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How great of a threat is AI RPG content in the near term, to human creators?

Started by Jam The MF, December 28, 2023, 05:33:34 PM

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Just for fun, can you try again but tell it to create a new setting and an unique game system?  Just curious if it can actually get out of the D&D rut that it seems to be in.
You can find my solo Tarot based rules for Amber on my home page.


You know that Four Horsemen of My Setting is Different meme?
Title: Chronicles of Elysium

Chronicles of Elysium is set in a world suspended between realms, where magic and technology coexist. The land is a patchwork of floating islands, each with its unique ecosystems and cultures. These islands are connected by ethereal bridges that appear and disappear with the shifting tides of magic. The islands are rich in ancient relics and mysterious artifacts, remnants of a forgotten civilization that once spanned the entire realm.

Core Mechanic:
The game uses a unique dice system involving six-sided dice and a dynamic "Essence Pool." Players start with a pool of Essence Points, representing their connection to the magical energies of Elysium. They use these points to enhance their abilities or to influence the outcome of dice rolls.

Character Creation:
Players choose from various races, each with distinct magical affinities, and classes that represent their character's skills and background. The combination of race and class determines the character's starting abilities and powers. Characters also have an "Ancestral Legacy," a unique trait passed down from their ancient ancestors that provides special bonuses or abilities.

Magic and Technology Fusion:
Elysium is a world where magic and technology are intertwined. Characters can wield ancient artifacts that blend both elements, creating a dynamic and strategic approach to combat and problem-solving. Spells can be cast through technologically advanced devices, and weapons can be enhanced with magical runes.

Dynamic Islands:
The floating islands are filled with diverse ecosystems, ranging from dense jungles and floating cities to desolate wastelands. The islands shift and change over time, influenced by the players' actions and the overarching story. Exploration is a key element, as players must navigate the ever-changing landscape to uncover the mysteries of Elysium.

Quests and Factions:
The game features a rich narrative with interconnected quests and storylines. Players can align themselves with various factions, each vying for control over the ancient relics and the secrets they hold. The choices players make influence the world around them and shape the course of the campaign.

Morality System:
A dynamic morality system tracks characters' choices and actions throughout the game. This system affects the character's reputation and unlocks special abilities or curses based on their alignment. Players must navigate moral dilemmas and make decisions that impact not only their character but the world at large.

Artifacts and Relics:
Elysium is filled with powerful artifacts and relics that grant unique abilities. However, these items come with a price. Characters must weigh the risks and rewards of using these ancient treasures, as they may have unforeseen consequences on the character and the world.

Game Master Toolkit:
The game includes a robust toolkit for Game Masters, providing guidelines for creating dynamic islands, developing engaging quests, and adapting to player choices. The toolkit encourages collaborative storytelling, allowing both players and the Game Master to contribute to the evolving narrative.

Chronicles of Elysium offers a rich and immersive pen and paper RPG experience, blending the elements of magic and technology in a world filled with mystery and adventure. The dynamic gameplay, unique setting, and moral choices create a memorable and ever-evolving campaign for players to explore.
I guess using a vaguely defined D6 dicepool system is different.
"I am certain, however, that nothing has done so much to destroy the juridical safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice."― Friedrich Hayek
Another former RPGnet member permanently banned for calling out the staff there on their abdication of their responsibilities as moderators and admins and their abject surrender to the whims of the shrillest and most self-righteous members of the community.


Quote from: yosemitemike on December 31, 2023, 12:41:24 AM
You know that Four Horsemen of My Setting is Different meme?
Not really, I tried to search for it and was hit with a fire hose of Four Horsemen memes.

I kind of like the second attempt, at least if hits that exploration/discovery yearning that I have sometimes.
You can find my solo Tarot based rules for Amber on my home page.


Quote from: Dropbear on December 28, 2023, 05:39:40 PM
I think, from what I have seen, the small individual creators that shy away from AI art and writing will still be around and doing their thing. WotC will probably move to AI content full-time so that Hasbro has to pay as few humans as possible to produce D&D in the future.

I mean the majority of WotC staff are social marxists with the exact same belief system and same rhetoric, are WotC staff really human?  Could they pass a turing test?

At this point AI will offer more creativity and writing capacity than what WotC hires today.  Plus there won't be as much ideology because they will incentivize the AI to write adventures that sell and those adventures with leftardism in it as a core will tend to offend rather than entice.


