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Looking for Playtest GMs for Grimoires of the Unseen

Started by WilliamJoel333, August 25, 2024, 10:04:11 PM

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Hi everyone,

About a year ago, I shared the concept for Grimoires of the Unseen here and received some fantastic feedback—thank you again to everyone who contributed. Since then, the game has evolved significantly, and I'm excited to share that Chapters 1-3 are now complete (though they're still awaiting final edits).

For those who are new or may have missed it, I'm an indie game developer working on Grimoires of the Unseen. You can find the original discussion by searching for the game's name on the forum.

I'm currently looking for dedicated GMs who are interested in playtesting Grimoires of the Unseen. Here's what I'm offering to those who participate:

Early Access to Materials: You'll receive early access to the game's materials, including the chapters that have been completed so far.
Ongoing Access to Drafts: As new chapters and content are completed, you'll have access to those drafts, allowing you to playtest the latest material and provide feedback throughout the development process.
Free Digital Copy: As a thank-you for your time and feedback, I'll provide you with a free digital version of the final game once it's released.
Recognition in the Gamebook: I'll include your name in the gamebook as a way to acknowledge your contributions to the development process.
If you're interested, please head over to our Facebook page


to connect with us and learn more. I'm looking for GMs who can bring their groups together to test the mechanics, explore the setting, and provide detailed feedback to help refine the game further.

Thanks in advance for your interest, and I'm looking forward to hearing from those who'd like to join this next step of the journey!

Best regards,