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[List] TTRPG Guide to Woke Companies

Started by Ocule, August 03, 2021, 12:26:41 PM

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What's the verdict on Ghostfire Gaming? The Grim Hollow setting seems pretty bad ass but I'm not interested in supporting any woke devs.


Quote from: RPGPundit on September 29, 2023, 11:49:54 PM
To my understanding, the Green list is specifically FOR companies that stay out of politics.

Which is exactly what leftists hate!
Old School? Back in my day we just called it "School."


Quote from: Monero on November 08, 2023, 10:10:43 AM
What's the verdict on Ghostfire Gaming? The Grim Hollow setting seems pretty bad ass but I'm not interested in supporting any woke devs.

A fast twitter advanced search doesn't show me anything political, but that's just their company twitter account and I'm not sure how far back they go.  Any devs in particular who are the soul of this company or anything?

Edit:  Also your profile pic not being Monerochan is a complete waste.


SJG update from their blog (2023-11-15 posting)- they are dumping their X ('nee twitter) account because:

QuoteOur website and new games will no longer show the logo of the slowly spinning sack of sewage formerly known as Twitter, nor will we ask you to find us there. This caused a little angst here – because we miss the Twitter that was – but the Twitter that IS has no value to anyone but the producers and consumers of hate speech.

Cathode Ray

Quote from: Howard on November 15, 2023, 01:48:05 AM
SJG update from their blog (2023-11-15 posting)- they are dumping their X ('nee twitter) account because:

QuoteOur website and new games will no longer show the logo of the slowly spinning sack of sewage formerly known as Twitter, nor will we ask you to find us there. This caused a little angst here – because we miss the Twitter that was – but the Twitter that IS has no value to anyone but the producers and consumers of hate speech.

I just woke up this morning and read this.  Like many others, I stopped supporting SJG after Evil Stevie's famous July 8 meltdown.  But i always woke up and read illuminator in the good old days and still do just out of habit.  Besides this post, I also noticed another disturbing trend where the topics are less about SJ games games or games at all, and some are just dumb posts just to hold the title, "longest running daily web log- whether or not we have anything relevant to say."   Anyway, this is another post that shows just how out of touch he is. 

Twitter isn't great by a long shot, but it's a lot better than when it was a corporate fascist cesspool that partnered with the government to interfere with an election and persecute people who speak the truth about an important scandal that was being silenced by a multimedia, multi corporation public-private partnership!

here's the remaining text of this latest inanity:

There are lots of other social media sites that have not been thoroughly corrupted; find us there, please!

name them, because Twitter right now is the least worst.

QuoteWe'll keep our account open, just to make it slightly less likely that the name gets stolen and used to promote the kind of thing that Twitter has become. But we won't post anything of note, nor are we likely to read anything posted. That well has been poisoned, and we're out of there.

Obviously SJ is oblivious to the fact that one of Twitter's reforms is the crackdown of bot accounts and parody accounts that aren't labeled so.  It's so disheartening because I once looked up to this guy, and it was my favorite game company, but I vowed long ago never to buy anything from his company again, and I'm increasingly content I made the right decision.  While SJG gets deeper red until it becomes black, (and he's yet to disavow his support for anti-semitic scam corporation BLM), he gave not one example of this "hate speech" that according to his hallucinations, the only people who use Twitter use.  Read that part about hate speech again.  It was an attack not just on Twitter, but its users.  He misses the old Twitter, where hate speech reigned, censorship was rampant, the employees persecuted users, and government propaganda was enforced.
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.

Cathode Ray

Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.


Quote from: Cathode Ray on November 15, 2023, 07:17:45 AM
You mean this?

Is that a counter of how many days they've been free of the Twitter/X icon just above it?
"The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;
Rush in and die, dogs—I was a man before I was a king."

REH - The Phoenix on the Sword


So everyone on Twitter/X is a producer or consumer of hate speech...

The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out
The ones that crawl in are lean and thin
The ones that crawl out are fat and stout
Your eyes fall in and your teeth fall out
Your brains come tumbling down your snout
Be merry my friends
Be merry

Cathode Ray

Quote from: Krazz on November 15, 2023, 03:43:13 PM
Is that a counter of how many days they've been free of the Twitter/X icon just above it?

that counter is like a setting to choose how far back you want to go to see that day's daily article.
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.

Cathode Ray

People are discussing the latest SJW games incident on Discord gaming servers.  One discussion was about SJG forum discussion of the server and its censorship of opposing opinions.  One post brought up the trend on SJWG's forums.  I took the advice of the poster and screen-shot the post in case it was censored too.

The second poster raises a good question.  Howard first raised our attention to SJ's latest curiosity, but he has a right not to Use Twitter/XCom.  Libertarians and conservative Constitutionalists champion his right to use or not use a product. 

The other thing about the rant is that he vocally expresses his statist views, a love that the old Twitter stood for: government regulation, censorship, and partnership with private business to suppress information vital to an informed populace, weaponizing social media to punish dissent (fascism).  The last one is ironic, since he was the victim of an unjust Secret Service raid in the 1990s.  He fought back in the judicial system and won.  It's hypocritical that he now sides with an intrusive government, infringing on the rights of people who were in the same position he was in.  But, is the head of a company's extremist beliefs sufficient to be on the "woke" list?  I say no.

However, in his Nov 15 rant, he attacked every potential customer who uses Twitter as being an agent of hate speech.  I think hatred for half your customer base is sufficient for the woke list.  What do you think? (Although it's a moot point, since he's in the red for prior infractions.)

I was interested in what was in the deleted post.  Someone posted it on a Discord channel today.  Not so well-written, but it raises valid points.

I kind of agree with her.  (Assuming Mama is a female's name)  What do you think?
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.


About Paizo, I love Pathfinder 1st edition, and although they had the occasional lesbian couple (for some reason in a medieval setting), overall I didn't notice the trend. Could you tell me at which books they started being more "inclusive" and woke? And which books have been invested?

Wrath of God

The first time it hit me was with Wrath of Righteous AP.
It was very mythic high level campaign - and you got 8 NPCs that were supposed to be allies and henchmen and so on.

So you get lesbian marriage between half-orc paladin woman and her trans wife and budding gay romance between cleric and potentialy trecherous drug adict.

"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."

"And I will strike down upon thee
With great vengeance and furious anger"

"Molti Nemici, Molto Onore"


Yeah, that bothered me about Wrath of the Righteous as well. I loved Kingmaker, and at most you had the sexy looking girl talking like a dude and spitting, as if she couldn't have a shred of femininity in her in order to be tough XD But she was a fun character so you could ignore it.

Wrath of the Righteous sadly was the start of the end. But if the first mission for Starfinder was already that woke, where someone with facts and logic had to apologize, that is troubling. At what year did that happen?

Wrath of God

Quite interestingly several my very un-woked friends praised WoTR - PC game, but from what I heard it has almost utterly different rooster of companions, so quite probably those woke elements were diminished.

WoTR itself is 2013.
"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."

"And I will strike down upon thee
With great vengeance and furious anger"

"Molti Nemici, Molto Onore"


Yeah same. Once you go past that odd couple, you hardly see any of that stuff. I have the idea that at that time most of the creators were still old school 3.5 edition fans who simply wanted to have cool yet challenging stories, with a few liberal elements thrown in here and there. Which allows me to stomach most of the Pathfinder 1E stuff.