Evidently, we refugees are here to talk gaming. So in the spirit of all those togetherness retreats, what sort of games are you up to at the moment?
To go first, I'm currently enjoying giving my GM a headache, and he's enjoying it. We're playing some homebrew ruleset he knocked together, and I'm the token psuedo-munchkin who points out where everything's easily broken. Still, it's an excuse to kibbitz.
So you're next. What do you play?
Our ongong games are always DnD adn 3.5.
we did have our Ohio gameday recently and I played Paranoia and Call of Cthulu as well.
Right now I'm not playing anything, unfortunately. I can't afford the gas to join in the WFRPG my friends are running in the city. I am jonesing hard core. I just wish I wasn't the only one left in my hometown gaming group who runs games.
D&D 3.5 and Arcana Evolved currently. I was trying to run a Champions game but work schedules intervened. :(
Going to be restarting a modified Eberron game on Thursday after a few months hiatus. I'll be playing an Archivist from Heroes of Horror. Should be an interesting experiment.
Before that I DMed an all Dwarf dungeon crawl. My first tiime DMing. Went pretty well until the TPK. Had fun though, and proved to myself I could do it.
D&D 3.5 (homebrew) is my RPG of choice at the moment. For non-rpgs, I play Magic: the Gathering.
D&D 3.5 for me. I just started DMing an Iron Kingdoms campaign. Love, love, love that setting.
I play sporatically, but still manage to be in a few ongoing camaigns:
A 3.5 game that is getting into high levels (14-15), which is a new experience for me.
diaglo's OD&D game, although I am still not convinced it is better than 3.5, the guy is a great DM (I mean referee!)
A 3.5 game with old friends, played on Fantasy Grounds. We play in fits and starts, but somehow have managed to keep the campaign going since 3.0 came out.
Also, I am introducing gaming to my kids, currently playing Castles & Crusades, exploring NeMoren's Vault. But I am getting tempted by superhero gaming, and just picked up Mutants & Masterminds. The kids are almost as excited as I am.
I run Arcana Evolved and CoC d20.
I play in the most combat-intensive Mage game that ever existed. :)
I'm running a 3.5 version of the Against the Giants and that'll hopefully lead into the Queen of the Demonweb Pits.
I'm also running an Exalted game.
I play in DnD 3.0, 2.0, 1.0 and ODnD, Star Wars d20, Mutants and Masterminds, CoC d20,D20 Modern a D20 Post American Civil War with monsters and I run MnM and DnD 3.0. Our group runs every weekend for about 20 years now.
I am currently playing in a WFRPG and hope to be starting a Stargate game soon.
Currently runn 1e AD&D set in Greyhawk.
I play in an irregular 3.5 game set in Dragonlance.
Hopefully, my buddy will be launching a classic traveller game soon.
I'm preparing to have a bunch of complete n00bs broken into a D&D3.0-campaign.
Gonna rake 'em over "The Sunless Citadel" (plus some personal "enhancements"...) before they may enter my (remotely) Greyhawk-based Campaign-world.
Right now I'm running a Forgotten Realms 3.5 campaign every other Friday. Then on the off fridays I'm playing in a CoC d20 campaign with the same people. :D
Classic D&D, and opened a brand-new C&C campaign a fortnight ago.
Also indulge in a lot of CoC, DC Heroes, and the odd Masque of the Red Death one-shots.
I'm playing in a d20 Modern game set in 1879. We're using Sidewinder: Recoiled as our main book, Grim Tales magic, and lots and lots of Psionics. I'm playing a Battle Mind. It rocks.
I run a 1920's game. Jazz music, Hitler, and twisted psionic monsters make for wildly entertaining gameplay.
I'm not currently playing anything, but I think I still have a standing invite back into an old group, who are playing 3.5 D&D.
I want to get back into it, but it always slips my mind to actually contact the DM and ask.
Quote from: QueenDI run a 1920's game. Jazz music, Hitler, and twisted psionic monsters make for wildly entertaining gameplay.
Wow. That actually sounds like it could be cool. I'd like to hear more about that if you have the time or inclination.
I've actually been playing more board games as of late, but I am about to start a Game of Thrones d20 campaign with some new folks and I would like to re-start my 3.5 Forgotten Realms campaign.
I run a couple 3.0 Greyhawk games.
