So I used to have a veritable 5 gallon bucket of gaming dice, accumulated over a lifetime of playing games, until I became a D6 system only cultist and gave all non-six-siders away to others who wanted to get into 5e. Gathering this pile of dice was a long involved quest, as the only way to really get them was if they came in the basic becmi boxes for example for my earliest sets, or leaving the hills and hollers to venture into the paved sodom and gamorra territories to a large game store like the rusty scabbard. I hate THAT worse than I hate finding out the moonshine was made with rye and not corn. Regardless, they were never cheap; excepting the last 5-10 years a set of dice, usually in a plastic tube, were always 6-15 dollars, and in the last 5 years 3 local game stores ran by fellow hobby goers popped up and disappeared in that span where a bin of random dice could be sorted through and piecemeal purchased at 25 cents a die or 75 cents a die. I had thought that this state of affairs was normal.
Now my oldest boy is off at college, and he calls and wants some dice because he joined a group playing 5e (yes there IS a furry playing a tiefling, thats normal for a communist temple such as a university or major news outlet) but I had already donated my non-sixers to the needy and unwashed plebes because I am a just and merciful god. He said no worries he'd get some anyway, then the next time I spoke to him I said send me pics of your dice, and the boy goes "All 140 of them? like individually?" and I said "you got the what now boy?"
He got like 18-20 full sets of fairly sexy looking dice in one package, I said how much, he says like 20 bucks plus shipping. I call bullshit, so I bother to google about as a man in his cups might, and sure enough, you can get bulk packages of dice dirt cheap, only the rarest most gimmicky dice made of strange things in strange ways carry the prices i was familiar with...
When in the name of tiamats 6th tit did this happen? Why the hell did I never think to google for dice before? I've googled up deals on obscure russian rifle kits and even old chevy trim, how did I not think to do the same wrt dice? Am I retarded? Is this me?
Don't get me wrong, cheap bulk dice deals are great and I wish such had been a thing from the start, but I got to say I'm kinda miffed about having quested for dice for so long and for such costs when now you can drop the price of a drive thru long johns meal and get enough dice to save or die an entire orphanage well into their young adult years.
Is this a result of 5e's growth and reach, creating a demand that increases supply and lowering cost?
As an aside, I told the boy to try Pendragon while he's there and he simply said "no". I'm like "don't come home until you've tried Pendragon, non-negotiable, I will disown you".
He's got dice. I'll buy and send him Pendragon myself if I must. Or actually, once he's got some 5e under his belt, sending him lion & dragon and dark albion might be better.
Anyway, dice man, I feel like I've been mining for decades, finding gemstone dice here and there, only to exit the tunnels and see the town sitting on a pile of dice and kicking them around like worthless trash. I feel somehow cheated, robbed, bamboozled, prostate-checked-at-a-dental-appointment.
We sour puss now.
I went on a dice quest a while ago. Bulk dice are cheap-
But I wanted some really ugly old school dice. So I went to the old man hisself, Zocchi and got the appropriately named "Ugly Dice" set.
Unfortunatley, the random gem dice set has been out of stock for quite a while, and I want to supplement my ugly dice with some sharp edged gem dice in random colors.
Those ugly dice really take me back. I remember dice that looked like that that came with a crayon to color in the numbers. Probably not a good idea with Gamescience dice though - it might mar their mathematical perfection.
jeebus christo i reckon those are ugly dice, the kind you have to use a crayon on lol.
While i'm on the subject I recently, well yesterday, sorted my dice, I prior to this had them grouped up by color with 1 being a clearly distinct different color and stashed in glass jars that had once had spices, so the sea salt jar had all the blue dice with a clear dice for the wild die, the cinnamon had the red dice with a green one for wild die, and so on, so you can let players pick a jar and get their preferred color of 7-12 d6 plus wild die.
