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"If" you don't adopt D&D 6E when it comes along, what game do you see as your future?

Started by Razor 007, December 28, 2019, 07:43:28 PM

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Quote from: Scrivener of Doom;1122748Kull wahad! (You have heard of Dune, right? Please say you have.)

I have had heard of Dune, but only so far as that I've only seen the 80's movie and little else.

Quote from: Scrivener of Doom;1122748Um, no, Glorantha is Greg Stafford's world (he actually first began work on it in 1966, well before RPGs) and it is heavily connected to the Runequest game.

The Critical Role world is Exandria. It has trannies, poofs, and "they" as a singular pronoun so it's awesome.

Gotcha! Well Glorantha sounds interesting and I'm looking at pdf/books to get for 13th Age now, lol.
" I\'m Batman "

Armchair Gamer

Quote from: Batman;1122819Oh, well I still have an almost complete version of the board game HeroQuest - if we're talking about the same game/setting - that we've done during our games nights a few times. Brings back a lot of memories! I didn't know that and Runequest were in the same setting! I'll have to delve more into the setting and the games.

   I forgot about the board game HeroQuest--no relation. The HeroQuest I was thinking of is what the Pundit would call a storygame. Sorry for the confusion.

Snark Knight

Quote from: happyhermit;1122777Critical Role has streamed themselves playing a ton of systems, I don't know if they have completely separate "feeds" for that or whatever but I am sure fans see all of it.

I forgot about that, because I'm now remembering the day I went to search for Call of Cthulhu-themed content and all of a sudden 99.9% of what I found was, out of nowhere, gifs and memes of Critical Roll's cast in vaguely early 1900 attire, as well as fanart. That being said I don't recall anything else they've played that wasn't Pathfinder in the early days. At the very least, their core fandom doesn't seem to care for anything that's not their main campaign.