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Eden Studios......anyone have any ideas where they are or what happened?

Started by oggsmash, November 29, 2018, 02:27:41 PM

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I thought of these guys on the Palladium thread.  I never got to play their games but I have several of their rpgs.  I always thought the system looked good and they seemed prolific back in the early 2ks.  I have no idea if they even exist anymore.  Anyone have any ideas as to what happened with them?


Quote from: oggsmash;1066612I thought of these guys on the Palladium thread.  I never got to play their games but I have several of their rpgs.  I always thought the system looked good and they seemed prolific back in the early 2ks.  I have no idea if they even exist anymore.  Anyone have any ideas as to what happened with them?
The company does exist, technically, but it remains to be seen if they'll ever publish anything again. As of about a year ago, there were two products being worked on: Being Human and a new version of All Flesh Must Be Eaten. However, the last I heard the company was down to just basically two people doing stuff in their extremely limited free time and thus progress was slow; Being Human has been in the pipeline for many, many years and I'll be shocked if it ever comes out.


A shame really, as many people were really pumped for Being Human, and if they had have released it a decent interval after it was first announced, I think it would have been a good seller for them. As it was, it went from "OoooH, yes please! Let me give you money!!!" to "Why the delay?" to "Any news??" to "Remember this??" to "What???"
"It was all going so well until the first disembowelment."



How Eden dropped the ball on the whole Walking Dead craze still shocks me.

AFMBE was a solid game for introducing noobs to RPGs.

Christopher Brady

I still get updates from them, from time to time.  I think they using a mobile app, not sure.
"And now, my friends, a Dragon\'s toast!  To life\'s little blessings:  wars, plagues and all forms of evil.  Their presence keeps us alert --- and their absence makes us grateful." -T.A. Barron[/SIZE]


Quote from: Spinachcat;1066649How Eden dropped the ball on the whole Walking Dead craze still shocks me.

AFMBE was a solid game for introducing noobs to RPGs.

  Yeah, that was where I was scratching my head, they predated that craze, and to me it seems money in the bank.... Even GURPS has a hard back zombies book.

David Johansen

Dream Pod 9' Gear Krieg predated the whole Weird War fad by at least ten years.  Space 1889 preceded Steam Punk by at least that much.  It's not always good to be the first in the field.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


Quote from: David Johansen;1066706Dream Pod 9' Gear Krieg predated the whole Weird War fad by at least ten years.  Space 1889 preceded Steam Punk by at least that much.  It's not always good to be the first in the field.

  True, but if I remember correctly the AFMBE line was started right around the release of the remake of Dawn of the Dead.  I figured that gave them momentum, I just wonder if they went too hard in the paint too early and gassed out.

Godfather Punk

Didn't the 'One of the Living' sourcebook for AFMBE come out around TWD? And their Pirates sourcebook around PotC?

I think they lost a lot of steam when they got on the IP train. Buffy, Angel, Evil Dead, Ghosts of Albion... Must have cost a pretty penny to produce those.

They did start a few successful KS campaigns and I was really expecting Beyond Human to be their next ks project but suddenly things dried up.


I recall they had a City of Heroes game due out that never made it beyond the free preview stage.  Not that I've done any research into it, but it does seem to have been their last big project and it never was released for profit... that must have hurt financially.
For you the day you found a minor error in a Post by Spike and forced him to admit it, it was the greatest day of your internet life.  For me it was... Tuesday.

For the curious: Apparently, in person, I sound exactly like the Youtube Character The Nostalgia Critic.   I have no words.