I'd found that this was wasted, they still want to deconstruct my arrangement and piece together from the available ones their own pile of 5-10 plus wild die. So yesterday I just sorted into two piles, a bag of white with black pip classic monopoly style, about 30 or so of them, and a large plastic skin cream jar with all the rest. I figure just let them enjoy doing what they always do anyway at the games start. They tend to want to use the monoploy type dice as wild die anyway.
I also thought we'd play test a new wild die function, having all 6's explode and all 1's tossed, and see how that swings the game. So far in my self only tests it yields a somewhat flatter bell curve, you get the extremes of possibilities a little more often than usual.
Anyway I feel I should state here that my favorite dice are the colored and translucent kind, like a partially see through jelly look to them, although traditional dice with pips in colors other than white also get me excited. I find I dislike the solid color with cream swirl dice that my wife thinks are so great. She simply has shit taste in dice and I'll stand by that.
I don't get the dice obsession. I have about the bare minimum needed to play any system I use regularly; a few d20s, a dozen-ish d10s, a score-ish of d6s (that double as monster counters in D&D), and a couple of d12s, d8s and d4s.
Others bring giant bags; mine fit in a half-sandwich ziplock. It's not like they ever use more than a few of the same over and over... they just feel the need to drag all the extras everywhere.
I just don't get it.
Always have to have plenty for everyone and assume no one else has any, then of course many get lost or borrowed and never returned or given away. Dice and ammo; always bring plenty of both. and mountain dew.
If you don't have loads of dice, how can you build 3' d6 towers, to show the GM that you're getting bored and itching for some action?
Quote from: Godfather Punk on March 10, 2021, 08:57:29 AM
If you don't have loads of dice, how can you build 3' d6 towers, to show the GM that you're getting bored and itching for some action?
It's not until they do this with d4's that you should throw them a bone and roll on the wrong encounter table.
Quote from: Ratman_tf on March 10, 2021, 03:04:03 AMBut I wanted some really ugly old school dice. So I went to the old man hisself, Zocchi and got the appropriately named "Ugly Dice" set.
Hey, I have that same set! ;D Great dice. Haven't bought too many new dice since I got my orange + black GS sets and the ugly dice set. I got some more discounted Gamescience sets for friends and family, but that's it. I am happy with what I've got.
<anal attentive mode>Argh! Ugly dice are not in the correct colors.</anal attentive mode>
Maybe the really valuable "dice" were the Friends We Made Along The Way. :)
--wait, wait, stop! Put that shotgun down! Yikes! (ka-BLAM) Yiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee....!!!!
Quote from: zend0g on March 10, 2021, 10:44:42 AM
<anal attentive mode>Argh! Ugly dice are not in the correct colors.</anal attentive mode>
If you're talking about the "Holmes set", I also tried to get some Gamscience dice in the matching colors. I got close, but not perfect. Had to get a red D8 instead of a green one.
A bit of insight.
Dice prices have gone up some. Then down. Then up.
Back in the 90s I got my chessex tube of RPG dice, back when the tubes actually has a full set still. For around 10-15$ at gen con. Later I got some more chessex dice in a little box and no-longer a full set, for about 20. Then the price went down to 15 think. Not sure what it is now.
Meanwhile a player I know bought a box of like 80+ dice for 20$. But once he had them I recognized why. These were cast-offs. Mis-cast dice that did not quite pass muster, or in a few cases very did not pass muster. Chessex apparently sells 1lb bags of 100 dice for 35$ for example. We checked amazon last year and batches of 100 from other companies ranged from 20$ to 30+.
Personally Im usually dubious of bulk dice at those prices knowing that they might just be all miscasts.
Quote from: Slipshot762 on March 10, 2021, 02:40:30 AM
Don't get me wrong, cheap bulk dice deals are great and I wish such had been a thing from the start, but I got to say I'm kinda miffed about having quested for dice for so long and for such costs when now you can drop the price of a drive thru long johns meal and get enough dice to save or die an entire orphanage well into their young adult years.
Used to love LJS in the 80's. Now I can't find one that doesn't suck. What happened? Did they change the type of fish (i.e. cod to tilapia?)
