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RANT: DriveThruRPG metadata

Started by Derabar, June 01, 2017, 03:36:46 PM

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Quote from: Willie the Duck;966164Argentine vacation planned?

Sounds like he's already been there and didn't like the scenery.

Of course, having never been there, when someone says Argentinian I think Yamila Diaz-Rahi or Carolina Ardohain or Alexis Bledel and Mia Maestro.  When someone says Patagonia, I think the Southern Coast.  The entire inland might be like Appalachian West Virginia for all I know.
Even the the "cutting edge" storygamers for all their talk of narrative, plot, and drama are fucking obsessed with the god damned rules they use. - Estar

Yes, Sean Connery\'s thumb does indeed do megadamage. - Spinachcat

Isuldur is a badass because he stopped Sauron with a broken sword, but Iluvatar is the badass because he stopped Sauron with a hobbit. -Malleus Arianorum

"Tangency Edition" D&D would have no classes or races, but 17 genders to choose from. -TristramEvans


It's more like the South American equivalent of the Northwest Territories or Alaska.
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

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Quote from: DavetheLost;965893Do a search for "D&D" product type "core rulebooks"... I dare you.

If I don't know the publisher or close to the title of what I'm looking for, I've given up on finding it there.


or better yet


The trick to use the categories on the left.

Nihilistic Mind

Quote from: Derabar;965848OK, here's the deal: am I the only person to ever wonder how the fuck difficult it is to tag your product properly so that when I select multiple filters on a search I don't get a hundred and fucking one things that I am not interested in?

Am I wrong in thinking that it's a simple query of SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE RULE_SYSTEM = 'X' AND PRODUCT_TYPE = 'Y'? If so, I can only conclude that it's because the uploader thought 'yeah, I know these are floor plans, but I'm going to say they are a Core Rulebook because if I fling enough shit at this, somebody is going to stumble across it and there is a 0.000001% chance they'll buy it anyway'.

If that's your 'marketing strategy', you are a) a cunt, and b) not getting another red cent from me again, and lord knows my wife takes EVERY opportunity to tell me that if I'd invested the money I've spent on gaming pdfs over the years... I'd have enough money to *buy* DriveThruRPG and hire a squad of big-titted Patagonian strippers to spank my monkey first thing in the morning THEN spend the rest of the day manually editing the fucking database to make sure the items are tagged correctly.

This rant is possibly the best thing I've read in a long while... Well done! (Also, curse you for not investing that damn PDF money and thus failing to hire me as a database jockey!)
Dungeon Crawl Classics (influences: Elric vs. Mythos, Darkest Dungeon, Castlevania).
DCC In Space!
Star Wars with homemade ruleset (Roll&Keep type system).


Quote from: Derabar;965848OK, here's the deal: am I the only person to ever wonder how the fuck difficult it is to tag your product properly so that when I select multiple filters on a search I don't get a hundred and fucking one things that I am not interested in?

No, but that is what the Page Down key is for.

Quote from: Derabar;965848Am I wrong in thinking that it's a simple query of SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE RULE_SYSTEM = 'X' AND PRODUCT_TYPE = 'Y'?


That query would bring back the exact match, so if you searched for RuneQuest it would broing back RuneQuest material. Great. However, people who buy RuneQuest might also be interested in Mythras, Legend, Revolution, Renaissance, OpenQuest, HeroQuest or a host of similar games. Why would DTRPG restrict the search to one specific game system when they can include similar systems?

Quote from: Derabar;965848If so, I can only conclude that it's because the uploader thought 'yeah, I know these are floor plans, but I'm going to say they are a Core Rulebook because if I fling enough shit at this, somebody is going to stumble across it and there is a 0.000001% chance they'll buy it anyway'.

If you are looking for, say, Castles and Cats, then a set of castle floor plans might be useful. They might not, but you never know.

Quote from: Derabar;965848If that's your 'marketing strategy', you are a) a cunt, and b) not getting another red cent from me again, and lord knows my wife takes EVERY opportunity to tell me that if I'd invested the money I've spent on gaming pdfs over the years... I'd have enough money to *buy* DriveThruRPG and hire a squad of big-titted Patagonian strippers to spank my monkey first thing in the morning THEN spend the rest of the day manually editing the fucking database to make sure the items are tagged correctly.

You must have bought a lot of PDFs over the years, or big-titted Patagonian strippers must be very cheap.
Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism  since 1982.

Merrie England (Medieval RPG): http://merrieengland.soltakss.com/index.html
Alternate Earth: http://alternateearthrq.soltakss.com/index.html