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"If" you don't adopt D&D 6E when it comes along, what game do you see as your future?

Started by Razor 007, December 28, 2019, 07:43:28 PM

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Last week I had to sit through two hours of a gnome druidess coming to terms with her newfound ability to Wildshape as some kind of a puberty metaphor. I just wanted to kill goblins. :confused:


Quote from: S'mon;1121665Last week I had to sit through two hours of a gnome druidess coming to terms with her newfound ability to Wildshape as some kind of a puberty metaphor. I just wanted to kill goblins. :confused:
Honestly, my experience is that if all I want to do is kill stuff without much character development, then any of a dozen video games ranging from single-player to MMO to real time strategy can scratch that itch.

That's a big chunk of WHY I think you're seeing a shift in focus for tabletop RPGs. There will always be those who enjoy writing stories by hand in a moleskin notebook, but modern word processing programs are many times more efficient for most folks.

Tabletop is NOT the most efficient for those sort of scenarios, but as anyone who's dealt with a Siri or Alexa knows; video games are utterly inept at running anything other than a railroad with pre-canned dialogue choices. THAT is the niche that new people seeking out the tabletop experience are looking to have filled that only a live GM with other live players can fill (and they'll put up with the inefficient orc killing mechanics to get it... either that or expand on that too by trying to go outside the box and/or creatively describe their actions there too).

At least that's been my experience in testing my system. Older players enjoy combat mechanics, younger ones see that part as clunky compared to video games, but are drawn by the ability to paint outside the lines that tabletop offers.


Quote from: Chris24601;1121683At least that's been my experience in testing my system. Older players enjoy combat mechanics, younger ones see that part as clunky compared to video games, but are drawn by the ability to paint outside the lines that tabletop offers.

Well, yeah.

The GM accused me of being Against Roleplaying. :(


Quote from: Snowman0147;1121576RPGs is a poor way of doing it because of the one factor know as dice.  The random chance for utter failure is always there and just waiting to ruin someone's precious narrative.

The old saying still is true. You write the story after the game is played because then you know what to write about.


Quote from: S'mon;1121665Last week I had to sit through two hours of a gnome druidess coming to terms with her newfound ability to Wildshape as some kind of a puberty metaphor. I just wanted to kill goblins. :confused:

This is why gnomes should be banned from games. :D

And really, the problems with thespians at the game table is the same as having comic relief players. The people who choose those character styles typically do not have a good sense of the dramatic or the comedic and they do not know when it is appropriate in game.

Steven Mitchell

Quote from: S'mon;1121690Well, yeah.

The GM accused me of being Against Roleplaying. :(

Tell him that you like roleplaying so much that you think more than one person ought to be able to do it in a two hour span. :)


Quote from: Steven Mitchell;1121709Tell him that you like roleplaying so much that you think more than one person ought to be able to do it in a two hour span. :)

The GM is a her, but yeah. :D


Quote from: S'mon;1121690Well, yeah.

The GM accused me of being Against Roleplaying. :(

You can still role play when killing Goblins
Who da Drow?  U da drow! - hedgehobbit

There will be poor always,
pathetically struggling,
look at the good things you've got! -  Jesus


Quote from: S'mon;1121771I did!

Not if you are waiting for the Druid to get over leveling up.
Who da Drow?  U da drow! - hedgehobbit

There will be poor always,
pathetically struggling,
look at the good things you've got! -  Jesus


Quote from: S'mon;1121665Last week I had to sit through two hours of a gnome druidess coming to terms with her newfound ability to Wildshape as some kind of a puberty metaphor. I just wanted to kill goblins. :confused:


*Laughs* Oh, damn, S'mon! It's always the Gnomes!:D

Were you able to drink a few pints, my friend?

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


Quote from: Shasarak;1121773Not if you are waiting for the Druid to get over leveling up.

We did spend the second two hours killing goblins.


Quote from: SHARK;1121775Greetings!

*Laughs* Oh, damn, S'mon! It's always the Gnomes!:D

Were you able to drink a few pints, my friend?