Concerning dice, my favorites are a set of "just small enough" dice (about 3/8" wide.) Can't recall where I bought them, and everyone always asks. I also love the smaller d6's that came with my Traveller 1981 box set. Not the tiny d6's that come in the WizKids Pirates packs, those are way too small.
Quote from: Slipshot762 on March 10, 2021, 08:47:57 AM
Always have to have plenty for everyone and assume no one else has any, then of course many get lost or borrowed and never returned or given away. Dice and ammo; always bring plenty of both. and mountain dew.
Yes. I've got about 20 dice that I routinely use when running a game. Then I've got a small tackle box full of additional dice for players. New players without dice. Forgetful players that didn't bring them (and a spare pre-gen character for them too). Extra dice for when that one player suddenly needs 6d8 and the game will go a lot faster if they roll them all at once. My dice box also has pencils and a sharpener in it. That's probably the most used thing in the box. Plus, while spare d6s makes great monsters, the spare d12s that get set on the table after several fights of d6s really gets their attention.
I've got just the usual several sets, but with a couple of additions I think are neat. I'm fond of the stone d20s and the actual gold-plated d6 my wife got me for a birthday.
Quote from: Chris24601 on March 10, 2021, 08:00:22 AM
I don't get the dice obsession. I have about the bare minimum needed to play any system I use regularly; a few d20s, a dozen-ish d10s, a score-ish of d6s (that double as monster counters in D&D), and a couple of d12s, d8s and d4s.
Others bring giant bags; mine fit in a half-sandwich ziplock. It's not like they ever use more than a few of the same over and over... they just feel the need to drag all the extras everywhere.
I just don't get it.
It's a multifacted thing (see what I did there?).
I've played multiple systems over the years. Some of them require proverbial "buckets of dice": Exalted, Mythender, Shadowrun. Even in 5e, multiple dice are nice to have (e.g. 4d20 as a Fighter with two attacks and advantage on both isn't hard to come by, or 3d10 as a Warlock with eldritch blast). Sure I could use the same dice for multiple rolls, but rolling a bunch of differently colored dice at once is just faster.
Rather than keep them all separate, I pile them all together in a very nice hand made crushed velvet bag. If I need dice, I have one place to look: the giant bag.
And sometimes I just want some new dice. To be honest, my original blue Basic Set dice are so worn as to be unbalanced.
Quote from: Habitual Gamer on March 10, 2021, 04:04:19 PM
Quote from: Chris24601 on March 10, 2021, 08:00:22 AM
I don't get the dice obsession. I have about the bare minimum needed to play any system I use regularly; a few d20s, a dozen-ish d10s, a score-ish of d6s (that double as monster counters in D&D), and a couple of d12s, d8s and d4s.
Others bring giant bags; mine fit in a half-sandwich ziplock. It's not like they ever use more than a few of the same over and over... they just feel the need to drag all the extras everywhere.
I just don't get it.
It's a multifacted thing (see what I did there?).
I've played multiple systems over the years. Some of them require proverbial "buckets of dice": Exalted, Mythender, Shadowrun. Even in 5e, multiple dice are nice to have (e.g. 4d20 as a Fighter with two attacks and advantage on both isn't hard to come by, or 3d10 as a Warlock with eldritch blast). Sure I could use the same dice for multiple rolls, but rolling a bunch of differently colored dice at once is just faster.
Rather than keep them all separate, I pile them all together in a very nice hand made crushed velvet bag. If I need dice, I have one place to look: the giant bag.
And sometimes I just want some new dice. To be honest, my original blue Basic Set dice are so worn as to be unbalanced.
People joke, but a guy did a series of tests on his X-Wing Miniatures dice and found notable bias. I can't find the link, but he built a contraption to automate rolling the dice and recording the results. He did thousands of trials and found up to 5% bias on certain faces. Those add up over the course of a tournament.
Anywho, I have the geek required Crown Royal dice bag with my most used dice. The D6es, D8s, D20s, etc.
