Been working on opening up a new area of my Majestic Wilderlands for my players.
In case you wonder why it so dense, it because in my wilderlands this area is more like medieval Italy during the 10th to 11 th century. This was the heartland of the Majestic Wilderlands Ghinorian Empire.
A lot of the towns and villages are in cleared areas within a ruined urban area that was once much larger. Of course with their abandonment by people, older and fouler things have moved in ;-)
Rob Conley
Great map! Thanks for sharing. :cool:
Rob, I forgot--what program do you do your maps/hexmaps in?
My educated guess: Corel Draw. The map sure looks like a corel Draw map.
EDIT: Thanks for sharing! Good to see there´s still some gamers with good taste left.
In response, here are some pics from YOUR Badabaskor at my table, in my wilderlands. Do you recognize the rooms?
Nice map. I'm totally gonna copy you.
Quote from: Zachary The FirstRob, I forgot--what program do you do your maps/hexmaps in?
CorelDraw 13, CorelDraw 12 can also do this map although making some of the filled in areas is more of a pain in the ass. Corel 13 has this smart fill feature that finds boundaries so it is a snap to make a forest, hills, etc end at a coastline or river.
The key is using a solid fill for the terrian texture (i.e. hills, mountains, and swamp) and then use the transparency tool to use a bitmap fill as a filter. You have to use the bitmap fill because the two color patten fill loses pixels for some odd reason.
The advantage of this style of map (which I first seen used by Harn) is that you can easily overlay terrain over vegetation. It is easy to make a hill ridge have a forest, woodlands, desert, grassland, because the you can see through the pattern I use.
Back in the eighties I hand drew this stuff (see and part of my quest for the perfect computer mapping setup was to replicate those harn style hand drawn maps I did. Now after almost 20 years of owning computers I am finally able to do it.
Another thing I did was use a two tone cloud texture for the base water and ground. I picked to shades (blue for water, light green for ground) that were close but different. This gives a nice effect which is better than having a solid mass of color boring into your eyes.
I still figuring which effect is best on to softing the edge of the vegetation so it flows gently into the surrounding color. However this is a bit of a pain because you don't want this to happen on coastlines and river boundaries. I can brute force it if I ever do a commercial job by spilling the fills that are near boundaries.
Finally one last neat trick to CorelDRAW is to save your map as text. You do this after you key the map. Saving the drawing as text dumps out all your labels has one huge list. You then can edit this as the basis for your map index. This as an advantage that you won't miss any obscure spot.
Quote from: SettembriniEDIT: Thanks for sharing! Good to see there´s still some gamers with good taste left.
Thanks, appreciate the comment.
Quote from: SettembriniIn response, here are some pics from YOUR Badabaskor at my table, in my wilderlands. Do you recognize the rooms?
The background tile you laid the room stuff on makes it hard to see. But I would say that you are in the circuit of rooms and corridors that connect to Room #13 the main dining hall on level 2.. #13 is the upper left. Going clockwise you have the T intersection. Down from that the two guard alcoves #11 and #12. Then another T intersection, to the left Guard Room #4 and the corridor that connects with 5,6, and 7 the various shops of the inner fortress and finally the south corridor going up to the dining hall.
The second one is on level 4. It is Room #19 the tombs. doesn't appear to be as packed as I have it on the map. If the party heads out (not sure which is way is what) they will have one of the hardest encounters in Badabaskor to deal with. The Evil High Priest and his pack of wraiths.
I see the party is having fun with Eackor and the Guardian. It looks to me that the party is split up which is never good. I hope the find the healing pool in the Prayer Room (#20) after this fight. Looks like the mass of figures at the botton are the remaining undead.
Glad you are having fun with it, which the point of the whole thing ;-)
Cool pic sett; I'd love doing that kind of dungeon stuff if I wasn't so damn lazy. As it is, I can count on my fingers the number of times I've used miniatures in my games in my entire GMing career.