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Looking for feat books

Started by darkwolfess, December 06, 2006, 04:56:19 PM

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Ok, I've been trying to find a certain book of feats that my DM wants. He found it online once, now he has heard of a newer version and wants me to get it for him.

Wouldn't be a problem if I could find the darn thing.

It is Griffons(sp?) book of feats volume 9 or 10...something like that. He can't remember the site or what number it is supposed to be.:rolleyes:

Yep, I'm the wonder child who will magically produce this book out of thin air.

Female gamers...the few :skull: , the proud :emot-rock: , the "oh my god, it's a girl" what do we do now???:wtfsign:

Caesar Slaad

Gryphon's Book of Feats is here:

Don't see any number associated with it, but this is supposed to be a 3.5 version.
The Secret Volcano Base: my intermittently updated RPG blog.

Running: Pathfinder Scarred Lands, Mutants & Masterminds, Masks, Starfinder, Bulldogs!
Playing: Sigh. Nothing.
Planning: Some Cyberpunk thing, system TBD.


Well oddly enough I can be a help here

The nice gent pointed you at the 3e version

Community3e is the master resource library

You want to follow this link --->LINK<--- to the 3.5 version. It is version 3 on the site I think...one of my websites contributors picked up a feat that was duff in there so I am up to version 4 now.

If you wonder where version 2 is...well in the bin is the honest answer...it got disposed off a year or so ago as having too many feats that have been published elsewhere since I wrote them some 5 years ago.

Zachary The First

RPG Blog 2

Currently Prepping: Castles & Crusades
Currently Reading/Brainstorming: Mythras
Currently Revisiting: Napoleonic/Age of Sail in Space


But no banana

I thought it only fair I should point you at the other major netbook as well

NETBOOK OF FEATS 12.4 can be found at this  --->LINK<---

Lets hope they are as nice with referals as I am eh ;)