I have a smaller plain bag with my Dungeon Crawl Classics and other funky dice. D7s, D24s, D30s, etc.
And I just added a Star Wars decorated dice bag with a bunch of pip (dots) D6es for Star Wars D6 system.
Most dice are now manufactured overseas
Most dice bought in bulk are those that failed QA to be included in single sets
Quote from: Slipshot762 on March 10, 2021, 02:40:30 AM
So I used to have a veritable 5 gallon bucket of gaming dice, accumulated over a lifetime of playing games, until I became a D6 system only cultist and gave all non-six-siders away to others who wanted to get into 5e. Gathering this pile of dice was a long involved quest, as the only way to really get them was if they came in the basic becmi boxes for example for my earliest sets, or leaving the hills and hollers to venture into the paved sodom and gamorra territories to a large game store like the rusty scabbard. I hate THAT worse than I hate finding out the moonshine was made with rye and not corn. Regardless, they were never cheap; excepting the last 5-10 years a set of dice, usually in a plastic tube, were always 6-15 dollars, and in the last 5 years 3 local game stores ran by fellow hobby goers popped up and disappeared in that span where a bin of random dice could be sorted through and piecemeal purchased at 25 cents a die or 75 cents a die. I had thought that this state of affairs was normal.
Now my oldest boy is off at college, and he calls and wants some dice because he joined a group playing 5e (yes there IS a furry playing a tiefling, thats normal for a communist temple such as a university or major news outlet) but I had already donated my non-sixers to the needy and unwashed plebes because I am a just and merciful god. He said no worries he'd get some anyway, then the next time I spoke to him I said send me pics of your dice, and the boy goes "All 140 of them? like individually?" and I said "you got the what now boy?"
He got like 18-20 full sets of fairly sexy looking dice in one package, I said how much, he says like 20 bucks plus shipping. I call bullshit, so I bother to google about as a man in his cups might, and sure enough, you can get bulk packages of dice dirt cheap, only the rarest most gimmicky dice made of strange things in strange ways carry the prices i was familiar with...
When in the name of tiamats 6th tit did this happen? Why the hell did I never think to google for dice before? I've googled up deals on obscure russian rifle kits and even old chevy trim, how did I not think to do the same wrt dice? Am I retarded? Is this me?
Don't get me wrong, cheap bulk dice deals are great and I wish such had been a thing from the start, but I got to say I'm kinda miffed about having quested for dice for so long and for such costs when now you can drop the price of a drive thru long johns meal and get enough dice to save or die an entire orphanage well into their young adult years.
Is this a result of 5e's growth and reach, creating a demand that increases supply and lowering cost?
As an aside, I told the boy to try Pendragon while he's there and he simply said "no". I'm like "don't come home until you've tried Pendragon, non-negotiable, I will disown you".
He's got dice. I'll buy and send him Pendragon myself if I must. Or actually, once he's got some 5e under his belt, sending him lion & dragon and dark albion might be better.
Anyway, dice man, I feel like I've been mining for decades, finding gemstone dice here and there, only to exit the tunnels and see the town sitting on a pile of dice and kicking them around like worthless trash. I feel somehow cheated, robbed, bamboozled, prostate-checked-at-a-dental-appointment.
We sour puss now.
People collect dice like they do Funko Pops.
Quote from: EOTB on March 10, 2021, 05:41:57 PM
Most dice are now manufactured overseas
Most dice bought in bulk are those that failed QA to be included in single sets
I find this funny because thrice now I have introduced myself at a game store by handing the owner a Crown Royal bag of 200 dice I bought in bulk off of eBay for $5 (shipping included).
Thanks guys now I will forever suspect the guy with custom 3d printed dice is a cheater.
Quote from: Slipshot762 on March 13, 2021, 09:57:56 PM
Thanks guys now I will forever suspect the guy with custom 3d printed dice is a cheater.
