I'm looking for an image of a badge to use for "The Agency" in my upcoming Scion game. Basically they're the Men In Black. If the badge actually says "The Agency" or "Men In Black" on it, that would rock.
I tried deviantart, but searching for badge got me a bunch of hits for foxes and wolves for some reason, while searching for "men in black" got me hits ranging from fan art from the movie to anything that had anything to do with either men, in, or black.
That's the best I could find.
Try the badge generator:
Here's my first run with the badge generator. Help me make it nicer.
In the game the badges will be sort of like Doctor Who's psychic paper. You'll see whatever badge they want you to see, or whatever badge you expect to see if they're not actively projecting. But I want to have something to show the players if one of them rolls high enough on the perception check to see through it.
The "Paces Quod Alcedonia" is from the Transformers movie. It was on the decepticon police car's emblem. As far as I know, no movie geek has explained exactly what it means, although there are several possible interpretations. I'd love to know the exact translation if there's any Latin gurus in the house.
Based on Treasury Agent Badge, done in about five minutes in photoshop.
Quote from: James McMurraySweet!
Here's my first run with the badge generator. Help me make it nicer.
For some reason, it doesn't show up inline with the page; I have to fish the link out and view it directly.
Could use an emblem in the middle, if only a star. I liked the 3D globe for my Spycraft agency.
Quote from: Caesar SlaadTry the badge generator:
Fun! Thank for posting it.:)
Quote from: Caesar SlaadFor some reason, it doesn't show up inline with the page; I have to fish the link out and view it directly.
Sorry, I'll try it as an attachment.
QuoteCould use an emblem in the middle, if only a star. I liked the 3D globe for my Spycraft agency.
Yeah, I couldn't see any that looked like they fit. I'll fiddle with them and see if any work well enough.
Silverlion, thanks! That looks cool too.
Here's the one I did for my Spycraft game, and a seal (at the same site)
Quote from: Caesar SlaadTry the badge generator:
Very nifty.
Here's the next attempt. The motto is "Order is truth." I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I'm drawing a blank on alternatives.
(http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/5457/badgeyw0.gif) (http://imageshack.us)