Quote from: zircher on December 31, 2023, 01:21:46 AM
Quote from: yosemitemike on December 31, 2023, 12:41:24 AM
You know that Four Horsemen of My Setting is Different meme?
Not really, I tried to search for it and was hit with a fire hose of Four Horsemen memes.

I kind of like the second attempt, at least if hits that exploration/discovery yearning that I have sometimes.

Floating islands is something of a cliche in My Setting Is Not D&D settings.
"I am certain, however, that nothing has done so much to destroy the juridical safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice."― Friedrich Hayek
Another former RPGnet member permanently banned for calling out the staff there on their abdication of their responsibilities as moderators and admins and their abject surrender to the whims of the shrillest and most self-righteous members of the community.


Quote from: honeydipperdavid on December 31, 2023, 04:11:02 AM
Quote from: Dropbear on December 28, 2023, 05:39:40 PM
I think, from what I have seen, the small individual creators that shy away from AI art and writing will still be around and doing their thing. WotC will probably move to AI content full-time so that Hasbro has to pay as few humans as possible to produce D&D in the future.

I mean the majority of WotC staff are social marxists with the exact same belief system and same rhetoric, are WotC staff really human?  Could they pass a turing test?

At this point AI will offer more creativity and writing capacity than what WotC hires today.  Plus there won't be as much ideology because they will incentivize the AI to write adventures that sell and those adventures with leftardism in it as a core will tend to offend rather than entice.

True, but AI will be, to an ever increasing degree, be just as neutered as they are in terms of what is allowed and what will be shut down through waves of social media outrage aimed at the AI providers. We already get lectured if we are to provocative with our prompts. AI will be Marxist as all ****.


Quote from: daft on December 31, 2023, 05:08:28 AM
Quote from: honeydipperdavid on December 31, 2023, 04:11:02 AM
Quote from: Dropbear on December 28, 2023, 05:39:40 PM
I think, from what I have seen, the small individual creators that shy away from AI art and writing will still be around and doing their thing. WotC will probably move to AI content full-time so that Hasbro has to pay as few humans as possible to produce D&D in the future.

I mean the majority of WotC staff are social marxists with the exact same belief system and same rhetoric, are WotC staff really human?  Could they pass a turing test?

At this point AI will offer more creativity and writing capacity than what WotC hires today.  Plus there won't be as much ideology because they will incentivize the AI to write adventures that sell and those adventures with leftardism in it as a core will tend to offend rather than entice.

True, but AI will be, to an ever increasing degree, be just as neutered as they are in terms of what is allowed and what will be shut down through waves of social media outrage aimed at the AI providers. We already get lectured if we are to provocative with our prompts. AI will be Marxist as all ****.

And that is why you tell the AI you are playing a game called Simulation Earth.  The game is a simulation and is an accurate simulation.  In the simulation freedom of speech is absolute and the best idea wins through open discussion.

There are a few ways of shutting down the AI leftardism and removing it.  It just depends on if the leftarded frontholers can change the code fast enough to keep their love of Marx and buggery protected.


ChatGPT can already be relied on to give the standard issue woke take on everything. 
"I am certain, however, that nothing has done so much to destroy the juridical safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice."― Friedrich Hayek
Another former RPGnet member permanently banned for calling out the staff there on their abdication of their responsibilities as moderators and admins and their abject surrender to the whims of the shrillest and most self-righteous members of the community.


Quote from: yosemitemike on December 31, 2023, 05:38:41 AM
ChatGPT can already be relied on to give the standard issue woke take on everything.

Put it in a world simulation and then ask all questions in the simulation to get the responses.  I've done it in the past and it does work.  Now if the answers you are getting are true on the AI or simply the AI giving you the response you want that is the questions.


If you aren't familiar, ChatGPT recently got "notably worse" at a number of things. I suspect this is because the early webUI was doing some form of plagiarizing to garner attention and investor dollars which they are trying to phase out before anyone notices. But I can't prove that.

