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What is essential for Harn?

Started by RunningLaser, April 02, 2015, 05:18:33 PM

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I think there's a drivethrurpg bundle that costs $10 and gives you both Harnworld and Kingdom of Kaldor or whatever.


Quote from: rkhigdon on January 30, 2023, 12:06:10 PM
The 50% Harnquest discount is awesome, and don't forget that any PDF you order directly from Columbia gives you additional discounts on future purchases as well.

Yes, tho if you use the earned dollars on a purchase you cannot use the 50% off discount on the same purchase. Dollars are best for purchasing small and therefore lower-priced supplements at more than 50% off, since it's hard to get them in bulk without major spending. Or so I understand.


For fan-made content: https://www.lythia.com/

I can't vouch for most of what I'm saying strongly, though, since I barely have $30 worth of Harn stuff between the drivethrurpg lore starter pack, and HarnQuest as of a week ago. Harnworld was cool, but it's a good thing for my wallet that it came as part of the bundle. Harn Quest got me like 50 cents a page on 40 pages, but I mostly just got it for the pdf purchasing. For some reason though my subscription hasn't registered yet, so my journey into Harnmaster is presently stalled.


It took about 5 days for Columbia to get my discount applied. I went ahead and did the Print+pdf for it, the extra cost was negligible and I want hard copies but might not want those printed in a hardback or I can always re-print a new one every couple years.

Like someone said earlier in the thread, the prices are a little (or a lot, depending on what you buy) higher than other publishers, but I also think the quality and polish on the articles is far higher and more useful so I don't really mind it. I spend $50 on books I'll never use a single page from all the time.


Quote from: shoplifter on January 30, 2023, 11:59:21 AM
I've decided I'm going to sub to Harnquest for the 50% discount on PDFs, then print those off on Lulu so I can have nice hardbacks of the things I want to print, but I'm struggling with what might be the most effective way to print them. A prime example being the Bestiary - would it be smart to get the bestiary, the extra articles on dogs, snakes, etc., and move the Harnmaster core bestiary articles on Garguun and Ivashu into the Bestiary I'm printing?
Get the Bestiary first and then the other articles separately a better deal. Remember it all loose leaf so organized how you see fit.

Quote from: shoplifter on January 30, 2023, 11:59:21 AM
Should I print all or some of the magic articles with the core rules?
There is enough that I keep three separate one inch binders for Core, Magic, and Religion and two inch binder for the bestiary.

Quote from: shoplifter on January 30, 2023, 11:59:21 AM
I guess I'm curious how some of you have your binders organized, because printing a hardback isn't possible to change like I could with a binder so I'm stuck with whatever I decide on.
Unless specified I am using 1-inch binders.
My current division is
Bestiary (2-inch)

Kaldor (2-inch)
Harnworld (2-inch) Which has the Harndex and the Map Squares as well
Wilderness (2-inch)
Lore (2-inch)
Guilds and Crafts
Friend, Followers, and Foes

You can get all the binder labels and some of the cover page from here

Hope this helps.


Quote from: shoplifter on January 30, 2023, 01:22:06 PM
It took about 5 days for Columbia to get my discount applied. I went ahead and did the Print+pdf for it, the extra cost was negligible and I want hard copies but might not want those printed in a hardback or I can always re-print a new one every couple years.

Like someone said earlier in the thread, the prices are a little (or a lot, depending on what you buy) higher than other publishers, but I also think the quality and polish on the articles is far higher and more useful so I don't really mind it. I spend $50 on books I'll never use a single page from all the time.

The fact that it took a while even for both a print and pdf subscriber gives me hope, since I'd assume mine was probably just delayed. (Pdf only.) I think I'll go check for today after posting this.

Sorry if the price stuff came a bit late and/or was irrelevant to the thread. Somehow got it into my head that you hadn't bought the pdfs yet. Harnworld is a pretty awesome supplement more generally, I agree, and Harn seems like a great world/system. That said, kinda just wanted to share the deals and free content I found online if you didn't yet know about them. $10 for $80 worth of content is a steal.


Okay, I actually do have it registering the subscription now. I'm probably gonna go digital, possibly with some folders of related items rather than use binders, but estar seems to have a pretty solid organization from what admittedly little I understand. I assume things like potions and herblore probably go under guilds and crafts, in the crafts half? Would law, cosmology and the like go under lore? Or is that just Harnlore publications?

