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[List] TTRPG Guide to Woke Companies

Started by Ocule, August 03, 2021, 12:26:41 PM

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Quote from: rytrasmi on September 09, 2021, 04:23:45 PM
Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 04:14:31 PM
I am so glad you guys are happy here in your little safe space.
Welcome! Stick around for a bit. It might help you remember what it's like to enjoy free speech.

We might poke fun at your zine or your presumptuousness in asking to be put on the list, but a lot of us here will happily engage you on topics of gaming. And you don't need to fear stepping on the wrong toes or walking on egg shells. I think they do ban people around here (maybe? not sure TBH) but not for just having a differing opinion.

One has to really put forth some serious effort to honk off Pundit to cop a ban. The few times he's done it lately is when a poster starts dancing on the line of racism or antisemitism to see how much they can get away with.
The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.


Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 04:17:20 PM
Quote from: palaeomerus on September 09, 2021, 04:09:27 PM
Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 04:05:12 PM
Sold more than most of pundits dross. ;)

Oh THAT'S why no one has a clue who the fuck you are and I had to google you. Awesome! Glad we cleared that one up!

Are you suggesting you know Pundit from his work, rather than the fact he is a dickhead? 


Honestly I found Lion & Dragon after seeing him in the credits for 5e, got it and it was pretty solid. Didn't even follow his YouTube for the longest time and was mostly just curious as to the name.
Forever GM that owns way too many books.


Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 04:14:31 PM
I am so glad you guys are happy here in your little safe space.

Go post that exact line on rpg.net. See how long you last.
Here at therpgsite we have a bunch of contentious threads specifically because we're not a safe space. And a bunch of idiots can create new accounts and chime in without being banned because it's not a safe space.
But thanks for dropping in and letting us know the list is having an effect. Maybe if publishers realize that their customers have options and boundaries, they'll finally take that into consideration.
The notion of an exclusionary and hostile RPG community is a fever dream of zealots who view all social dynamics through a narrow keyhole of structural oppression.

Jason Coplen

Quote from: ArtemisWyrm on September 09, 2021, 11:21:22 AM
Here is an article from bounding into comics that covers the list


Based on Ben Laurence's reaction it may justify putting 'Through Ulton's Door' in the yellow list. I think we should make it a policy to put companies that have been green but demand to be in the red by screeching empty political platitudes in the yellow.

Thanks! That was the tweet I responded to where he blocked me for calling him a bigot and mentioning gaming was always for everyone.  ;) Being blocked I couldn't screen shot it to show this thread.
Running: HarnMaster and Baptism of Fire


Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 03:49:39 PM
Just here to submit myself to the red section, what with my work having helped to raise tens' of thousands of dollars for bail funds during the George Floyd uprising, and the fact that I am actively engaged in anti-fascist activism.

So if you could add my zine; The City of the Red Pox, I would appreciate it.

As others have said, welcome, Ben. These are yours, I think? If you're going to self-promote, you should provide links.


It looks interesting. Thanks for the reference.


Quote from: rytrasmi on September 09, 2021, 04:23:45 PM
Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 04:14:31 PM
I am so glad you guys are happy here in your little safe space.
Welcome! Stick around for a bit. It might help you remember what it's like to enjoy free speech.

We might poke fun at your zine or your presumptuousness in asking to be put on the list, but a lot of us here will happily engage you on topics of gaming. And you don't need to fear stepping on the wrong toes or walking on egg shells. I think they do ban people around here (maybe? not sure TBH) but not for just having a differing opinion.

Was going to leave it on the last post, but this deserves an actual response.

But, how should I put this. I'm not worried about my speech in online RPG spaces. Like, I don't even give it a second thought, cause there really isn't in any meaningful way a restriction on free speech in the medium.  It is close to impossible to have your speech shut down in the industry.

No, as someone who actually fights for free speech, I am vastly more worried about actual, real world restriction on free speech, such as the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. That is in the process of criminalising all effective strikes and protests, as well as giving the police powers to engage in ethnic cleansing against the GRT community

Get a sense of proportion, my guy.


Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 04:33:37 PM
It is close to impossible to have your speech shut down in the industry.

Evil Hat, Matt Mercer, that one David Kwan guy, big purple, Enworld, and a good portion of the Paizo and WotC staff, as well as the old WhiteWolf/whoever has to vampire license this week's writers, all beg to differ. But go off
Forever GM that owns way too many books.