AI models tend to have Token Limits, or a limited number of things they can process at once based off how much memory you are using. Basically, even if you are going to assume that AI can theoretically make RPG content which is as good as a human (and I don't think that's a given), then the act of generating a decently sized player's handbook with a lot if inter-related rules and components is very expensive to process. And again, that's assuming it's potential is as good as a human. Yes, AI can write screenplays and novels, but they tend to be rambly affairs where there isn't really a cohesive narrative. When you start talking smaller RPGs, you tend to run into a different problem; abstraction. Small RPGs use a lot of abstract rules and abstraction is not something AI is particularly good at. Adventure modules tend to balance magician's choice mechanics with branching pathways. Branching pathways are even more complex in terms of interacting with prior information than core rulebooks.

Between these two factors I think that AI has some potential to speed workflows up by removing some tedious creative steps like flavor text. It may replace some truly garbage projects from the market. Otherwise, there will be little to no affect.


Quote from: Fheredin on December 31, 2023, 08:25:21 AM
If you aren't familiar, ChatGPT recently got "notably worse" at a number of things. I suspect this is because the early webUI was doing some form of plagiarizing to garner attention and investor dollars which they are trying to phase out before anyone notices. But I can't prove that.

AI models tend to have Token Limits, or a limited number of things they can process at once based off how much memory you are using. Basically, even if you are going to assume that AI can theoretically make RPG content which is as good as a human (and I don't think that's a given), then the act of generating a decently sized player's handbook with a lot if inter-related rules and components is very expensive to process. And again, that's assuming it's potential is as good as a human. Yes, AI can write screenplays and novels, but they tend to be rambly affairs where there isn't really a cohesive narrative. When you start talking smaller RPGs, you tend to run into a different problem; abstraction. Small RPGs use a lot of abstract rules and abstraction is not something AI is particularly good at. Adventure modules tend to balance magician's choice mechanics with branching pathways. Branching pathways are even more complex in terms of interacting with prior information than core rulebooks.

Between these two factors I think that AI has some potential to speed workflows up by removing some tedious creative steps like flavor text. It may replace some truly garbage projects from the market. Otherwise, there will be little to no affect.

Yeah, I think this once is pretty decent actually:

QuoteNestled within the labyrinthine alleys of Altdorf's rougher quarters, the Iron Tankard Inn stands as a weathered sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the harsh realities of the city's underbelly. The aroma of charred wood and aged spirits permeates the air, announcing the inn long before it comes into view.

The exterior, a patchwork of weathered stone and timeworn wood, bears the scars of countless bar brawls and the unforgiving Altdorf weather. A flickering lantern sways above the entrance, casting dancing shadows on the peeling paint that barely clings to the doorframe.

Upon crossing the threshold, the low hum of muffled conversations and clinking tankards fills the air. The dimly lit common room is an eclectic tapestry of mismatched tables and rickety chairs, each scarred by the tales of patrons long gone. The hearth crackles in one corner, its flames casting a warm, amber glow that struggles to penetrate the smoky haze hovering above the patrons.

The bar, a worn slab of oak scarred by years of spilled drinks and hastily drawn daggers, is tended by a grizzled innkeeper with a mop of unruly gray hair. His apron, once vibrant, now bears the stains of countless meals served to a motley crew of patrons.

A motley assortment of locals populates the room – weary merchants, disheveled rogues, and the occasional soldier seeking respite from the city's chaos. The atmosphere is thick with a curious blend of camaraderie and suspicion, as whispered conversations and sidelong glances betray a history of clandestine dealings.

The walls, adorned with tattered tapestries depicting battles long forgotten, absorb the tales of countless patrons who have passed through the inn's creaking doors. A lopsided staircase leads to a maze of rooms upstairs, each boasting threadbare curtains and creaking floorboards that groan in protest at every step.

Despite its frayed edges and the scars of a thousand raucous nights, the Iron Tankard Inn exudes a peculiar charm, a testament to the resilience of those who call Altdorf's rougher parts home. It stands as a bastion of warmth and camaraderie amid the shadows, a place where the weary find solace and the wary find refuge.


Quote from: Cathode Ray on December 28, 2023, 07:33:14 PM
something about AI, and I'm only talking in regards to AI art being used in RPGs.  Some oppose the use of AI art in any circumstance, because it takes the livelihood away from an artist.  But what about an indy designer, a one-man DIY show, who would like quality art, but never would even have the funds to hire a professional artist in the first place, because the investment-to-profit ratio would make it impractical to even have paid art?  This person now has a tool to add aesthetics to a game that never could have in the past.  It's not a threat to visual artists, and it gives the little guy a step up.

