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What are all the genres that have been done in OSR/retro-D&D-style?

Started by S'mon, June 09, 2017, 11:14:27 AM

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Quote from: Simon W;967476Western Fantasy - Owl Hoot trail
This one is based on 3E, isn't it. A decent game, but not as much of an old school vibe as Simon's stuff.
Marv / Finarvyn
Kingmaker of Amber
I'm pretty much responsible for the S&W WB rules.
Amber Diceless Player since 1993
OD&D Player since 1975


Quote from: Simon W;967489I quite like X-Plorers (the original edition), but you're right I am a better designer than Bezio ;) (it's alright, we're friends)

I think X-Plorers might be good for 1970s Alien-style sci-fi (actually it reminds me most of that mid-70s proto-Alien movie with the giant tomato alien & nukes), but I was wanting something much more Buck Rogers in the 25th Century  space-opera, glad to have finally found it in White Star. I didn't like Phoenix Barony either. The preview bit of Bezio's $2 Western RPG looks nice though, maybe I should cough up the $3 to get both his & yours...


Quote from: Simon W;967476a modern adventures/conspiracies/treasure hunt one called Ancient Mysteries & Lost Treasures and a Solomon=-Kane-esque one called Sabres & Witchery.... Steampunk - Engines & Empires...  ....Hulks & Horrors

Decided to download and check out these 4 for now since they're all free and all cover genres I'm interested in (eg Space 1889 steampunk sf, Aliens/WH40K military horror sf, 18th century dark fantasy, modern adventure) but am hopeless at learning new rules for - I even get intimidated at the thought of using WEG d6 system, even though I used to run tons of d6 Star Wars BiTD. And even if I never run the systems they're likely to be lootable for my D&D games, just as the Holy Gygax advocated in the 1e DMG.


Quote from: S'mon;967478It might be needless, but I'm looking specifically for OSR games that use OD&D/BX mechanics as the chassis.

And Washbourne's Sabres & Witchery looks very nice, from a quick perusal. :cool:


Quote from: S'mon;967527And Washbourne's Sabres & Witchery looks very nice, from a quick perusal. :cool:

I personally really dig Sabres and Witchery. It's a personal favorite.
Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacré mercenaire

Ronin\'s Fortress, my blog of RPG\'s, and stuff


Quote from: Robyo;967442Is there an OSR game that focuses on Pirates/Swashbucklers? Seems like a genre that would be fun, but nothing comes to mind.

Agreed! It would save me a lot of work too! :)

Sabres and Witchery is cool. But it's more weird historical fantasy/monster hunting than musketeers, winged hussars and pirates. In other words, it's a good start.
Currently Running: Fantasy Age: Dark Sun
...and a Brace of Pistols
A blog dedicated to swashbuckling, horror and fantasy roleplaying.


Shoot, I just wrote a reply about a game called Backswords & Bucklers (or something very similar to that) but I think I hit the wrong button as it didn't post. That sounds like if might meet your D&D-derived swashbuckling pirates needs. I don't know much about it, though.


Quote from: Ronin;967611I personally really dig Sabres and Witchery. It's a personal favorite.

Yeah - I like the similar themes/setting in A Ghastly Affair (a Gothic Romance 18th century OSR game), but it's much too complex in the chargen for the kind of game I'd be likely to run, whereas Sabres & Witchery seems to hit the sweet spot exactly. So I'm thinking a mash-up would be perfect, using Sabres & Witchery PCs with AGA material as supplementary. Eg the AGA True Innocent class seems much more viable as an NPC in a S&W game, than as a regular PC (really I find such characters tend to emerge in play, designating Tabitha Kallent as Major Love Interest in my AD&D Yggsburgh campaign wouldn't have worked nearly as well as seeing the romance between her and former-wife-killer PC Garrick emerge naturally in play. It didn't matter if she was Level 0 with 3 hp.)

This is one of the very best things about the OSR, how it makes these recombinations so incredibly easy, and spurs creativity.

Simon W

Quote from: Robyo;967442Go Fer Your Gun is cool. Heavily influenced by the C&C system, if I recall correctly.

Is there an OSR game that focuses on Pirates/Swashbucklers? Seems like a genre that would be fun, but nothing comes to mind.

Yes there is, it's called Freebooters and it's here


I think its on LULU in hard copy

Dirk Remmecke

Quote from: Blusponge;967625Agreed! It would save me a lot of work too! :)

Sabres and Witchery is cool. But it's more weird historical fantasy/monster hunting than musketeers, winged hussars and pirates. In other words, it's a good start.

Did anyone check out Sabres & Sorcery which seems to mix Sabres & Witchery with Labyrinth Lord?
Swords & Wizardry & Manga ... oh my.
(Beware. This is a Kickstarter link.)


Quote from: Dumarest;967643Shoot, I just wrote a reply about a game called Backswords & Bucklers (or something very similar to that) but I think I hit the wrong button as it didn't post. That sounds like if might meet your D&D-derived swashbuckling pirates needs. I don't know much about it, though.

IIRC, that game focuses more on back alley rogues.

Quote from: Simon W;967689Yes there is, it's called Freebooters and it's here

Which reminds me, there is a Pirate Hack for the Black Hack, and Yarr! (which kinda has an OSR vibe).  But neither of these really hits that Three Musketeers vibe.

Quote from: Dirk Remmecke;967691Did anyone check out Sabres & Sorcery which seems to mix Sabres & Witchery with Labyrinth Lord?

No.  But judging from the table of contents, it's not quite what I was hoping for.
Currently Running: Fantasy Age: Dark Sun
...and a Brace of Pistols
A blog dedicated to swashbuckling, horror and fantasy roleplaying.