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"If" you don't adopt D&D 6E when it comes along, what game do you see as your future?

Started by Razor 007, December 28, 2019, 07:43:28 PM

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Snark Knight

Would it even be possible for 6E to flop? Since it seems, especially post-CR, to be 99% of peoples only exposure to anything resembling a P&P game, it seems most would likely roll over and accept it at best, or else go full cultist and defend their consooooumption to the death. It'd be a lot like Games Workshop products, wherein people don't know any better and have no other metric of experience to judge what does or doesn't make a 'good' game and stick with The Brand no matter what. At least back when 4th came out it seemed like most of the playerbase at least had the awareness other games existed (see: how Pathfinder exploded).


Quote from: Spinachcat;112188913th Age is solid and plays great at the table. I was very happy with the campaign we played when the game came out. Too bad the clown company didn't promote the game like gangbusters when they had 12-18 months without a current D&D on the shelves.

Yeah it never really became a huge household name other than "Haven for 4e folks" that I was aware of anyways.  Shame because the more I'm reading, it should've had a bigger impact. The unique lore of the setting alone is pretty cool and involved unlike the more common D&D settings we have

Quote from: Scrivener of Doom;1121964From the single session I have run, it seems like a great game and I cannot wait to find the right group so I can get more than a session out of it. And running theatre-of-the-mind in a system designed for TotM is just such a simple joy: Why didn't TSR or WotC ever do this? (That's rhetorical, obviously.)

I'm also really looking forward to one day running a 13th Age Glorantha campaign. I think that might do certain parts of the Glorantha experience (the high fantasy parts) much better than RuneQuest ever could (and I have the greatest respect for RQ as a game).

Glorantha is the Critical Role setting right? Ill be honest, I've never seen a single episode, lol. My buddy just got the setting for 5e so I probably should at least check it out. As for the system, aside from the Paladin class - which is kind of just basic - I'm really interested in trying a session. Looks like I may start with just their own siding and then possibly converted to other settings I'm more comfortable running in.
" I\'m Batman "


Quote from: Snark Knight;1122704Would it even be possible for 6E to flop? Since it seems, especially post-CR, to be 99% of peoples only exposure to anything resembling a P&P game, it seems most would likely roll over and accept it at best, or else go full cultist and defend their consooooumption to the death. It'd be a lot like Games Workshop products, wherein people don't know any better and have no other metric of experience to judge what does or doesn't make a 'good' game and stick with The Brand no matter what. At least back when 4th came out it seemed like most of the playerbase at least had the awareness other games existed (see: how Pathfinder exploded).

Well it depends on how much buy-in they get from the existing 5e player base, especially the people who only really know 5e. I'm sure they could fuck that up. But it really isn't that hard to make a 6e that people would go for. You just have to:
1. Wait a couple more years. I don't think 6e coming out, say, 12 years after 5e came out would be seen as unreasonable.
2. Keep the changes conservative, mostly tinkering with things that pretty much everyone agrees need tinkering with (Beastmaster ranger, Lucky feat, etc. etc.).
3. Don't put out too many books between now and 6e.
4. Have a fairly permissive SRD so that people don't feel like they have to buy books RIGHT NOW in order to play.
5. Add a few simple bits of new shiny. Maybe add in additional abilities for races that kick in at higher levels. That'd clutter up the game a bit but people want some new shinies. Maybe remove feats entirely to make space for that?

Can't see too many people getting up in arms about that. I personally would prefer bigger changes to 5e than that, but keeping things small would make it easier to swallow.


There could be another big company competitor to a theoretically crappy 6e D&D, but it wouldn't be Pathfinder.
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Quote from: RPGPundit;1122728There could be another big company competitor to a theoretically crappy 6e D&D, but it wouldn't be Pathfinder.

Kobold Press could do a 5e clone yup.
I don't think a 6e is on the horizon. I think even for 2024 they may just clean up 5e.


For me Ill keep running Barbarians of Lemuria, Basic Role Play and my variant of the black hack for most of my games.
Hobbies: RPGs, Synths, Drumming and Recreational Strangling.

Armchair Gamer

Quote from: Batman;1122722Glorantha is the Critical Role setting right? Ill be honest, I've never seen a single episode, lol. My buddy just got the setting for 5e so I probably should at least check it out. As for the system, aside from the Paladin class - which is kind of just basic - I'm really interested in trying a session. Looks like I may start with just their own siding and then possibly converted to other settings I'm more comfortable running in.

  Greg Stafford is rolling in his grave right about now. :)

  No, Glorantha's the setting associated with Runequest, HeroQuest, and 13th Age Glorantha. I've never gotten into it myself--my tastes run High Medieval Epic Romantic Fantasy, and Glorantha seems to be very much Bronze Age Sword-and-Sorcery Mythic--but it's one of the oldest and most well-developed settings in the hobby.

Scrivener of Doom

Quote from: Batman;1122722(snip) Glorantha is the Critical Role setting right? Ill be honest, I've never seen a single episode, lol. My buddy just got the setting for 5e so I probably should at least check it out. As for the system, aside from the Paladin class - which is kind of just basic - I'm really interested in trying a session. Looks like I may start with just their own siding and then possibly converted to other settings I'm more comfortable running in.

