When it comes to "sets" of dice, how do you prefer yours? Do you like all of the dice in the set you are using to match as far as color goes or do you prefer a random assortment of colors? Feel free to post details as far as if you have a favorite style (opaque, transparent, speckled) or like to mix and match different styles of dice as well.
As for me, I like a random color assortment of opaque dice the best. Yeah, they are probably the most plain dice you can get and some might prefer matching colors, but I guess I just got used to this sort of thing from the old D&D boxed sets that came with a random assortment of opaque dice. That's how I got my first set of dice and for some reason it just feels right to me.
I prefer my dice functional rather than pretty. Give me dark opaques with a bright color for the numbers or light colors with dark numbers. I don't like crystal dice and most speckled dice don't do much for me. I have a few speckled where the color for the numbers contrasts all the various speckling colors. Those work.
As a player, I like all my dice to be the same color, except for a few extra dice in case I need to know "this die is the Wild Die" or something like that. As a DM, I keep quantities (1o or more) of all needed dice at hand, grouped together by type.
There is no option for "I couldn't care less." :D
Quote from: KillingMachineWhen it comes to "sets" of dice, how do you prefer yours?
My primary preference most of the time is for dice that are easy to read quickly. In practice, that tends to mean opaque dice that are fairly dark or light, so that the number inking can contrast sharply, and patterns (if any) that are subtle and not distracting. I was never a big fan of transparent crystal dice, but have used black dice with harder to read red inking for GMing Warhammer FRP. I prefer all my dice to be the same color unless there is a reason for the contrast (e.g., tens die in a percentile pair). For our current Champions game, I'm using a bunch of old little GDW dice, white with black pips and one red die with black pips to use for a half-die during rolls.
Basically I agree with jrients.
i put "matching" although "complementary" would've been a better choice. blues/blacks/purples/dark greens, etc. whatever it is, i almost never grab random dice from the dice bag; i almost always choose individual ones for whatever reason.
I mostly go with matching colors but I have a few die so I can do percentage or have wild dice or bad dice.
Random Gamescience colors, as per the blurb:
QuoteThis set has been molded in assorted unique UGLY COLORS, which may include: Vana White, Murphy Brown, Vida Blue, Lorne Green, Karen Black, Zane Gray, Road-Kill Red, Excessive Violet, Organized Grime, Chocolate Sludge and Statutory Grape.
Easily readable. All else is gravy.
I generally grab a matched set right before the game. Of course, it's my only set of Gamescience dice, so take that for what it's worth. :)
Otherwise, in play, I just grab handfuls of dice, color-coding when necessary (the blue ones are claws, red is bite; or red is full, yellow is -5, blue is -10.)
I like most styles and colors, but I prefer to have atleast 3 matching sets.
In my dice bag, there's a lot of unique single dice, but I also have 3 complete matching sets, and a couple more matching percentiles. I like to mix it up.
Quote from: Pierce InverarityRandom Gamescience colors, as per the blurb:
I like the cut of your jib!
Gamescience is the only way I roll, baby. If it ain't got the G, it ain't for me.
To cut down on confusion I issue each player with a set of matching dice, and each player gets a different color. Each set includes 2D20 (Each a different color), D12, 2D10, D8, 3D6 to 20D6 (Depending on levels, and spells and such.), and a D4.
I have a fishbowl filled with dice, and I have somewhere around 12 complete sets, and many more loose dice. By keeping each player color coded I can easily differentiate between who's rolling what and why.
I like transparent clear ones..but I picked up some Crystal Caste "Steel" ones that I adore. I like their heft...:D
I used to use a matched set. But I have gone to a set of mixed colors. As I like the way those dice roll.
I like a matched set. I currently have an opalescent pink rainbow set (Chessex Carnival) and an opalescent pale blue and pink set.
Yup. I have girl dice.
I confess, I'm into Dice Porn. :deflated:
When I returned to tabletop gaming after a looooooong hiatus, I brought a set of blue/black swirly pattern D6s (Oblivion blue from EM Miniatures for my fellow perverts) and later got some D10s & D20s to match.
I'm after a set of Chessex purple&grey, but havent been able to find them in the UK.
I like matching sets. But I don't think I actually own any.
I have a fairly ecclectic collection made up of a couple of sets that were originally complete but now having missing dice, random dice I seem to have accidently acquired from other gamers, stuff I've pulled out of bargain bins, stuff I've pulled out of boxed sets, and a few dice I bought from a teacher's supply depot (which was the only place to get dice when I first started gaming).
I don't think I've actually bought any dice for more than 10 years now... other than a set of Fudge dice.
I only get my dice in sets these days. I don't quite have the obsession to go in for Gamescience, though. My big sack of Chessex dusty opaques with metallic inks (got 'em all!) with monochrome opaques and a couple translucent sets in the fiancee's colors seems to roll randomly enough. Haven't had a chance to test out my Crystal Caste barrel dice or my Q Workshop Lich Rubies yet, but they feel right.