Semper Fidelis,


Oh yeah. Quite a few. :D


Quote from: S'mon;1121665Last week I had to sit through two hours of a gnome druidess coming to terms with her newfound ability to Wildshape as some kind of a puberty metaphor. I just wanted to kill goblins. :confused:

Can you feel my eye twitching? Yeah...
What is there to "come to terms" with? Reminds me of the first time I met an SJW instructor in college:
Took a class called environmental justice thinking its about EPA regulations or something, no, no it's not; Behold!
Here cometh a young lass with problem glasses, all the way from Cali to hale ole Kaintuck (this was the first warning sign, but don't be a bigot) who was a good 5 years my junior and yet an instructor (second warning sign) and from day one its less a class about anything and more a cult where everyone learns to worship ceasar chavez with a healthy sprinkling of diatribes about unrelated things like gender roles abortion and (landmine, lady, heads up!) gun control. *Boom*

We learn absolute falsehoods about gun control & ownership, terrible phony stats, its en epidemic you see, the founding fathers was racist, guns is racist, bible racist, i'm racist you racist we be racist, wouldn't you like to be racist too? I loved the part where she described how backwards we are in kaintuck, she had just moved here and ran over a squirrel, but when she called the emt's (apparently she didn't mention the rodent, just car accident, or they would not have rolled) they "shamed and harrassed her" those sexist pigs and refused to help the lil rat. (I would have starting cooking it just to see her face but I digress)

There was an assignment to write some kind of BS about the oppressive order vanishing and how it would improve things; my wife had the class with me but she was a nursing student, a science type, writing bullshit is not her thing. So, I wrote both! Now, funny enough, mine, which was defiance granted, was a story about the joys of starvation in the absence of whiteys civ done gone nuked. Got like a D for it...but I also wrote the wifes, same thing only bio-war caused the wipe, people are still starving, animal level, pooping and mating in public, and main character was normal modern woman leaving the bunker, acting as doctor for new world savages, and they called her lady of the night for only coming out at night to optimize her chances via night vision and also refusing the public sex poop....A frickin plus, hailed as literary genius...because this twit thought a woman wrote it.

When she started back in about gun control, I set her straight, I emailed her links that tell you plainly what the actual laws are and what the founders actually said, asked her to at least be honest when spreading her propaganda, made the mistake of being very polite and calling her "lass" in my best fedora tipping mi'lady impersonation. Next thing you know, I'm summoned in front of interim director, apparently I threatened her via email, I'm unstable, she wants me mentally evaluated and removed...problem is though, I still have the emails and can prove otherwise....oopsie, commutard.

Seeing emails, director is like "well its past time to change classes but i'll let you out and into a different one, you can catch up and we'll forget about it". Her lying and trying to get students removed from school and committed to mental facilities is just a minor trifle, not something she should be removed or sanctioned for.

I'm like not so fast buddy, does this bitch know its illegal to be a communist, that the communist control act is still law just unenforced, did you guys not tell her she cannot pull this crap here where people will still actually find a way to help you die accidentally should you upset the natural order? He's all like I'll talk to her you just forget her.

A few months later I graduated, never heard anymore about her, other than the reports my wife would give since she was still in that class. After I left the gun control talk stopped but the anti-white shit ramped up, poor nick was left behind as the only white male so bore the brunt of her hassle, got accused of things twice for defending himself against her sweeping generalizations. Now understand nick was a fedora tipping neckbeard w/o a shred of backbone or a political opinion beyond "weed good", an absolute non-target in my book, so to hear she went aggro on him was both bewildering and sad, not to mention funny.

Moral is I suppose, when you smell crazy, call it out and stick to your guns, or run, run far and fast forest.

Coming to terms with wildshape....how about you come to terms with wildrape, yeah i said it, as dm i would have other animals trying to rape her while wild shaped, chance increased during aunt flows visit, what, its just nature don't panic now...

Gradually I began to hate them.

Lol wildshape

Eric Diaz

Considering I've been playing and writing RPGs for enough time now, it is likely that 5e D&D is my last attempt at playing someone else's game.

So, probably something I write myself (am I'm quite tempted to write my own version of 5e; which will probably not happen with 6e unless it is an awesome game AND included in the SRD).

Realistically, I don't think we'll see 6e soon.
Chaos Factory Books  - Dark fantasy RPGs and more!

Methods & Madness - my  D&D 5e / Old School / Game design blog.