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"If" you don't adopt D&D 6E when it comes along, what game do you see as your future?

Started by Razor 007, December 28, 2019, 07:43:28 PM

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Currently I am alternating between Mini 6 and 5e, and I'll likely be doing that for a few years even if 6e comes out early. I would likely buy a 5.5e cleanup.


Quote from: SHARK;1121775*Laughs* Oh, damn, S'mon! It's always the Gnomes!:D
To be fair... sometimes it's Kender (a halfling being played like a Kender anyway because the DM rightly said "Hell NO!" to playing a Kender).

At times I think gnomes are just the preferred choice for those who haven't yet discovered Kender.

Steven Mitchell

Quote from: Chris24601;1121800To be fair... sometimes it's Kender (a halfling being played like a Kender anyway because the DM rightly said "Hell NO!" to playing a Kender).

At times I think gnomes are just the preferred choice for those who haven't yet discovered Kender.

We'd never paid much attention to gnomes, pro or con.  I didn't think the players had thought much on the matter.  Then in my current campaign I made them diabolical bogey men instead of player characters.  Thought I'd get some push back, but the players took that in stride, almost in a "that makes sense" manner.


Quote from: Slipshot762;1121534I tried playing that vampire: the angsty twat game a couple times and would flat rather suckstart a shotgun than endure that system or the types i found to be playing it.

"Suckstarting a shotgun" should become the new standard way of describing what was previously known as "Pulling a Cobain".

Quote from: Slipshot762;1121534(tal'dorei? boy wtf did i tell you about apostrophes in fantasy names?)

This one reminded me of Forrester's lecture on old ENWorld, "Nyiming yur charaectyr".

Quote from: Slipshot762;1121534or never wandered upon the special breed of people who say things like "half drow half dragon  half tabaxi all fabulous 4 fighter/9 goat herder/ 3 harlot with dark furrykin subclass and androgynous kit named kittikens"

Quote from: Slipshot762;1121534When i ask about your character and you say, rather than knight errant or apprentice wizard, something like "soul forged warbound shadow striker with EMP build" I really, really, just really want to strangle you to death and make furniture from your bones. cheap crappy furniture that no one wants.

"Build" is indeed a fucking retarded way of describing any character. Here I have to lay the blame squarely on 3E (even 2E kits weren't the same, or nearly as poisonous).

Ok, I have to have some time to stop laughing. This post is a fucking gold mine.
"It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Boris Grushenko


Quote from: Batman;1121459I will say that I FINALLY got my hands on the 13th Age core rulebook and I'm very pleasantly surprised!

13th Age is solid and plays great at the table. I was very happy with the campaign we played when the game came out. Too bad the clown company didn't promote the game like gangbusters when they had 12-18 months without a current D&D on the shelves.

Quote from: Slipshot762;1121534As god is my witness we will play "D&D" with D6 fantasy or we won't play at all.

Start a thread on D6 Fantasy. We must all speak more upon this!!

Quote from: Slipshot762;1121534I really, really, just really want to strangle you to death and make furniture from your bones. cheap crappy furniture that no one wants.

It's from the Black Metal Ikea collection!

Scrivener of Doom

Quote from: Batman;1121459(snip) I will say that I FINALLY got my hands on the 13th Age core rulebook and I'm very pleasantly surprised! I knew that it had 4e elements and that's certainly true but I like a lot of the concepts such as more broad skills that can be applied to a number of situations, the way feats work with talents and Spells, and the tight way in which it is bounded up into 10 levels. So I'm now putting time into delving more into that system than traditional d20s.

From the single session I have run, it seems like a great game and I cannot wait to find the right group so I can get more than a session out of it. And running theatre-of-the-mind in a system designed for TotM is just such a simple joy: Why didn't TSR or WotC ever do this? (That's rhetorical, obviously.)

I'm also really looking forward to one day running a 13th Age Glorantha campaign. I think that might do certain parts of the Glorantha experience (the high fantasy parts) much better than RuneQuest ever could (and I have the greatest respect for RQ as a game).
Scrivener of Doom

Razor 007

It's Out!!!  It's Out!!!  D&D 6E Is Out!!!

I need you to roll a perception check.....



*LAUGHING*!!! Oh, geesus. This made me choke on my coffee from laughing so much! Fucking brilliant!

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b

Razor 007

Quote from: SHARK;1122102Greetings!

*LAUGHING*!!! Oh, geesus. This made me choke on my coffee from laughing so much! Fucking brilliant!

Semper Fidelis,


Just doing my part....
I need you to roll a perception check.....


If 6e is shit, then that will either lead to a resurgence of the OSR or a new indie movement of some kind of good gaming.
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

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Quote from: RPGPundit;1122332If 6e is shit, then that will either lead to a resurgence of the OSR or a new indie movement of some kind of good gaming.

Or another push from Paizo, either with PF2 or something else.



Honestly, I would probably play Pathfinder 2e if it wasn't so fucking SJW sanitized. With that being said, I'm DMing a 5e campaign right now, and its fine. Its not great, it doesn't blow me away, its just fine. I'll probably switch to 1e pathfinder with the 3 action rule from Pathfinder Unleashed.

Razor 007

Quote from: ZetaRidley;1122561Honestly, I would probably play Pathfinder 2e if it wasn't so fucking SJW sanitized. With that being said, I'm DMing a 5e campaign right now, and its fine. Its not great, it doesn't blow me away, its just fine. I'll probably switch to 1e pathfinder with the 3 action rule from Pathfinder Unleashed.

Pathfinder Unchained?
I need you to roll a perception check.....