I really, really love dice. Seriously.
I go with my black dice set. But for Qin I bought another white set. And I like it that way. Black and white. :p
Fortunately or unfortunately, my inner dice geek has been woken up and fed coffee over the last few years. I used to have about twenty dice; now I have about two hundred. I buy in colours that complement each other, but not usually matching sets.
I like matching sets. It makes it a lot easier to drop in an odd-colored die when you have a "wild die" or something to that effect.
I also strongly prefer dark dice with white letters/pips. VtM candlelight gaming back in the day broke me of anything else. :)
Opaque Gamescience, as these pictures of my dice supply illustrate:
Also, d6s with pips ONLY.
Oh, THOSE are Gamescience dice? I was aware of their existence, but didn't care about claims of "true randomosity!" (like I'd notice) so never really looked into them. We had a couple in the communal dice bag, way back when. Couldn't stand 'em. The sharp edges made them bounce too much.
EDIT:....this "I don't roll Gamescience" thing is going to render me just a touch more outcast around here, isn't it? ;)
I have no preferences, als long as I don't get pink dice or dice with turquoise numbers on green ground. (Not that I wouldn't have enough of them - "a hand full of dice for 5€"-offers and "damn, I've forgotten my d12 for this convention, sell me _any_ you've left"-emergencies can lead to disturbingly bizarre dice in your bag.)
Well, I generally like my dice either opaque or transparent. I had a HUGE lot of d20s that my mom got me for christmas one year (I asked for "lots of different polyhedral dice, ask at the game store I go to." and ended up with all 20s, go fig.) that were all those funky ones with the glitter in them. NONE of them were freaking readable. AT ALL. Okay, maybe one or two, but these were all freakishly wrong-looking dice here. It's like my local game store saw a square come in and ask for lots of dice and figured that they could unload ALL their bad stock on them. :mad: :boom: :banghead: :rant:
Incidentally, this was Lone Star Comics in Plano, Texas. Avoid them at all costs, and burn them the fuck down. They SUCK.
Anywho, back to my huge lot of D20s, I took them all, rolled them all three times, and those that refused to roll me 20s got used for slingshot ammo. Those that did roll twenties, were suprisingly enough, the most legible ones of the lot...
As for what I *like*, my favorite was this transparant amber-colored D20 with white lettering that I got at the last WotC store in my area before they closed. It was a good size, easily readable, and was just a really good die. Generally, though, I prefer white lettering on red backgrounds for my polys, though my favorite WoD set was the one that came out for Demon. Blue on a dark grey background is NIFTY and easy on the eyes, BTW.
Also, I've got a set of hematite ones from Chessex. they're tiny and not easy to read, but they have a wonderful heft to them and they were a gift from my best friend, so I luvs 'em anyways. :D
Quote from: Christmas ApeEDIT:....this "I don't roll Gamescience" thing is going to render me just a touch more outcast around here, isn't it? ;)
You are dead to me. :D
Quote from: Christmas ApeEDIT:....this "I don't roll Gamescience" thing is going to render me just a touch more outcast around here, isn't it? ;)
could join the FORGE while you are at it, too...
...and I'm going to go play with them now.
I like my orange d30.
I was always partial to the D20 I got with the Torg boxed set. It was lost several years ago to the sands of time.:(
Dr. Rotwang, those are by far the nicest translucent purples I've ever seen. Do you know who made 'em?
I just bought my daughter a fistfull of matching opaque mauve polyhedrals for D&D (she's rolled up a halfling sorceress). My son favors his smokey opalescents -- comlementary, but not exactly matching.
Quote from: Christmas ApeDr. Rotwang, those are by far the nicest translucent purples I've ever seen. Do you know who made 'em?
A nice little old lady from Pismo Beach.
Seriously, I don't know! It's been a few years (4-5) since I bought them. And the photo doesn't quite do 'em justice -- the purple ones are redder than that. Hold on, lemme get my Photoshop on...
...there. That's a little closer to reality, I think.
those *are* gorgeous, doc. the d20 on the right--is it that turquoise? i'd love a set in that color. next time i'm at a gaming store. . . .
Quote from: MelanAlso, d6s with pips ONLY.
but there can be something (chaos star, skull, loon, moose, etc.) in place of the 1.
My players worry about their dice color more than I do.
As long as they roll well I don't worry about it too much.
Although, when I run any version of TRAVELLER I like to have black sixsiders with either red pits or numbers.
Sometimes I've assigned certain dice colors to particular NPCs.
- Ed C.
I gave my sunburst Traveller d6s to a friend of mine to celebrate getting some Traveller stuff published. Those were great dice.