Nah, don't do that. There are some very cool custom dice to be found on etsy. I got a set of these from my wife when we picked up a copy of Lock 'N Load from the local used book store (McKay's). (
Quote from: jeff37923 on March 13, 2021, 10:42:07 PM
Quote from: Slipshot762 on March 13, 2021, 09:57:56 PM
Thanks guys now I will forever suspect the guy with custom 3d printed dice is a cheater.
Nah, don't do that. There are some very cool custom dice to be found on etsy. I got a set of these from my wife when we picked up a copy of Lock 'N Load from the local used book store (McKay's). (
HOLY JUMPING BANANA, JEFF! ;D That set of dice is pretty damned cool, I have to say! Very nice! I want to get a set like that!
Semper Fidelis,
Ahh, DICE. Yes, I have been gaming for many years, and along the way, I have built up a huge collection of dice. No doubt, my dice collection is not as impressive as the heralded collections that other people may have, with my collection being I don't know, Geesus. *Laughing* Probably a hundred or more dice. Yeah, probably 200 dice. I have a couple cigar boxes full of my favourite dice, then I have a giant pickle jar that is packed full of dice. More dice, honestly, than any normal gamer could ever need. I have handfuls and handfuls of the things. I suppose it is somewhat trivial and a bit foolish to buy so many dice. I know. Sometimes I feel terribly juvenile for buying so many dice. It's weird though. I just always love buying a set or two periodically, whenever a cool set catches my eye. I gladly fork over the cash to add yet another brightly coloured set of dice to the collection!
I'm certain I will be buying more dice, both at my game store nearby and from some of these online shops. Whenever I go to an upcoming gaming convention, yeah, I'll pick up a few new dice sets there, too, of course. *Laughing* I sometimes wonder, is collecting coloured game dice an addiction? ;D
I look forward to buying more cool looking dice sets!
Semper Fidelis,
Quote from: Chris24601 on March 10, 2021, 08:00:22 AM
I don't get the dice obsession. I have about the bare minimum needed to play any system I use regularly; a few d20s, a dozen-ish d10s, a score-ish of d6s (that double as monster counters in D&D), and a couple of d12s, d8s and d4s.
Others bring giant bags; mine fit in a half-sandwich ziplock. It's not like they ever use more than a few of the same over and over... they just feel the need to drag all the extras everywhere.
I just don't get it.
Neither do I honestly. But I can guess why some do.
I have one set of dice I've used since the 90s. They fit plus an extra in a little plastic jar. Currently sitting on my desk under a fist sized piece of obsidian I've kept for close to 50 years now. But still have my BX and Star Frontiers dice.
I have a set of GID dice a friend got me that really hold their glow. Those I just leave on a shelf so they glow at night. I also have somewhere a second chessex dice tube that got when forgot mine for a con. And one set of so far un-used transparent dice got because the looked nice and were reasonably priced. And one set of un-used dice that mostly got so one of my players could make a gaming dice necklace with chain cages for each dice. Looked rather nice too.
I also have a few singles, mostly d20s and 10s that were in the singles bin at game shops and looked nice. Especially my "bloody bone" one that was a miscast bone and blood swirl from chessex where all the red pooled at the bottom. Looks great!
And I think thats why some have several sets. They just saw a set that looked nice and grabbed it. Also comes in handy to have a spare if anyone forgets theirs. Or like me, forgot and needed a set at a con.
And some just collect dice in a big bottle like others collect coins. Kat suggested doing that with a wine bottle if could find one with a big enough opening.
Quote from: Slipshot762 on March 10, 2021, 02:40:30 AM
So I used to have a veritable 5 gallon bucket of gaming dice, accumulated over a lifetime of playing games, until I became a D6 system only cultist and gave all non-six-siders away to others who wanted to get into 5e. Gathering this pile of dice was a long involved quest, as the only way to really get them was if they came in the basic becmi boxes for example for my earliest sets, or leaving the hills and hollers to venture into the paved sodom and gamorra territories to a large game store like the rusty scabbard. I hate THAT worse than I hate finding out the moonshine was made with rye and not corn. Regardless, they were never cheap; excepting the last 5-10 years a set of dice, usually in a plastic tube, were always 6-15 dollars, and in the last 5 years 3 local game stores ran by fellow hobby goers popped up and disappeared in that span where a bin of random dice could be sorted through and piecemeal purchased at 25 cents a die or 75 cents a die. I had thought that this state of affairs was normal.