Wow, I bet the red pox zine is really great judging from this amazing writing sample.


 "But, how should I put this. I'm not worried about my speech in online RPG"

And? That means what to the people here?


Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 04:19:53 PM
Right, that is more effort than you lot deserve. Enjoy being reliant for a second. The industry will forget your existence again in a day or two.

Is somebody else keeping you from leaving to go do to the important industry central stuff you assume you are well known for?


Quote from: jhkim on September 09, 2021, 04:32:31 PM
Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 03:49:39 PM
Just here to submit myself to the red section, what with my work having helped to raise tens' of thousands of dollars for bail funds during the George Floyd uprising, and the fact that I am actively engaged in anti-fascist activism.

So if you could add my zine; The City of the Red Pox, I would appreciate it.

As others have said, welcome, Ben. These are yours, I think? If you're going to self-promote, you should provide links.


It looks interesting. Thanks for the reference.

Not gonna lie the quest book here looks pretty interesting. Might check it out.


Id say we put him in the green list if his only crime was coming here to troll us.


Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 04:33:37 PM
Quote from: rytrasmi on September 09, 2021, 04:23:45 PM
Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 04:14:31 PM
I am so glad you guys are happy here in your little safe space.
Welcome! Stick around for a bit. It might help you remember what it's like to enjoy free speech.

We might poke fun at your zine or your presumptuousness in asking to be put on the list, but a lot of us here will happily engage you on topics of gaming. And you don't need to fear stepping on the wrong toes or walking on egg shells. I think they do ban people around here (maybe? not sure TBH) but not for just having a differing opinion.

Was going to leave it on the last post, but this deserves an actual response.

But, how should I put this. I'm not worried about my speech in online RPG spaces. Like, I don't even give it a second thought, cause there really isn't in any meaningful way a restriction on free speech in the medium.  It is close to impossible to have your speech shut down in the industry.

No, as someone who actually fights for free speech, I am vastly more worried about actual, real world restriction on free speech, such as the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. That is in the process of criminalising all effective strikes and protests, as well as giving the police powers to engage in ethnic cleansing against the GRT community

Get a sense of proportion, my guy.

My sense of proportion on this forum concerns table top RPGs including your RPG zine now that you've shared it with us. I think that's reasonable given the scope of this site.

Good for you for fighting for free speech IRL. It's important.
The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out
The ones that crawl in are lean and thin
The ones that crawl out are fat and stout
Your eyes fall in and your teeth fall out
Your brains come tumbling down your snout
Be merry my friends
Be merry


Quote from: rytrasmi on September 09, 2021, 04:51:09 PM
Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 04:33:37 PM
Quote from: rytrasmi on September 09, 2021, 04:23:45 PM
Quote from: Ben_Wenham on September 09, 2021, 04:14:31 PM
I am so glad you guys are happy here in your little safe space.
Welcome! Stick around for a bit. It might help you remember what it's like to enjoy free speech.

We might poke fun at your zine or your presumptuousness in asking to be put on the list, but a lot of us here will happily engage you on topics of gaming. And you don't need to fear stepping on the wrong toes or walking on egg shells. I think they do ban people around here (maybe? not sure TBH) but not for just having a differing opinion.

Was going to leave it on the last post, but this deserves an actual response.

But, how should I put this. I'm not worried about my speech in online RPG spaces. Like, I don't even give it a second thought, cause there really isn't in any meaningful way a restriction on free speech in the medium.  It is close to impossible to have your speech shut down in the industry.

No, as someone who actually fights for free speech, I am vastly more worried about actual, real world restriction on free speech, such as the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. That is in the process of criminalising all effective strikes and protests, as well as giving the police powers to engage in ethnic cleansing against the GRT community

Get a sense of proportion, my guy.

My sense of proportion on this forum concerns table top RPGs including your RPG zine now that you've shared it with us. I think that's reasonable given the scope of this site.

Good for you for fighting for free speech IRL. It's important.
I'd wager hard cash he only fights for free speech he agrees with, though.


Quote from: ArtemisWyrm on September 09, 2021, 04:48:29 PM
Id say we put him in the green list if his only crime was coming here to troll us.

Eh yet again, why bother? Once again he just wants to use it as promotion, don't give him the glory. The people like "oo put me on the list" should honestly just be ignored because most are looking for clout
Forever GM that owns way too many books.