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Bill Coffin, d6 Sci-Fi, Palladium Fantasy: What's the Deal?

Started by Pierce Inverarity, March 16, 2007, 01:29:59 AM

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Pierce Inverarity

So the other day on rpg.net, I linked to the following news (by Eric Gibson):

QuoteBill Coffin is not only an option, but he is indeed, as we speak, working on a new Sci-fi RPG using the D6 system. The new game, called Septimus, sets the player in and around an ancient Dyson Sphere and the tyrannical theocratic technocracy that controls it.

Tentatively, the book looks to weigh in at roughly 320 pages. The book will be hard-cover and will feature full color, mostly painted interiors.

For some reason, this short blurb excites me a lot. It sounds like what apparently I've always been dying to play but didn't know until I read it: a Star Wars game that's not Star Wars.

So, on that note... this Bill Coffin person, he is famous, yes? I gather he wrote a lot for Palladium Fantasy. What was that like (both his work and PF)? What made it unique at the time? Is it worth looking into these days?
Ich habe mir schon sehr lange keine Gedanken mehr über Bleistifte gemacht.--Settembrini


Bill Coffin wrote for Palladium Fantasy fore a few years.  He gained a lot of the hardcore Palladium fan attention because: A) He was writing a lot of Palladium Fantasy books, a line which Palladium had ignored for many years, and B) the fans liked his stuff.  Unfortunately, the fans started to feel he shone more brightly than KS, and that's a no-no at Palladium, so he was fired.

I never really liked any of BC's stuff.  But from the things he posted after leaving Palladium, it's clear he was pretty disappointed about RPGs in general and was saying he wasn't going to write for them anymore.  So, I'm happy that he's changed his mind after these several years and has decided to return to writing for games.

Dr Rotwang!

Bill ran a brief but tubular Classic Traveller PBP at RPG.Net before I left.
Dr Rotwang!
...never blogs faster than he can see.


I'm actually hoping it's a bit closer to hard science fiction than Star Wars :)

Not a lot, mind you, but for some reason Dyson Sphere conjures up mental images of all the great, nifty sci-fi concepts.
My LiveJournal - What I'm reviewing and occasional thoughts on the industry from a reviewer's perspective.



Bill's work on Heroes Unlimited is considered very credible as well.

Something harder than Star Wars but less intense than Transhuman Space would fill a nice spot on my bookshelf, I think.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


Quote from: jrientsBill's work on Heroes Unlimited is considered very credible as well.

That's true too.  He came in and started writing for that long ignored game as well.


Before I go off to look into this, I'll take the lazy way first and ask if anyone knows if you need d6 Space to play or will it be a standalone game?


Quote from: MoriartyBefore I go off to look into this, I'll take the lazy way first and ask if anyone knows if you need d6 Space to play or will it be a standalone game?

From a thread on RPG.net:

Quote from: hellsreach;7049119When I have a bit more time, I'll try to give some better details on the setting.

As for Bill Coffin's role:

This is Bill's setting and he is writing the entirety of the book, although he is taking much of the mechanics from previously established material in D6 Space and, probably, Star Wars. He has full freedom to enact virtually any mechanics changes he wishes, and much of the changes I have discussed may not appear.

So it sounds like the book will have Bill's very own d6 system with whatever changes, additions, etc. he wants to make from D6 Space.  This makes sense to me given the size of the book.
My LiveJournal - What I'm reviewing and occasional thoughts on the industry from a reviewer's perspective.


Quote from: C.W.RichesonSo it sounds like the book will have Bill's very own d6 system with whatever changes, additions, etc. he wants to make from D6 Space.  This makes sense to me given the size of the book.


Tyberious Funk

The setting doesn't excite me much... but that's based on a 2-3 line blurb.  I still imagine I'll give it a chance because I love d6 and would love to see WEG have a little bit of success with the system after being in the doldrums for so many years.

Blue Devil

Quote from: Pierce InveraritySo the other day on rpg.net, I linked to the following news (by Eric Gibson):

For some reason, this short blurb excites me a lot. It sounds like what apparently I've always been dying to play but didn't know until I read it: a Star Wars game that's not Star Wars.

So, on that note... this Bill Coffin person, he is famous, yes? I gather he wrote a lot for Palladium Fantasy. What was that like (both his work and PF)? What made it unique at the time? Is it worth looking into these days?

This is great news.  Some "Star Power" behind a D6 game might bring more people into playing the new D6 system.


Excellent! I suspect (but cannot presently confirm) that Septimus is one of Bill's own games that he was working on during his time at Palladium. If this is the case, it should be very developed (Bill said that he's sunk considerable time and energy into the private projects in question). It's nice to see that he's back in the saddle, so to speak :)

Pierce Inverarity

Now that would be really good news (the fact that setting-wise it's nigh-done). Because one detail tripped me up: They're saying Septimus will be out in time for GenCon '07. I was like, gee, 320 pp., it's mid-March, and the man has barely started writing--the errata are going to be longer than the Old Testament.
Ich habe mir schon sehr lange keine Gedanken mehr über Bleistifte gemacht.--Settembrini

Zachary The First

Hope you aren't right on the errata, but I've seen too many "in time for Gen Con/Origins!" products to have a lot of hope.

Still and all,  BC is one awesome writer, and it's good to see him up to bat again.  There's a very, very good chance I'll pick this up.  PFRPG is my favorite RPG of all time, and I love the work he did on it.
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