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OHT's 5e Homebrew Thread

Started by One Horse Town, September 28, 2014, 06:41:52 AM

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One Horse Town

Quote from: RPGPundit;791763Really awesome stuff OHT!


One Horse Town

This is a Feat that fits a background i'm working on, but i decided it should be open to all.



You are able to take more physical punishment than others, operating for longer and at a higher level of functionality in the face of exhaustion.

Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

You gain Proficiency with Constitution saving throws, furthermore, you have Advantage on Constitution saving throws to resist Exhaustion.

One Horse Town

A couple of part backgrounds now. They are campaign specific so might not be of much use to you. I also don't use ideals, bonds, flaws etc.


Scrapwall Scavenger – Variant Urchin. All the same except special feature.

Variant Special Feature - Fence. The scavenger knows where to fence items that they have found on the Scrapwall or elsewhere and who to approach for such dealings. You are able to recognise technological items and who to go to if you want to sell them or be taught how to activate them.

Torch Smelter

You hail from the town of Torch in North Eastern Ride. You are able to remove precious metals (and common ones) and sky metals from ore removed from mines and the like. It is hot, hard work. You are trained to recognise the natural veins of metals in the ground and have a keen eye. You are as at home underground as on the surface and hold special admiration for dwarven work, even if they do sometimes put you out of work.

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Perception
Tool Proficiencies: Smith's tools, vehicle land
Equipment: A set of smith's tools, a set of travellers clothes and a belt pouch containing 15 gp.

Feature: You are able to forge items from sky metal if you have access to the fabled forge of your home-town. Waiting times are long, however, and since it has gone out, local and visiting metal-workers are fearing for their livelihood. You are also very hard-working and have access to the Tireless Feat, should you wish to choose it.  

Hard work is the key to good fortune.

One Horse Town

Not any crunch today, but a little ditty i came up with for a Folk Hero character who is apparently an ancient hero re-born. The character is called Hrothgar the Risen and the ditty is about the original hero.


Hrothgar! Hrothgar!
He came among us,
he came to save!

Hrothgar! Hrothgar!
He came with spell,
he came with stave!

Hrothgar! Hrothgar!
Against the darkness,
against the fell!

Hrothgar! Hrothgar!
Where he came from,
none could tell!

Hrothgar! Hrothgar!
He cleared the skies,
he cleared the land!

Hrothgar! Hrothgar!
With his friends,
with his band!

Hrothgar! Hrothgar!
He dispelled the evil.
And the pact they made!

Hrothgar! Hrothgar!
They couldn't catch him,
and free he stayed!

Hrothgar! Hrothgar!
Keep the fires lit,
and keep the hearth warm

Hrothgar! Hrothgar!
For some day hence,
he will be reborn!


LOL. I don't think I've ever come up with a folk-chant for a campaign. Well done.
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One Horse Town


small monstrosity (Blindheim) Neutral Evil

Blindheims are grotesque, frog-like creatures that dwell beneath the surface, subsisting on meals of fungi, rodents, and other underground creatures. They live in the darkest, dampest regions of cavernous sprawls, particularly enjoying underground bogs, lakes, rivers, and swamps. Although not aquatic, blindheims are excellent swimmers. They prefer to latch onto branches or rock outcroppings, where they maintain the high ground while in pursuit of food. They use the light from their eyes to attract prey, but go dark when larger creatures approach. A blindheim uses its blinding gaze to disorient both prey and possible threats, then deactivates its gaze to scuttle away in the dark if the threat is too great. In very large caverns inhabited by blindheims, distant areas often flicker from brightly lit to absolutely dark as the creatures feed and flee. Though of animal-level intelligence, blindheims are cunning enough to coordinate their hunting tactics with others of their kind, using one creature to act as a lookout and make hit-and-run attacks with its gaze until its fellows can arrive to help finish off the prey.

Armour Class: 13 (natural armour)
Hit Points: 16 (3d6+6)
Speed: 30ft, swim 20ft

Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 11 (+0)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 4 (-3)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 8 (-1)

Skills: Stealth +4, Perception +3
Senses: darkvision 60ft, Passive perception 11
Condition Immunities: Blinded
Languages: Non-verbal
Challenge: 1/2 (100xp)

Blinding Gaze: The blindheim, as a bonus action, can cause a 30ft beam of bright light to emanate from its eyes. This does not impede the blindheim's vision at all, but all creatures within 30 ft that meet the gaze of the blindheim must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A creature who makes its save against this attack is immune to it for 24 hours.

Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw. If the creature does this, it cannot see the blindheim until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again.

The blindheim can turn off its gaze as a bonus action.  


Multi-attack: The blindheim makes one bite attack and one claw attack, or it makes 2 claw attacks.

Bite: Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 3 (1d4+1) slashing damage.

Claw: Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit 3 (1d4+1) slashing damage.

One Horse Town

I'm about 1/2 way through converting the first module of the Iron Gods adventure path, so need to pull my finger out.

