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[List] TTRPG Guide to Woke Companies

Started by Ocule, August 03, 2021, 12:26:41 PM

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Insane Nerd Ramblings

Quote from: Valatar on June 22, 2024, 11:37:53 PMUnsurprisingly Catalyst ruined everything and they added the tranny sideline in 6th edition that sticking cyberboobs on a man won't cost essence because they're in line with his aura's "true self" or whatever, while an actual woman getting a bioware uterus replacement does have to pay essence for it.  I guess a working uterus wasn't part of her true self.

GAH! What the actual fuck? So if I want to add cyberclaws cause my 'true self' is a Cat, I don't have to pay essence costs?
"My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs)" - JRR Tolkien

"Democracy too is a religion. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses." HL Mencken


Quote from: Insane Nerd Ramblings on June 23, 2024, 08:58:06 AM
Quote from: Valatar on June 22, 2024, 11:37:53 PMUnsurprisingly Catalyst ruined everything and they added the tranny sideline in 6th edition that sticking cyberboobs on a man won't cost essence because they're in line with his aura's "true self" or whatever, while an actual woman getting a bioware uterus replacement does have to pay essence for it.  I guess a working uterus wasn't part of her true self.

GAH! What the actual fuck? So if I want to add cyberclaws cause my 'true self' is a Cat, I don't have to pay essence costs?
It was more that largely cosmetic cyber or that which only restores a missing piece (which can include things like real-life dental replacement implants and, yes, breast implants) didn't cost Essence. A functional set of breasts (capable of lactation) would cost Essence and would be bioware rather than cyber. By the same token, a strickly cosmetic alteration of your nails to look like claws wouldn't cost Essence, but fuctional weapons--especially if they retract--would cost Essence.

Insane Nerd Ramblings

Quote from: HappyDaze on June 23, 2024, 11:02:12 AMIt was more that largely cosmetic cyber or that which only restores a missing piece (which can include things like real-life dental replacement implants and, yes, breast implants) didn't cost Essence. A functional set of breasts (capable of lactation) would cost Essence and would be bioware rather than cyber. By the same token, a strickly cosmetic alteration of your nails to look like claws wouldn't cost Essence, but fuctional weapons--especially if they retract--would cost Essence.

That's still bag of hammers level stupid.
"My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs)" - JRR Tolkien

"Democracy too is a religion. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses." HL Mencken


Here're the relevant clips from the book, and yes, if your true self is a cat, you can have free cyberclaws.

Jason Coplen

Quote from: Valatar on June 23, 2024, 02:33:22 PMHere're the relevant clips from the book, and yes, if your true self is a cat, you can have free cyberclaws.

Wow. That's mega gay.
Running: HarnMaster and Baptism of Fire


Quote from: BadApple on June 23, 2024, 05:45:44 AM
Quote from: Omega on June 23, 2024, 03:45:39 AM
Quote from: Valatar on June 22, 2024, 11:37:53 PMThere's no point in playing anything more recent than 3rd or 4th edition as far as Shadowrun goes, 5th is a significant downgrade once they stopped paying good writers and 6th is a tire fire of badly-written cobbled-together garbage.  Unsurprisingly Catalyst ruined everything and they added the tranny sideline in 6th edition that sticking cyberboobs on a man won't cost essence because they're in line with his aura's "true self" or whatever, while an actual woman getting a bioware uterus replacement does have to pay essence for it.  I guess a working uterus wasn't part of her true self.

So Shadowrun became Cyberpunk 2020?

Shadowrun always had the essence cost associated with cyberwear.  Essence is tied to magic so the more you loose the less magic you can perform.

I was more referring to the heavy bio-tech stuff. SR by I think 3rd ed had introduced biomods. But not on the scale CP 2020 had.


Quote from: Valatar on June 23, 2024, 02:33:22 PMHere're the relevant clips from the book, and yes, if your true self is a cat, you can have free cyberclaws.

Like I said. with each new edition SR's teeth get pulled more and more.

Are there even any evil megacorps left at this point? Or do they all just sell ice cream and candy now?


What about Cyberpunk Red? If Shadowrun is a bust, then hopefully Cyberpunk Red is free from woke agenda bullshit.


Metatype affirming surgery?

I remember Shadowrun originally had "elf poseur" gangs.

There was also a novel about a genius kid turned into a troll when magic came back (or puberty, don't remember), then spent the next decades trying to research how to reverse it, finally solved it but by that time had come to terms with being a troll and so deleted it.


I realize that Catalyst Games (makes of Battletech and Shadowrun) has been mentioned here in the thread long ago but here's another example of casual actual racism/sexism by their employee (and owner of Rem Alternis as a separate SR adjacent company) against the only demographic where it is not only allowable but encouraged.   It starts at the 49 minute mark in case the video doesn't autoplay from there.

Kyle Brink 2.0 now upgraded with fluorescent danger hair and +10 BMI!


Quote from: Valatar on June 23, 2024, 02:33:22 PMHere're the relevant clips from the book, and yes, if your true self is a cat, you can have free cyberclaws.

That last bit sounds like they're trying to sell us extreme body modification types (like wannabe lizard people) as something completely natural.


Quote from: Trond on July 04, 2024, 08:54:33 AMThat last bit sounds like they're trying to sell us extreme body modification types (like wannabe lizard people) as something completely natural.

Shadowrun has gotten gradually more progressive and new-agey with each edition. Apparently changelings from the comet were not enough.

I do not have access right now to the 2 and 3e books but did not biotech already cost less essence? I had a PC that was a bit of a mix and it feels like the biotech cost less essence but more nuyen.


Quote from: Omega on July 04, 2024, 03:13:19 PMShadowrun has gotten gradually more progressive and new-agey with each edition. Apparently changelings from the comet were not enough.

I do not have access right now to the 2 and 3e books but did not biotech already cost less essence? I had a PC that was a bit of a mix and it feels like the biotech cost less essence but more nuyen.

I'm curious how things shifted. I'm really only familiar with 1st edition Shadowrun, though I played a demo of 6th.

1st edition was founded on a literally New Age premise - that a new astrological age brought magic back to the world. It also had prominent Native American spirits and shamans, which is very common to the New Age movement. And Essence is literal magic of the body.

I'm sure many people liked it for just the cyberpunk stuff and ignored the New Age aspect, but I'd say New Age been at the core from the beginning - though I'd be interested to hear about new edition developments.


Quote from: RNGm on July 02, 2024, 08:07:40 PMI realize that Catalyst Games (makes of Battletech and Shadowrun) has been mentioned here in the thread long ago but here's another example of casual actual racism/sexism by their employee (and owner of Rem Alternis as a separate SR adjacent company) against the only demographic where it is not only allowable but encouraged.   It starts at the 49 minute mark in case the video doesn't autoplay from there.

Kyle Brink 2.0 now upgraded with fluorescent danger hair and +10 BMI!

He he's a old white man... So why would they trade their experienced old white men for another old white man that's also complete wild card?? Doesn't make much sense to me...


Quote from: Omega on July 04, 2024, 03:13:19 PMI do not have access right now to the 2 and 3e books but did not biotech already cost less essence? I had a PC that was a bit of a mix and it feels like the biotech cost less essence but more nuyen.

Bioware tends to cost less essence but be more expensive, and it also tends to have a lesser effect than cyber.  Bioware won't let you punch through a brick wall or hide a shotgun in your arm.  But it's also not likely to be picked up by scanners and doesn't mess with your essence as bad.  So, tradeoffs.