Kull wahad! (You have heard of Dune, right? Please say you have.)

Um, no, Glorantha is Greg Stafford's world (he actually first began work on it in 1966, well before RPGs) and it is heavily connected to the Runequest game.

The Critical Role world is Exandria. It has trannies, poofs, and "they" as a singular pronoun so it's awesome.

Quote from: Armchair Gamer;1122745Greg Stafford is rolling in his grave right about now. :)

No, Glorantha's the setting associated with Runequest, HeroQuest, and 13th Age Glorantha. I've never gotten into it myself--my tastes run High Medieval Epic Romantic Fantasy, and Glorantha seems to be very much Bronze Age Sword-and-Sorcery Mythic--but it's one of the oldest and most well-developed settings in the hobby.

Glorantha also has a high fantasy element (heroquests and godtime) that RQ never handled well but which seems suited to 13th Age Glorantha. (IMO. YMMV. I am not a Glorantha purist.)
Scrivener of Doom


Quote from: S'mon;1122734Kobold Press could do a 5e clone yup.
I don't think a 6e is on the horizon. I think even for 2024 they may just clean up 5e.

Kobold Press is a great little company but it is just one man and his freelancers.
Who da Drow?  U da drow! - hedgehobbit

There will be poor always,
pathetically struggling,
look at the good things you've got! -  Jesus


Quote from: Snark Knight;1122704Would it even be possible for 6E to flop? Since it seems, especially post-CR, to be 99% of peoples only exposure to anything resembling a P&P game, it seems most would likely roll over and accept it at best, or else go full cultist and defend their consooooumption to the death..... At least back when 4th came out it seemed like most of the playerbase at least had the awareness other games existed (see: how Pathfinder exploded).

Well, in my opinion D&D's 5e growth has not really trickled down to the rest of the hobby for exactly the reasons you state.

And WOTC is perfectly happy for it to remain that way.

In WOTC's defense it's not like any of D&D's erstwhile competitors have had the business savvy to stay around and relevant long enough to matter.

In their defense, D&D has been bailed out of seriously bad decisions by big $$$ no less than three times already.

Quote from: RPGPundit;1122728There could be another big company competitor to a theoretically crappy 6e D&D, but it wouldn't be Pathfinder.

Pozzio was in a very unique position not of their own making for them to do what they did when 4e went off like a fart in a cathedral.

Who is even in a position, with a system that doesn't suck, to even be able to transition to become a Not D&D (*cought* totally D&D *cough*) competitor to 6e like Pozzio was? They're pot invested in PF2 so they're a no go...

WOTC would have to make worse than 4e level mistakes on 6e.

And then someone would still have to get lucky and trap lightning in a bottle, to be noticed from the 6e juggernaut.

Quote from: Scrivener of DoomUm, no, Glorantha is Greg Stafford's world (he actually first began work on it in 1966, well before RPGs) and it is heavily connected to the Runequest game. .

Gorlantha, the setting tie-in that ensured that RQ would never, ever, in any way, be a competitor to D&D.
"The envious are not satisfied with equality; they secretly yearn for superiority and revenge."


Quote from: Shasarak;1122761Kobold Press is a great little company but it is just one man and his freelancers.

Plenty to scrape an SRD and do a retro clone - look at all the OSR clones from OSRIC on.


Quote from: S'mon;1122767Plenty to scrape an SRD and do a retro clone - look at all the OSR clones from OSRIC on.

If you want to pick random game companies then why not go for Rob Schwab?  He has plenty of experience at creating and supporting his own RPG: Shadow of the Demon Lord.
Who da Drow?  U da drow! - hedgehobbit

There will be poor always,
pathetically struggling,
look at the good things you've got! -  Jesus


Quote from: Snark Knight;1122704... Since it seems, especially post-CR, to be 99% of peoples only exposure to anything resembling a P&P game, it seems most would likely roll over and accept it at best, or else go full cultist and defend their consooooumption to the death. ...

Critical Role has streamed themselves playing a ton of systems, I don't know if they have completely separate "feeds" for that or whatever but I am sure fans see all of it.


Quote from: Shasarak;1122776If you want to pick random game companies then why not go for Rob Schwab?  He has plenty of experience at creating and supporting his own RPG: Shadow of the Demon Lord.

I went with the most active 3rd party publisher for 5e DnD. They do nicr glossy stuff that gets on the FLGS shelves beside the WotC books.


Quote from: Armchair Gamer;1122745Greg Stafford is rolling in his grave right about now. :)

Apologies for my ignorance :)

Quote from: Armchair Gamer;1122745No, Glorantha's the setting associated with Runequest, HeroQuest, and 13th Age Glorantha. I've never gotten into it myself--my tastes run High Medieval Epic Romantic Fantasy, and Glorantha seems to be very much Bronze Age Sword-and-Sorcery Mythic--but it's one of the oldest and most well-developed settings in the hobby.

Oh, well I still have an almost complete version of the board game HeroQuest - if we're talking about the same game/setting - that we've done during our games nights a few times. Brings back a lot of memories! I didn't know that and Runequest were in the same setting! I'll have to delve more into the setting and the games.
" I\'m Batman "