Now my oldest boy is off at college, and he calls and wants some dice because he joined a group playing 5e (yes there IS a furry playing a tiefling, thats normal for a communist temple such as a university or major news outlet) but I had already donated my non-sixers to the needy and unwashed plebes because I am a just and merciful god. He said no worries he'd get some anyway, then the next time I spoke to him I said send me pics of your dice, and the boy goes "All 140 of them? like individually?" and I said "you got the what now boy?"
He got like 18-20 full sets of fairly sexy looking dice in one package, I said how much, he says like 20 bucks plus shipping. I call bullshit, so I bother to google about as a man in his cups might, and sure enough, you can get bulk packages of dice dirt cheap, only the rarest most gimmicky dice made of strange things in strange ways carry the prices i was familiar with...
When in the name of tiamats 6th tit did this happen? Why the hell did I never think to google for dice before? I've googled up deals on obscure russian rifle kits and even old chevy trim, how did I not think to do the same wrt dice? Am I retarded? Is this me?
Don't get me wrong, cheap bulk dice deals are great and I wish such had been a thing from the start, but I got to say I'm kinda miffed about having quested for dice for so long and for such costs when now you can drop the price of a drive thru long johns meal and get enough dice to save or die an entire orphanage well into their young adult years.
Is this a result of 5e's growth and reach, creating a demand that increases supply and lowering cost?
As an aside, I told the boy to try Pendragon while he's there and he simply said "no". I'm like "don't come home until you've tried Pendragon, non-negotiable, I will disown you".
He's got dice. I'll buy and send him Pendragon myself if I must. Or actually, once he's got some 5e under his belt, sending him lion & dragon and dark albion might be better.
Anyway, dice man, I feel like I've been mining for decades, finding gemstone dice here and there, only to exit the tunnels and see the town sitting on a pile of dice and kicking them around like worthless trash. I feel somehow cheated, robbed, bamboozled, prostate-checked-at-a-dental-appointment.
We sour puss now.
I am primarily responding to just say how much I enjoyed your prose in this post. It was a joy to read.
As for bulk dice, I am sure others have answered that well by now. I got some during 4e so it can't be that new. I get them from China in sets for a couple of bucks and give them out to people who need them. Or I did, pre-pandemic when we were using real dice.
Quote from: Ratman_tf on March 10, 2021, 12:02:31 PM
Quote from: zend0g on March 10, 2021, 10:44:42 AM
<anal attentive mode>Argh! Ugly dice are not in the correct colors.</anal attentive mode>
If you're talking about the "Holmes set", I also tried to get some Gamscience dice in the matching colors. I got close, but not perfect. Had to get a red D8 instead of a green one.
I still have my Holmes dice :) I also have my percentile set from I think Marvel Superheroes Game
Of all those I gave away I really only miss about 3 pairs of the percentile dice, technically d10 as I never did like the ones that featured 10-20-30-40 etc. Had a fat black one with round corners, very smooth and weighty, with the numbers filled in red, which I kept paired with a red twin with white numbers. Had a smaller/lighter feeling black one with sharper edges and white numbers paired with a twin white with black numbers. Then of course had a pair of radioactive slime green translucent, white numbers on one black on the other. I feel only the smallest regret, only every now and then, about only these 6 ten siders. Thing is percentile dice are still useful even in a game that uses D6, for random tables of weather or encounter or treasure that you might wish to craft and use. You can do D66 for these but percentile feels mo' betta.
Bought the ravenloft board game for the minis and tiles, it came with a black d20 with white numbers...i feel a compulsive purchase of Pendragon on the horizon.
