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Castle Perilous, Sir Pellinore's Game... the early days of RPGs

Started by brettmb, August 13, 2024, 06:47:41 PM

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One of my goals is to bring back long-forgotten and out of print RPGs, so that's what I've been doing. Here is the list thus far. I look forward to discovering more gems from RPGs past. If you've got an idea or know of an old RPG that very few people are aware of, let's hear it.

Sir Pellinore's Game (1978) http://rpg.deals/pellinore
What Price Glory (1978) http://rpg.deals/wpg
Castle Perilous (1980) http://rpg.deals/castlep
Supergame (1980) http://rpg.deals/supergame
Submachine Gun (1981) http://rpg.deals/smg
Man, Myth & Magic (1982) http://rpg.deals/mmm
Timeship (1983) http://rpg.deals/timeship
Worlds Beyond (1989) http://rpg.deals/wb
Machineguns & Magic (1991) http://rpg.deals/mm
Shatterzone (1993) http://rpg.deals/sz
MasterBook (1994) http://rpg.deals/masterbook
Bloodshadows (1994) http://rpg.deals/bsc
Maelstrom Storytelling / Story Engine (1997) http://rpg.deals/se
Darkwood (2001) http://rpg.deals/darkwood

Plus supplements and other games from Wee Warriors (1975+), like Palace of the Vampire Queen  http://rpg.deals/wee

Simon W

What about Bifrost? It was published by Skytrex Ltd in 1977.

There is still a shop called Skytrex, so they might be able to point you in the right direction?


I've seen it, but always seemed to scare me off :) Maybe I'll look into it. Thanks.


I've been curious about this one, released in 1976. I've never seen a scan or PDF of it.

And I'd share "The Ringbearer" (1975) - an unauthorized Tolkien miniature game which waynesbooks has nicely documented.


I'm not sure it counts as an RPG, but it's interesting to read.



Why not just keep expanding on the older thread on forgotten RPGs?

I have the handout book for Shatterzone somewhere.

Supergame and Timeship recall but never had a chance to look at.

Another obscure one is Justifiers.

From StarChild back in the late 80s. I have the original and some of the expansions.

Essentially the PCs are human-animal hybrids created to do dangerous jobs for various interplanetary corps and trying to live long enough to buy off their freedom. Its almost like Paranoia, but serious. Dont expect your characters to make it to the end as there were alot of deadly things out there.

Apparently round 2010 someone got the rights and has been doing novels and a new RPG in German.


I've always been a bit curious about Powers & Perils myself, have you looked into this one? A bit of it is from a humorous point of view, since I've seen some hilarious reviews of it, but it's possible that there's a playable system in there.

David Johansen

I ran Powers and Perils for my friends a couple times.  I really don't know what the big deal is.  Not so complex really but I think I bodged the experience rules because the starter adventure took the PCs to sixth level in one session.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


Quote from: Trond on August 15, 2024, 12:56:04 PMI've always been a bit curious about Powers & Perils myself, have you looked into this one? A bit of it is from a humorous point of view, since I've seen some hilarious reviews of it, but it's possible that there's a playable system in there.

I bought all the P&P boxed sets a few years back, so I have THE COMPLETE COLLECTION! You can actually get almost all of it from here: https://powersandperils.org/

That said, there's an excellent game in there somewhere, but it's shrouded by some of the most opaque writing I've ever seen in an RPG. It's like translating the writings of a German-speaking Gygax into Turkish then "English" using Google Translate. Tower of the Dead is a pretty kickass adventure for the most part, but it's insanely easy to get lost reading it and putting all the parts together due to the insane density of the text. If you skim over a single sentence, you can miss major plot devices that will only become realized five pages later when they're referenced almost in passing. I have tried several times to make characters and just sort of gave up out of disinterest after a while. I am sure if I was 12 years old and I spent a couple months lawn mowing wages on this I'd figure it out, but there are a lot of games out there way easier to comprehend and play. Still, since you can get the books for free (the revised book is reorganized and allegedly edited better) just read through it and decide for yourself.

Also, I used to own a copy of The Ringbearer and wanted to play it when I was younger, now it seems like a not-so-great mini-wargame.
It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.


Quote from: Trond on August 15, 2024, 12:56:04 PMI've always been a bit curious about Powers & Perils myself, have you looked into this one? A bit of it is from a humorous point of view, since I've seen some hilarious reviews of it, but it's possible that there's a playable system in there.
Avalon Hill, so now it's Hasbro. Pretty good content in it.


Quote from: Trond on August 15, 2024, 12:56:04 PMI've always been a bit curious about Powers & Perils myself, have you looked into this one? A bit of it is from a humorous point of view, since I've seen some hilarious reviews of it, but it's possible that there's a playable system in there.

Hello Trond, pls have a glance at these pages and you won't be disappointed:




Hope it helps, best

Cathode Ray

Thanks!  This is my kind of post.  Please share any new finds.  I love the DIY games of that era, especially wargames and microgames.  I'd love to discover more games like the ones you posted in your OP
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.