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Is "roll under %" a disdained mechanic?

Started by Shipyard Locked, February 14, 2014, 12:01:59 PM

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Old One Eye

Quote from: Old Geezer;734335Honestly, "what dice you roll and how you roll them" is probably the very last thing I consider when I decide if I'll play in a game.
In fact, it's "people, setting, food, beer."  Dice and rules don't enter into it.
Certainly.  But for at least myself, those things are a given.  The only variable is what game.


gamerGoyf and ForumScavenger are hereby declared to be keter class cognitohazards.  Containment procedures are as follows: containment in a 10x10x10 titanium cell suitable for human occupancy.  At no time are SCP-3001-A or SCP-3001-B to be permitted any type of printed, dice-based role-playing game, or materials to create one.  Access to personnel knowledgeable about such games is likewise forbidden.  O5 Approval required before personnel with extensive knowledge of statistics and probabilities can be permitted contact with either SCP-3001-A or SCP-3001-B.

In the event of containment breach use of lethal force in recapture of SCP-3001-A and or SCP-3001-B to prevent access to computers capable of connecting to publicly accessible internet, the aforementioned printed role-playing games or persons knowledgeable of same subjects is permitted.


Secure, Contain, Protect

Mcbobbo sums it up nicely.

Astrophysicists are reassessing Einsteinian relativity because the 28 billion l

The Butcher

Quote from: thedungeondelver;734470gamerGoyf and ForumScavenger are hereby declared to be keter class cognitohazards.

Do you think Montauk-110 applies? It might actually do them some good, I think.


Quote from: The Butcher;734492Do you think Montauk-110 applies? It might actually do them some good, I think.

The presence of two (2) confirmed Atheists (grade of 85 or better on Harbaugh Belief Scale) is to be added to Montauk-110 if that's the case.

Contact Director [REDACTED] for a list of potentially suitable personnel.

Mcbobbo sums it up nicely.

Astrophysicists are reassessing Einsteinian relativity because the 28 billion l


I tried to catch up on this thread but got progressively dumber reading it.
It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.

Dirk Remmecke

Quote from: Brad;734561I tried to catch up on this thread but got progressively dumber reading it.

"This is a scroll of learning disability.......has yoo reed this sroll u will slows lose da abillytee to understood da writtin wood dfe das ddddfes fffeser sree...."
Swords & Wizardry & Manga ... oh my.
(Beware. This is a Kickstarter link.)


Quote from: Brad;734561I tried to catch up on this thread but got progressively dumber reading it.

a flaming 5 car interstate pileup that i cannot help but gawk at...
Dave B.

I have neuropathy in my hands so my typing can get frustratingly sloppy. Bear with me.

Gronan of Simmerya

"The use of excessive force in the apprehension of gamerGoyf and ForumScavenger has been authorized."
You should go to GaryCon.  Period.

The rules can\'t cure stupid, and the rules can\'t cure asshole.


What I found to be the best thing about this thread is that D&D/D20 diehards were defending the D100 mechanic. Long may it continue!
Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism  since 1982.

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Emperor Norton

Quote from: Old Geezer;734577"The use of excessive force in the apprehension of gamerGoyf and ForumScavenger has been authorized."

Can we only use D6 or am I allowed to use my funky FFG force dice.


Yeah, I definitely have no issue with roll-under %.  I don't quite like it as much as the D&D mechanics, but I sure like it shitloads more than roll-over %, or dice pools of almost any kind.
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Quote from: smiorgan;734231I'm going to design a game called Haruspex. I'll rock up to a convention with a truck full of sheep and they'll be like "hey, what's with the livestock?" and I'll be like "those ain't livestock man, those are my dice."
Chickens would be funnier. Just sayin'...
Keeper of the Most Awesome and Glorious Book of Sigmar.
"Always after a defeat and a respite, the Shadow takes another shape and grows again." -- Gandalf
My Mod voice is nasal and rather annoying.

Shawn Driscoll

Quote from: Shipyard Locked;731165While researching systems pertaining to the Starcraft thread I was reminded of a refrain I've heard a few times over the years - that "roll a d100 under an attribute or % DC" is a widely disliked mechanic. I've never quite understood this sentiment.

Have you noticed this attitude in your circles? What's the reasoning?
The whole point of rolling a D20 is to roll a 20.  That's what RPGing means to most RPGers. They don't think about game mechanics all that much.


In Internet, you can find some critics. Outside Internet you probably don't. Some phenomenons are Internet - only. The hate for BRP is one of them.
My name is Ramón Nogueras. Running now Vampire: the Masquerade (Giovanni Chronicles IV for just 3 players), and itching to resume my Call of Cthulhu campaign (The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man).


Quote from: Imperator;737873In Internet, you can find some critics. Outside Internet you probably don't. Some phenomenons are Internet - only. The hate for BRP is one of them.
I've run into it, out in the wild... like I said, the Saturday group I played with had a hate on for % games and BRP in particular. Their reasons boiled down to it not being 'realistic' in some bullshitty mathmatical way.
I quit that group and am happier now.