I keep wanting to buy fancy dice... I have owned and lost piles and piles of random dice, and still occasionally find bricks of largely untouched d6's when I go through boxes...
But for some reason the assholes who sell dice these days in sets only ever offer a single D6 in a set of dice. Who does that? Well, I mean, everyone obviously, that's my fucking problem.
Once upon a time if you bought a set of dice it almost always, with near unto mathematical certainty, came with three d6. Now, the exact number (three) is unimportant, what is important is that it is more than one. I have four book shelve and four milk crates full of games, and more shit in packing boxes or lost to the aether, and I can count, on the contents of my shorts, the number of games that reliably ask you to ever role a SINGLE FUCKING D6.
Why the fuck would I spend thirty god damn dollars on a set of beautiful metal or carved stone dice that are functionally useless if the game ever (and again, with near mathematical certainty, it will) ask me to roll even TWO fucking d6's at the same time? Never mind three or more.
To sum up: If your random dice set will not allow me to even play a simple game of Traveller, as an example, without having to re-roll the same dice or (Shudders in mock OCD horror) mix dice from two different sets/materials, then how can I justify paying for it?
They could at least have the motherfucking common decency to sell individual d6's, or sets of additional D6s to go with their fancy pants sets on the goddamn side.
This makes me glad that Xipe Totec is now on the officially approved list of Gods worshipped in California, as no one will blink twice when I begin flaying dice manufactures and rubbing d4's in all their exposed nerve endings.
Quote from: Slipshot762 on March 10, 2021, 02:40:30 AM
As an aside, I told the boy to try Pendragon while he's there and he simply said "no". I'm like "don't come home until you've tried Pendragon, non-negotiable, I will disown you".
That's what good parenting is all about!
But yeah, don't worry about the dice. Sunk cost fallacy, spilled milk and all. Everyone spent cash on things that are cheaper now...
I certainly did the same with dice. I must have a hundred or two, but only use a dozen.
Just got 3 sets from walmart of all places for like 7 bucks.
Quote from: Slipshot762 on March 17, 2021, 01:58:56 PM
Just got 3 sets from walmart of all places for like 7 bucks.
I wonder if wallyworld in Canada sells dice?
Quote from: Spike on March 17, 2021, 11:22:17 AM
But for some reason the assholes who sell dice these days in sets only ever offer a single D6 in a set of dice. Who does that? Well, I mean, everyone obviously, that's my fucking problem.
They could at least have the motherfucking common decency to sell individual d6's, or sets of additional D6s to go with their fancy pants sets on the goddamn side.
This makes me glad that Xipe Totec is now on the officially approved list of Gods worshipped in California, as no one will blink twice when I begin flaying dice manufactures and rubbing d4's in all their exposed nerve endings.
Ohhhh this has been bugging me for ages.
And turns out the sets I have are Koplow dice tubes, not Chessex. Even more hilarious is that the mini dice tube a friend got me I thought had just 1 d6 in it. But today opened it after 15-20 years and... inside the cap are two micro d6s!
But getting a single of each goes way back to at least the boxed sets of other companies in the 80s. I have a set I still have no idea what came from now that is 1 of each. I think its from the AH Runequest starter but am not positive. I lost track of when Chessex dropped two of the d6s. But its been that way since at least 2008.
The why is of course to save money at the customers expense. Usually coupled with the reasoning that the d6 is so common that no one should have a problem getting a few if they do not have several already. Which is not too far from right as you can get a pack of good d6s for a buck from the hame section of some stores, or larger sets of cheaper d6s from thrift stores.
Back at least 10 years ago, last time i bought a set in the vertical plastic tube, it came with 4d6 and 1 of each of the others, I DID notice when I googled that the sets listed only included a single six sider, odd I thought, but it looks like such is now the standard for some reason.
Yeah I just saw a Koplow tube with 10 dice in it. 4 six-siders, percentile pair, and 1 of the rest. While the sets got back in the late 90s had 1 less six-sider.