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Masks of Nyarlathotep (Editions Question)

Started by Bedrockbrendan, April 25, 2018, 09:56:19 AM

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Quote from: waltshumate;1046846So the answer is yes they did go for appeasement.

"In addition, the text has been revised to reduce stereotypical portrayals of differing ethnicities; cults recruit from those willing to serve, not necessarily on ethnic lines. Equally, women can be cultists too; the profiles for differing cultists do not assume they are all male."

Remove some stereotypes  and then add others such as the wrongfully accused African American war hero on death row and the fat white cop that put him there.

Thankfully, I don't need a 666 page version of an already gigantic module. Plus, the classic version is readily available on Amazon. And you now gave me another reason to grab a copy as long as they are out there.
"You play Conan, I play Gandalf.  We team up to fight Dracula." - jrients


I don't know, this review - http://rlyehreviews.blogspot.com/2018/07/the-greatest-roleplaying-campaign-ever.html - makes the changes sound relatively minor. It doesn't sound like it's been given a total makeover into "MoN: tumblr edition".


Quote from: Dimitrios;1046892I don't know, this review - http://rlyehreviews.blogspot.com/2018/07/the-greatest-roleplaying-campaign-ever.html - makes the changes sound relatively minor. It doesn't sound like it's been given a total makeover into "MoN: tumblr edition".

With the brief look I have had of it so far there is a lot of moaning about about sterotypes and yet they added sterotypes, Elias Jackson is now African American and major npcs are gender bent.  So far it is a full on SJW rewrite. The next thing I am expecting to find is a transgender lesbian neo-pagan collective is behind the plot because they have prophesied the coming of Trump and the Investigators are expected to join them in destroying the world to prevent it.

FFS if they are going to these lengths why not just write  new campaign.


A nice run-down of the changes made for the new version of MoN, in response to my Qs about what changed relative to the MoN: Companion released last year.  On YSDC @ https://www.yog-sothoth.com/forums/topic/31451-masks-of-nyarlathotep-new-2018-edition/?do=findComment&comment=340562

Allan Grohe

Editor and Project Manager, Black Blade Publishing

The Twisting Stair, a Mega-Dungeon Design Newsletter
From Kuroth\'s Quill, my blog


Quote from: rmeints;1039683We have seriously and intentionally "upped" our game. Our books are now all full color hardcover books. We pay more attention to art, editing, and layout.

This is not upping your game.
After nearly 40 years no one has realized that the glitz colour interior art does not help sales? It just jacks cost which reduces sales. Hardcovers are nice. But that is also another layer of glitz the buyer has to fork out for. And another barrier to purchase on top of the game no longer being backwards compatible. Which will come back to haunt you (wryly appropriate) later.

As for the new expanded module. Good work on taking the harder but more satisfying path of weaving in the new material in with the old rather than just making them little add-ons that have a tendency to feel tacked on instead of integrated.

Will the new version detail exactly what has been changed or added in the module? This could be useful to some.

And someone needs to reprint Gahan Wilson's marvelous review of Call of Cthulhu!
Still have this packed with the rest of my CoC books. :cool:


Quote from: Omega;1046984This is not upping your game.
After nearly 40 years no one has realized that the glitz colour interior art does not help sales? It just jacks cost which reduces sales. Hardcovers are nice. But that is also another layer of glitz the buyer has to fork out for. And another barrier to purchase on top of the game no longer being backwards compatible. Which will come back to haunt you (wryly appropriate) later.

Like with most things, there are good ways to do colour hardcovers and there are bad ways. So far, the 7E Cthulhu line has a very clean and beautiful colour layout and evocative art. I myself am more of a b/w guy--I actually like grayscale the least out of all options--but I can be persuaded by colour done well.

The monetary argument is a weak one, IMHO. Doing colour today is not that expensive and if content is the sole factor in RPG books, we could play Masks with loose-leaf typewritten pages.
"You play Conan, I play Gandalf.  We team up to fight Dracula." - jrients


Quote from: grodog;1046983A nice run-down of the changes made for the new version of MoN, in response to my Qs about what changed relative to the MoN: Companion released last year.  On YSDC @ https://www.yog-sothoth.com/forums/topic/31451-masks-of-nyarlathotep-new-2018-edition/?do=findComment&comment=340562


.>All NPCs revised to better reflect history and authenticity

Translation NPCs revised to keep the SJWs and Antifa fuckers happy.  Mike you and your mate Flicker really fucked up CoC.

John Scott

I always considered Call of Cthulhu 7th edition a hack job I see that the new "improved" MoN for that edition is no exception.


Quote from: Omega;1046984the game no longer being backwards compatible

You don't actually believe that, do you?  Multiplying by 5 is too big a leap for you?


Sounds like I'd stick to the classic adventure.
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Quote from: Nerzenjäger;1046990Like with most things, there are good ways to do colour hardcovers and there are bad ways. So far, the 7E Cthulhu line has a very clean and beautiful colour layout and evocative art. I myself am more of a b/w guy--I actually like grayscale the least out of all options--but I can be persuaded by colour done well.

The monetary argument is a weak one, IMHO. Doing colour today is not that expensive and if content is the sole factor in RPG books, we could play Masks with loose-leaf typewritten pages.

Unless a publisher is raping their artist then colour art is usually costs upwards of 10 times that of BW art. Ive had to foot the bill for this stuff.

Interior art does not sell a product. The cover and the theme sell the product. Good interior art sure helps after the purchase. But its never needed to be colour. This has been discussed ad nausium for decades now. And case in point the new edition costs 100$ for the two core books.

Back on topic.
How much effort does it really take to convert the new edition material to older ones?


Quote from: under_score;1047172You don't actually believe that, do you?  Multiplying by 5 is too big a leap for you?

No. Its not that big a leap. But its still a system that is different and needs more converting that prior ones did not. What was the point in the change other than to milk the fans? That is usually the only reason you do something like this that isnt some sort of system to system conversion.


Quote from: RPGPundit;1047389Sounds like I'd stick to the classic adventure.

I would not count it out yet. It really depends on the execution and presentation and just how onerous or not it is to convert it backwards if one so wanted.

Price point may be a factor too. looks like about 60$. Not including the 100$ for 7e of you plan to go 7e.


Quote from: Omega;1047391How much effort does it really take to convert the new edition material to older ones?

Divide the stats by a factor (5 I think?). That's about it. Though in-game even that doesn't matter.

Some alarmists on this forum really have exaggerated on the edition change hysteria. It's mostly the same game and highly backwards compatible to 1st ed.
"You play Conan, I play Gandalf.  We team up to fight Dracula." - jrients


Quote from: Nerzenjäger;1047405Divide the stats by a factor (5 I think?). That's about it. Though in-game even that doesn't matter.

Some alarmists on this forum really have exaggerated on the edition change hysteria. It's mostly the same game and highly backwards compatible to 1st ed.

Having played the new edition, I have to agree. It's almost entirely the same experience at the table, and I couldn't see anyone having an issue converting adventures.