Got the second part yesterday - Lords of Rust, which is too fucking awesome. It's like a sci-fi/fantasy version of keep on the Borderlands, with different lairs within the scrap-wall, opportunities to play one faction against another, to gain a reputation among the factions and ultimately defeat one of the Iron Gods.

Sadly, Lords of Rust is going to be a slog to convert, as there's much more to do in that adventure than the first one. It'll be worth it though, there's a chain-sword up for grabs!

First off, i need to finish converting the monsters from part 1 and get the Android race written up.

One Horse Town

I've jumped the gun a bit here by detailing a race found in Lords of Rust, but i thought this could be of use to some of you.

A new PC race! Ratfolk!



Ratfolk are small, rodentlike humanoids; originally native to subterranean areas in dry deserts and plains, they are now more often found in nomadic trading caravans. Though some are shrewd merchants who carefully navigate the shifting alliances of black markets and bazaars, many ratfolk love their stockpiles of interesting items far more than money, and would rather trade for more such prizes to add to their hoards over mere coins. It's common to see a successful crew of ratfolk traders rolling out of town with an even larger bundle than they entered with, the whole mess piled precariously high on a cart drawn by giant rats.

Physical Description: Typical ratfolk are average 4 feet tall and weigh 80 pounds. They often wear robes to stay cool in the desert or conceal their forms in cities, as they know other humanoids find their rodent features distasteful. Ratfolk have a strong attraction to shiny jewelry, especially copper, bronze, and gold, and many decorate their ears and tails with small rings made of such metals. They are known to train giant rats, which they often use as pack animals and mounts.

Society: Ratfolk are extremely communal, and live in large warrens with plenty of hidden crannies in which to stash their hoards or flee in times of danger, gravitating toward subterranean tunnels or tightly packed tenements in city slums. They feel an intense bond with their large families and kin networks, as well as with ordinary rodents of all sorts, living in chaotic harmony and fighting fiercely to defend each other when threatened. They are quick to use their stockpiles of gear in combat, but prefer to work out differences and settle disputes with mutually beneficial trades.

When a specific ratfolk warren grows overcrowded and the surrounding environment won't support a larger community, young ratfolk instinctively seek out new places in which to dwell. If a large enough group of ratfolk immigrants all settle down in a new, fertile area, they may create a new warren, often with strong political ties to their original homeland. Otherwise, individual ratfolk are inclined to simply leave home and take up residence elsewhere, or wander on caravan trips that last most of the year, reducing the pressure of overcrowding at home.

Relations: Ratfolk tend to get along quite well with humans, and often develop ratfolk societies dwelling in the sewers, alleys, and shadows of human cities. Ratfolk find dwarves too hidebound and territorial, and often mistake even mild criticisms from dwarves as personal attacks. Ratfolk have no particular feelings about gnomes and halflings, although in areas where those races and ratfolk must compete for resources, clan warfare can become dogma for generations. Ratfolk enjoy the company of elves and half-elves, often seeing them as the calmest and most sane of the civilized humanoid races. Ratfolk are particularly fond of elven music and art, and many ratfolk warrens are decorated with elven art pieces acquired through generations of friendly trade.

Alignment and Religion: Ratfolk individuals are driven by a desire to acquire interesting items and a compulsion to tinker with complex objects. The strong ties of ratfolk communities give them an appreciation for the benefits of an orderly society, even if they are willing to bend those rules when excited about accomplishing their individual goals.

Adventurers: Ratfolk are often driven by a desire to seek out new opportunities for trade, both for themselves and for their warrens. Ratfolk adventurers may seek potential markets for their clan's goods, keep an eye out for sources of new commodities, or just wander about in hopes of unearthing enough treasure to fund less dangerous business ventures.

Male Names: Agiz, Brihz, Djir, Ninnec, Rerdahl, Rikkan, Skivven, Tamoq.

Female Names: Bessel, Fhar, Jix, Kitch, Kubi, Nehm, Rissi, Thikka.

Ratfolk: Ratfolk are humanoids with the ratfolk subtype.

Ability Score Increase: Dexterity +2

Size: Typical ratfolk average about 4 feet tall and weigh 80 pounds.

Speed: Ratfolk have a base speed of 25 feet.

Darkvision: Ratfolk can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Rodent Empathy: Ratfolk gain Advantage on  Animal Handling checks made to influence rodents.

Cornered Survival: Ratfolk can fight defensively when cut off from friends and allies. Whenever a ratfolk is reduced to half or fewer of his hit points, and has no conscious ally within 30 feet, he gains +2 AC and has Advantage on saving throws against magic.

Languages: Ratfolk begin play speaking, reading and writing Common. Gnome, Halfling and Undercommon are also common.


LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

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NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

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On the magic items remember to list if it's attuned or not with total possible charges and recharge rate. Otherwise fun stuff. Especially the Rat Folk, they would make great Bards, Arcane Tricksters, Rangers or even Druids especially and the Outlander or Urchin backgrounds are a natural fit for them.
Don\'t mess with cats we kill wizards in one blow.;)


I thought the Ratfolk was designed for the monk class :P
(Blame Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.)
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