intriguing.   Time to get out my card again.  Wonder if it will be as successful as the other one.

Looks like he's using the same general Numenera system as a base for this one.
Just some background on myself



It sounds ok but $25 for a pdf or $60 for a rulebook that I may or may not play is too steep for me.

One Horse Town

Hee. I think i posted an idea very similar to this to design & development a goodly number of years ago. Great minds think alike and all that. ;)

Ben Rogers

I'm interested, but I only signed onto Numenera when the stretch goals were such that for a small investment, I got a *fuckton* of PDFs.  

I'll do something similar with this one.  And if it doesn't happen?  *shrug* There's nothing about this that screams "killer app" to me.


I'm certain it's going to happen--he's asking for $60,000 and he's already at $25,000+.  It's only been a few hours.

Interestingly enough, there's a lot of "whales" (to use Casino terminology)--25 people are paying $450 to receive all the print books in the first cycle.

Monte must be the Stephen King of gaming right now...
Just some background on myself


The Traveller

And the countdown to the obligtory rage thread on the bulging pimple which is immediately locked after the designers show up begins... now.

Just as a matter of interest is this the first anyone has ever heard of this game, or were there rumbles and preambles that never reached these shores?
"These children are playing with dark and dangerous powers!"
"What else are you meant to do with dark and dangerous powers?"
A concise overview of GNS theory.
Quote from: that muppet vince baker on RPGsIf you care about character arcs or any, any, any lit 101 stuff, I\'d choose a different game.


If I squint my eyes and turn my head sideways it kind of sounds like TORG.
D&D is becoming Self-Referential.  It is no longer Setting Referential, where it takes references outside of itself. It is becoming like Ouroboros in its self-gleaning for tropes, no longer attached, let alone needing outside context.
~ Opaopajr


Quote from: daniel_ream;700112If I squint my eyes and turn my head sideways it kind of sounds like TORG.

Or Lords of Creation.

Ben Rogers

Quote from: The Traveller;700107Just as a matter of interest is this the first anyone has ever heard of this game, or were there rumbles and preambles that never reached these shores?

Monte Cook posted something about it yesterday on his Facebook and through Kickstarter -- that was the first I heard of it.


Quote from: One Horse Town;700099Hee. I think i posted an idea very similar to this to design & development a goodly number of years ago. Great minds think alike and all that. ;)
Happens to me regularly. Happened with a few of my ideas versus Monte Cook's over time, actually. I would get a cool concept or name or idea out of my brain, start to take some notes and whatnot about it, only to find out that some other guy, like Monte Cook, came up with something very similar in roughly the same time frame. Hehe. :D

I guess because we're all feeding off some of the same influences, statistically speaking, we're bound to arrive to some fairly similar combinations, from time to time, sooner rather than later.

The concept of alternate Earths and how worlds could blend into one another is something that is part of my multi-game campaign's foundations and something I've been thinking about for decades, actually. Guess I can blame Mike Moorcock on this one.


I backed Numenera, but I'm not backing this: the setting does not interest me and i have just so much time/money.

Monte Cook and his team have delivered very good stuff with Numenera IMHO so I wish them the best of luck, they sure have c0|0nes to go for another -very similar- Kickstarter while already working on one.

(And my bet was on GW 4e: Bruce Cordell working on it and all that nearby dimensions stuff...)


... and as of right now they have collected 42.000$ out of 60.000$
I guess they are going to get this one too.


They can fuck right off with the shipping wankery. Fulfilment is going to be a nightmare for them.

Game idea sounds all right, though.
one two FUCK YOU


Actually they are being pretty responsible for the shipping costs.  Kickstarter allows international orders without having a system to easilly make adjustments based on location like a store.  I hear a lot of kickstarters have had profits eaten by too many international backers.

Also, I know people will want to upgrade to 2 day shipping, etc.
Just some background on myself


Ben Rogers

I can attest to shipping nightmares with international shipping.  

If we do another Kickstarter, all international shipping will have a flat $50 per book attached.  

You may think that's excessive, but one book to Australia was $67 and one to Canada was $35 and one to UK was $45.

I'm also looking for POD printers in those locations where I can "drop-print" a copy to them locally to save money.  Still haven't found those, yet.