I'm running a D&D Eberron game that's just hitting mid-levels (6-7). A couple of adventures ago, the party released a daelkyr that was trapped in a Khyber dragonshard, and I'm about to put them on the path to rediscovering the means of recapturing it.
I'm also playing in a second D&D campaign, where we are basically secret agents for a LE fascistic semi-theocracy (I'm not entirely sure - I don't think the Church runs things per se, but they are very powerful). My character is a rather broken halfling/wereboar (custom "lite" variant - I have more control, but I only have access to the hybrid form, and some abilities are reduced) fighter/rogue who also has the highest level in the party (since he's the only one who's been around since the start).
We also just finished a campaign in a rather heavily modified version of an old version of the Swedish RPG Mutant (for the Swedes here: the cyberpunk version from the late 80s).
im playing nothing right now, since i movied away from my gaming group they have changed games several times....now it seems at some point we're going to try to play shaodwrun and they are going to hook up teamspeak and a webcam so I can play.
Im slowly designing a All flesh must be eaten game and its taking a lot of work because i keep changing focus and game ideas...
Just starting playing in a new larp, giovanni inbreed freak who's pretending to be scared shitless to keep the other players off guard. Games based vaguely on cassablanca with the anarchs broken up into 5 packs pretty much running free riegn and the sabaat and camarilla both standing in their seperate corners glaring at each other plotting to get the city. That's every sunday.
Every monday playing a fanatical lasambra crusader in 832 iberia. Tuesday is 1930s requiem game(ventrue occult scam artist with a bad gambling problem) and thursdays alternates between starwars(hacker) and running my turn of the century(1906 currently) requiem game.
So I still have 3 nights that arn;t gaming.
Haven't played since I moved from Ohio, damnit. That's 2+ years now. Very frustrating, especially since my game of choice is 3.5/d20, and tons of stuff I'd like to use has been published since then.
Quote from: ColonelHardissonHaven't played since I moved from Ohio, damnit. That's 2+ years now. Very frustrating, especially since my game of choice is 3.5/d20, and tons of stuff I'd like to use has been published since then.
Quote from: franciscaTHAT. SUCKS.
It does, indeed. What's even worse is just as I was getting in touch with the gaming community in the area in which to which I moved, I had to move 150 miles away from where I moved to in the first place. So now I have to start from scratch again - I know no one in this area at all.
Quote from: ColonelHardissonIt does, indeed. What's even worse is just as I was getting in touch with the gaming community in the area in which to which I moved, I had to move 150 miles away from where I moved to in the first place. So now I have to start from scratch again - I know no one in this area at all.
That fucking sucks Colonel. I hope you find a good group!
I was doing CoC several months ago. Now I'm down to play by post.
I'm winding up the second mad scientist adventure. It's been going a while, with some really cool characters and some of the players are great writers. Currently the characters are in 3 groups operating in parallel. It's fun but I'm bored with it at times because I haven't been adding enough zip. I'm about to bring all the groups back together at the old abandoned jelly factory to finally face Delores Flit, the butterfly geneticist. Hopefully, it will be a wild fun climax.
I'm just starting a humorous low powered supers game along the lines of The Tick. So far so good except that I had two players drop out just before starting.
Quote from: ColonelHardissonIt does, indeed. What's even worse is just as I was getting in touch with the gaming community in the area in which to which I moved, I had to move 150 miles away from where I moved to in the first place. So now I have to start from scratch again - I know no one in this area at all.
Find a local gamestore is a good start. By local I mena anything within 30-40 minutes from you.
Quote from: KnightcrawlerFind a local gamestore is a good start. By local I mena anything within 30-40 minutes from you.
Yeah, that was my first thought. I found an interesting one, and I'm getting a feel for it. I'm also looking into local gaming clubs and the like, but haven't found much yet.
Best case scenario is to make friends as one normally would and either find out they're gamers or make gamers out of 'em. Not that easy to do.
Quote from: ColonelHardissonYeah, that was my first thought. I found an interesting one, and I'm getting a feel for it. I'm also looking into local gaming clubs and the like, but haven't found much yet.
Best case scenario is to make friends as one normally would and either find out they're gamers or make gamers out of 'em. Not that easy to do.
any universities in the area sometimes they will have gaming clubs...
No roleplaying at the moment. Trying to get a game of Heroquest/Exalted going, but lack of time and dedicated players has put it a bit on the backburner. I have a few friends that run a regular D&D game, but I'm not terribly enthusiastic about getting into that.