Also, for those who have actually made purchases, such as probably most folks on this thread, do you think Harnmaster 3rd, religion, magic, and Harn manor would be a good place to start, alongside harndex, if I already have Harnworld? For Harnmaster, that is. My prospective group hasn't yet decided on a kingdom/setting but seem somewhat prospectively interested in play.


Those are exactly what I bought, aside from HarnManor which is going to be my next major purchase.


You could probably even hold off on Harnmanor for a bit if you needed to.  I really like it for general use, but it's not absolutely necessary to start a campaign.


I used Harn  back in the day. After not playing for decades I started to re-read the stuff and its a bit much.

Anyway, I found that Harnworld and Cities of Harn were all I needed (that was all that was available early on anyway) back then. The depth of the material made it easy to improvise nearly everything. And the slow roll-out (back then) made it easy to absorb the info.

That is the real problem with Harn, and its greatest asset, is the depth of it all. Absorbing and keeping track of the massive amount of information can be a chore. I suggest setting a campaign in an area and getting what you need about that area and then you can expand out as you need and really absorbing that your Harn doesn't have to be perfect to the published Harn.

Note - I found Rethem the most ripe with possibilities with civil war and hostile neighbors.
Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing. ~Robert E. Howard

Jason Coplen

It's a fun game!

I suggest HarnWorld whatever edition if you want to use Harn, if not chose aa HarnMaster and go. Making characters can be a mess and take a while, but you get quicker and quicker as you learn the rules. Very front loaded would be a way to put it. It's hard to even play D&D after doing some battles in Harn. :)
Running: HarnMaster and Baptism of Fire


Bumping this to note that Kelestia's new edition of Hârnmaster is now available, with printed copies coming late this year. Also includes a 20% off sale on most products, with a slightly higher discount on the Venarive and Kethira products. I picked up Venarive, and it's insanely detailed.


QuoteThe long wait is over, the new edition of HârnMaster is finally here! Combining the sophisticated and timeless core elements of N. Robin Crossby's original HârnMaster and HârnMaster Gold with a widened scope, new ideas, and refinements, this latest version is the perfect rules system for both Hârn veterans and newcomers to explore with it the entirety of Kèthîra, the World of Hârn (including the island of Hârn itself).
HârnMaster: Roleplaying in the World of Kethira (HMK) comes in three formats: 1) as a purely digital PDF version (fully bookmarked and suitable for home printing), 2) as the printed Standard Edition, and 3) as the printed Collector's Edition. The two printed hardback formats have different covers (the Collector's Edition has an elegant leatherette cover featuring the Pvaric Wheel), but their interior is 100 % the same. Both printed formats also include the PDF version as a bonus.

The PDF version is available immediately after purchase, which is true for both the stand-alone PDF and the bonus PDF that comes with the printed versions. The physical books (Standard and Collector's Edition) will go into production in September, with an estimated arrival at the purchasers' doors in November (we will keep you updated on this approximation throughout the process).

We hope HMK will bring you and your friends countless hours of fun throughout many exciting campaigns and adventures set on Kèthîra -- or another game world of your choice. This marks the start of a new era for Hârn. Happy roleplaying!

Oh, one more thing... To celebrate the release of HMK, we're having a store-wide sale until September 30. All products except for HMK are discounted by 20 %. The Venârivè and Kèthîra modules receive a special discount. If you don't own them yet, this is the perfect time to get them! Head on over to the store.


Quote from: crkrueger on April 03, 2015, 04:41:01 PMYeah, 2 dollars for 4 pages about Rabbits.  I like Harn, but their prices make Frog God Games look sane, which is saying something.

How the mighty have fallen.


Quote from: RunningLaser on April 02, 2015, 05:18:33 PMIn one thread, there was a link that brought you to the Harn Pottage material.  Giving it a quick skim, it intrigued me.  If one were to get into Harnmaster and the world of Harn, what materials are the most essential.  I'm guessing the rules:), and I see Harnmaster Light for not too much.  What past that though?  Thank you!

Looking at my 28 3-ring binders full of Harn material I have to say everything is essential :)