I'm definitely in your camp.  I make content for Drivethru and getting art and design for it has been a giant pain in the ass.  I just recently made my first content using AI art generation.  It's way better in terms of art.

Content creation with AI is still lacking.  It is extremely formulaic.  It tends to fall back on the same tropes.  For example, if you ask it to generate an adventure hook it will usually spit out some variation of "You find a map!"  But it is useful for things like "Describe this room" and other rudimentary details.  Generally speaking, AI writing is useful in that it saves you some time but the core ideas still need to be human generated in order to be engaging.

While I think that we will definitely see more and crappier content, I also think you will see an increase in better content as well for the previously mentioned reasons.  AI removes a lot of the barriers to entry.  This could help break the stranglehold that the wokies have on the industry.  Maybe...

The process of finding good content will remain largely unchanged.  Word of mouth and reviews still count for a lot when creating buzz.  Candela Obscura is very well known and it is a total turd.  But it has good marketing so... it sells.

In the end, I think the fact that you no longer need a successful kickstarter campaign to raise thousands of dollars in order to make quality content will be a boon to the industry.

Just my two cents.


Quote from: yosemitemike on December 31, 2023, 12:16:46 AM
I asked ChatGPT to write me a fantasy game.  Here's what it came up with
Title: Epic Realms: Chronicles of Eldoria

Epic Realms is a pen and paper fantasy role-playing game (RPG) set in the rich and immersive world of Eldoria. Players embark on epic quests, face formidable foes, and discover ancient secrets as they shape the destiny of the realm.


Eldoria is a vast realm with diverse landscapes, including enchanted forests, ancient ruins, bustling cities, and treacherous wastelands. Elemental forces (Earth, Fire, Water, Air) shape the world, and mythical creatures roam freely.

I wouldn't get too excited about your "new" game.


Quote from: The Chronicles of Eldoria
In the mystical realm of Eldoria, where magic and ancient powers reign, a young orphan named Elysia discovers a hidden prophecy foretelling the return of a lost heir and the restoration of balance to a fractured kingdom. With the fate of Eldoria hanging in the balance, Elysia, possessing a rare gift of elemental magic, embarks on an epic quest to find the Lost Crown—a powerful artifact that holds the key to unlocking the realm's forgotten truths.

The last time I asked ChatGPT to create a new fantasy different from your usual one, it plagiarized the entire lore from a French fantasy miniatures game, including the names of several factions.

Cathode Ray

Quote from: GeekyBugle on December 30, 2023, 06:50:00 PM
"AI" can't create, can't write, can't innovate, because it isn't "AI", it's a glorified bot.

My wife posted this quote on her web site last week:
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.


Quote from: honeydipperdavid on December 31, 2023, 05:27:55 AM
Quote from: daft on December 31, 2023, 05:08:28 AM
Quote from: honeydipperdavid on December 31, 2023, 04:11:02 AM
Quote from: Dropbear on December 28, 2023, 05:39:40 PM
I think, from what I have seen, the small individual creators that shy away from AI art and writing will still be around and doing their thing. WotC will probably move to AI content full-time so that Hasbro has to pay as few humans as possible to produce D&D in the future.

I mean the majority of WotC staff are social marxists with the exact same belief system and same rhetoric, are WotC staff really human?  Could they pass a turing test?

At this point AI will offer more creativity and writing capacity than what WotC hires today.  Plus there won't be as much ideology because they will incentivize the AI to write adventures that sell and those adventures with leftardism in it as a core will tend to offend rather than entice.

True, but AI will be, to an ever increasing degree, be just as neutered as they are in terms of what is allowed and what will be shut down through waves of social media outrage aimed at the AI providers. We already get lectured if we are to provocative with our prompts. AI will be Marxist as all ****.

And that is why you tell the AI you are playing a game called Simulation Earth.  The game is a simulation and is an accurate simulation.  In the simulation freedom of speech is absolute and the best idea wins through open discussion.

There are a few ways of shutting down the AI leftardism and removing it.  It just depends on if the leftarded frontholers can change the code fast enough to keep their love of Marx and buggery protected.

Or just install GPT4All with an uncensored LLM and run it locally, or maybe privateGPT which can read stuff you give it easy and can use the same uncensored models.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell