Paranoia art, AD&D, Tales of the Floating Vagabond...
...where's the looooove?!
Along with Roger Raupp, Holloway is arguably one of the most underrated AD&D artists. His work really helped define AD&D of the early 80s, whether it was in Dragon or in modules like Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. His work is always a welcome sight.
In addition to his extensive work for Dragon (indeed, when I think of 'Dragon art' I almost invariably think of Holloway), he did pretty much all the art for the Monster Manual 2. Good stuff!
I also liked the art he did for MERP (1e), and regret that ICE got rid of those illustrations (as well as those of Denis Loubet) for the second edition. Bad move. Although they did use Holloway exclusively for Spell Law (2e).
He's recently being doing some of the art for Goodman Games' Dungeon Crawl Classics. It's great to see his stuff again! :)
Quote from: ColonelHardissonAlong with Roger Raupp ....
*slap* High-five, right there, Colonel. Yeah!
Holloway's illos made Star Frontiers and Gangbusters feel like light and carefree romps, but with guns and explosions and such.
However my alltime favorite Holloway illo comes from an old Dragon magazine. I'll dig it up and post it on my blog with a linky.
I always dug Holloway's depiction of halflings (and Hobbits in the MERP books he worked on). I also think he did a great job with dwarves, too, especially in the old Dragon article on dwarven society and gods.
he definately had two sides to his style, the Paranoia comedy, plus the clever intimate fantasy art that was so untypical of artists.
a real gem
I think my favourite illo of Holloway is in (I think) Danger at Dunwater, it's just a bunch of adventurers resting, one is in a kettle hat with a crossbow resting on his shoulder.
It really struck a chord with me, those unshaven grungy guys in (authentic) mediaeval gear. I think that illo has really shaped the way I play.
My favorite Holloway illo. (
Quote from: jrientsMy favorite Holloway illo. (
Wow, I remember that picture. It is indeed a great one.
I loved Holloway's more whimsical pieces. There's a recent nice one here (you'll need to scroll down a bit):
does holloway have his own website? or raupp?
love seeing the old illustrations again. they take me back to the good part of my high school memories.
jim's stuff personified "paranoia" for me back then.
Oh, man, don't get me started.
His stuff always made me want to crack a smile. Prime example of how gaming wasn't afraid to be silly back in the day.
Now it's all fetish gear, intense stares and 'roidy muscles. Still silly, after a fashion, but hardly the same.
Thank God Paranoia is back (along with Holloway). If only we had more stuff like Toon, Ghostbusters, Teenagers From Outer Space, Floating Vegabond, Bunnies & Burrows, Gamma World...You get the idea.
Quote from: YamoThank God Paranoia is back (along with Holloway).
I simply can't imagine
Paranoia without Jim Holloway's artwork. Trying to picture it without Holloway would be like trying to inextricably mingled things.
Quote from: AkrasiaWow, I remember that picture. It is indeed a great one.
I loved Holloway's more whimsical pieces. There's a recent nice one here (you'll need to scroll down a bit):
That pic you link to is really nice, and shows Holloway still has it. Holloway was always really good at depicting action, often realistically so. People stumbling, awkward stances, missed blows, odd facial expressions, etc. Very fun and very dynamic stuff. Arnie Swekel has a similar quality to his work, especially in his art for various Pendragon supplements.
Didn´t he also make some of the old battletech artwork?
Holloway is brilliant, I love the Paranoia stuff but his Gangbusters art is also incredibly funny, definitely worth a bit of love.
Quote from: SettembriniDidn´t he also make some of the old battletech artwork?
Yeah, he did some BattleTech work, including the paper stand-up illos in the first boxed set.
scored this one today after many moons of searching. Nice Holloway cover.
Quote from: Dr Rotwang!Paranoia art, AD&D, Tales of the Floating Vagabond...
I always loved that pic for capturing the quintessential "we're in deep shit now how are we going to get out of it" moment that typified so many Traveller games.
Quote from: Caesar SlaadI always loved that pic for capturing the quintessential "we're in deep shit now how are we going to get out of it" moment that typified so many Traveller games.
Yes, and shame on me for forgetting.
What's more, she's looking right at
you. "Dammit, be
quiet!" You haven't even
opened the book and you're already in the game.
Quote from: beeberdoes holloway have his own website? or raupp?
love seeing the old illustrations again. they take me back to the good part of my high school memories.
jim's stuff personified "paranoia" for me back then.
Just happened to stumble across this thread! Great one at that too! Jim now has his own website // . Check it out when you have the time and let us know if there is anything we can do (i.e. - posting certain pics, questions, etc.). Also, I'm going to send this link to Jim. I'm sure he would love to see this!! ;)
His vision defined BattleTech for me.
Holloway is like unto a God.
Quick, cue up, "Nobody Does it Better" by Carly Simon!
Quote from: Dr Rotwang!Paranoia art, AD&D, Tales of the Floating Vagabond...
Pacesetter edition of Chill...
I'm happy to see Holloway working on RPG stuff like Goodman's DCCs and Pied Pier Publishing modules. It'd be nice to see even more of his work in d20/OGL products. For that matter, I'd pay for a collection of his work, or maybe a book of new art illustrating monsters and character types or even "scenes" from classic adventures (I mean, really, if they aren't specifically labeled that they're illustrating something from, say, "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks," what harm could it do?).
the cover of mechwarrior (maybe 1st ed.) was awesome. cockpit view, wasting a rifleman, with a photo and cigarette butts all over. suddenly the battle seemed more human. . . .
Quote from: ColonelHardissonI'm happy to see Holloway working on RPG stuff like Goodman's DCCs and Pied Pier Publishing modules. It'd be nice to see even more of his work in d20/OGL products. For that matter, I'd pay for a collection of his work, or maybe a book of new art illustrating monsters and character types or even "scenes" from classic adventures (I mean, really, if they aren't specifically labeled that they're illustrating something from, say, "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks," what harm could it do?).
He is looking into putting together an art book of the new and the old. I'm pretty sure that all of the old artwork reverts back to the property of the artist after "so many years" (don't quote me on that), so I don't think redoing artwork would be a problem. In fact, Jim is currently redoing some of the old Dragon covers at the moment. He's always looking for suggestions!
Any of you guys have scans of some of the Battletech, Mechwarrior, Robotech? I have a few, but always looking for more! Thanks! (I'm the website monkey :D ).
Thought you all would like to see what Jim has been up to! Here's the updated version of the Dragon #178 cover. He states that he still has a couple of things to finish off (i.e. - shading, snow/ice). Check out the link to compare!
Just a quick note to let you know that some new
pics have been posted! :D Let us know iffn there
are other pictures you would like to see!
If Holloway and I had affinities it was because we were the best of buds. I love that guy!
BTW folks, update:
Roger Raupp's website is nolonger It has been changed to:
You'll note that the artist formerly known as Roger Raupp is now going by the name "Rudy Didier Rauben".... or Bonobozo ; )
Chaos, divorce, name change, multiple changes of address in the last couple years, new website, new artistic directions... you get the picture.
I have a new graphic novel coming out shortly, story and art by yours truly. It's called The Medicine Show, and its being published Mythos Media ( ). is about to do an interview about my career and current projects that anyone who has ever been interested in my artwork may find verrrry interesting: some behind-the-scenes disclosures forthcoming. I'll get back to you with more specific links once I receive them myself.
Ah... old times....
--Rudy "Roger Raupp" Rauben
Nothing like hi-jacking a thread! Hmm...:mad:
Whoo...reminds me of a time I got a box of Goobers and after eating half of that box, I looked in and saw a whole slew of grubs just rootin' around those sweet, chocolate covered peanuts that I was just eating on.
That Holloway is something, right?
Quote from: DangerWhoo...reminds me of a time I got a box of Goobers and after eating half of that box, I looked in and saw a whole slew of grubs just rootin' around those sweet, chocolate covered peanuts that I was just eating on.
That Holloway is something, right?
Right you are, mate! ;)
Well, except for the fact that Raupp was previously mentioned on the first page of the thread...
Anyway, Holloway and Raupp were indeed unsung art heroes of early D&D. Holloway's halflings in particular were fat little greedballs worthy of a Randy Newman ode.
Lord Hobie
Yeah, Holloway has a way with depicting halflings. I really like his depictions of dwarves, too.
And yep, I mentioned Raupp on the first page. Again, I feel he and Holloway are two of the most overlooked artists in D&D. Both have a way of making the fantastic seem real without taking away the magical "feel."
I hope to see more of Holloway's work, especially his black & white line art from modules like Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth and Orcs of Thar get posted, if possible. I'd also like to see the same for Raupp.
Quote from: ColonelHardissonYeah, Holloway has a way with depicting halflings. I really like his depictions of dwarves, too.
And yep, I mentioned Raupp on the first page. Again, I feel he and Holloway are two of the most overlooked artists in D&D. Both have a way of making the fantastic seem real without taking away the magical "feel."
I hope to see more of Holloway's work, especially his black & white line art from modules like Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth and Orcs of Thar get posted, if possible. I'd also like to see the same for Raupp.
I was thinking the same thing about the Lost Caverns art...I think there is one up there right now. I'll be posting different pics at the end of the month. Might even throw in a couple more of the Orcs of Thar in there!
Quote from: DeogolfThought you all would like to see what Jim has been up to! Here's the updated version of the Dragon #178 cover. He states that he still has a couple of things to finish off (i.e. - shading, snow/ice). Check out the link to compare!
I see Ephotohut is out again! :mad: Any suggestions for another photo hosting site?
Quote from: DeogolfI was thinking the same thing about the Lost Caverns art...I think there is one up there right now. I'll be posting different pics at the end of the month. Might even throw in a couple more of the Orcs of Thar in there!
I'd like to see that pic of the stone giant getting tripped on the title page of Tsojcanth. One of my favorites.
Quote from: ColonelHardissonI'd like to see that pic of the stone giant getting tripped on the title page of Tsojcanth. One of my favorites.
Consider it done! ;)
Should be putting up new pics sometime over the weekend!
Update here. Just letting you know that the website has been updated - Tsjocanth, Orcs of Thar, and many new things! Check it out!! ;)
Nice. Any chance of any of his MERP work getting posted?
Don't have alot of that. Still working on gathering more.
Just thought I'd let everyone know that Jim has given the go-ahead to post this!
Iffn you are interested in having Jim do some artwork for you, just follow the link for his rates! An original by Jim - how cool is that! :D
that tsojcanth stuff rocks! brings back memories of high school, it does. now to find another copy to replace my missing one...:(
Yaaaaayyy! Viva la Holloway!
Greetings everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted anything here. Just wanted to let you know that we've updated the website with some new artwork and will be posting more in the next couple of weeks - one of the new pieces can be seen on the homepage! Let us know what you think.
Also, we're running a little contest. Although Jim is notoriously elusive of the camera, we do have a picture of him on the website. The first one that can correctly identify which picture will win an autographed copy to the AD&D Monster Manual II - a book in which he did the vast majority of interior illustrations! Please be specific on illustration and location!
Here's the link again to start you off - //
Good luck, y'all! ;)
Jim has been found!! For all those who are wondering, he can be found on the Paranoia page. He's in the Paranoia cover called "Stuff". He's the guy in the middle of the other two guys pointing guns at each other. In case you're wondering, the other two are his brothers!
Thanks for all of you who participated!