Quote from: HumanophileEvidently, we refugees are here to talk gaming. So in the spirit of all those togetherness retreats, what sort of games are you up to at the moment?
To go first, I'm currently enjoying giving my GM a headache, and he's enjoying it. We're playing some homebrew ruleset he knocked together, and I'm the token psuedo-munchkin who points out where everything's easily broken. Still, it's an excuse to kibbitz.
So you're next. What do you play?
Playing Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, with a 10th level party working it's way around the crater ridge mines.
About to start a second game in Spider Queen (not sure of the full and proper name for that adventure), also a 10th level party.
On hiatus are a couple of games, and probably soon-to-be-revived is my self-created d&d game based very loosely on a Harry Potter type adventuring college (mostly a string of one-off fun adventures).
Unfortunately I am not playing anything at the moment, but I am searching for the next game system to fire my imagination.
Quote from: JoeBlankdiaglo's OD&D game, although I am still not convinced it is better than 3.5, the guy is a great DM (I mean referee!)
I'm playing in an Exalted: Sidereal game that Mad Hatter is running.
I'm technically running a Star Wars d20 game, though we are having a bitch of a time actually meeting and playing to do it. The game has now been home brewed to use the Iron Heroes skill system, which makes it a lot more fun. :)
Quote from: Jangling JackI'm running a 3.5 version of the Against the Giants and that'll hopefully lead into the Queen of the Demonweb Pits.
i'm playing in same. ;) we're in Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl at the moment. i actually started it off by running G1, but i really didn't have the time for the DM prep work, so someone else took over.
also, playing in WLD in alternating weeks.
Playing a d20 homebrew using Game of Thrones combat and my own magic system, but we meet infrequently (about once a month) because it involves me driving two hours to meet the old group. Thinking about starting up a group among some friends who are open to the idea who live closer by.
I'm currently running a Feng Shui Campaign, after that we are playing low level D&D (run by Mark), after that its Legend of the Five Rings (by Graham), after that Seven Seas (by Steve), after that probably Cyberpunk using a homebrew system (by Rob), then we'll get round to Mike running Age of Worms (D&D) and final back to Jen's Iron Kingdoms game which we played just before I started running Feng Shui.
Right now my group is in the end stages of a DnD 3.5 campaign. When that wraps up we are most likely going to start a supers game, but have not settled on a system yet. My one true love is CoC but no one else in the group wants to play it right now. :(
Quote from: BOZi'm playing in same. ;) we're in Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl at the moment. i actually started it off by running G1, but i really didn't have the time for the DM prep work, so someone else took over.
It's kinda funny, we started the campaign like five years ago and went on a long pause. We are finally getting back to it and starting up pretty much where they left off, with a little time passing in game. Some of the players still had their original character sheets for it.
I'm hoping the fire giants can kill a couple of them.... :)
I'm playing in
- a babylon 5 D20 game
- a D&D 3.5 game
- an Agone game (french RPG based on french novels by Mathieu Gaborit) The system is sometimes cumbersome, but the good ideas and the setting is worth it.
- a WFRP game
- a Vampire game
and I'm running an Arcana Evolved (well not very evolved, but still, the dragons have returned).
After two years almost without gaming that's quite a change. I'm happy with 2 games a week now. Don't despair Colonel, you'll find !
Dungeon Squad - steampunk variation
Fta! - one-shots using two settings: Stan Nicholls' Orcs, and Black Rose (yep, Blue Rose variation!)
Manhunter - just dug this out cuz the boys are eager for some Kirn action
-think I'll convert it to Hard][Nova 'cause the system's awful.
I just finished running a GRINDHOUSE! octaNe game and am now running an Eberron Sharn city campaign game using Fantasy HERO.
I'm alternating between Metal, Magic, and Lore, and MetaScapeII. Solomon Kane is calling my name, though. I picked a couple odd games to stick on to try and curb my GM ADD.
Currently GM'ing a True20 campaign set in the Wilderlands of High Fantasy.
Will be test driving my True20/Exalted conversion any day now.
I run a Star Frontiers game.
I'm playing in a 3.5 D&D game.
I'm playing in a D&D 3.5 Ptolus game.
I'm running a MRQ game in a homebrew fantasy horror setting, and I have an Exalted campaign on hold.
Running D20 Future every saturday night.