
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: logan9a on October 26, 2007, 12:50:24 AM

Title: [Hoffman Estates, IL] Looking for more roleplayers!
Post by: logan9a on October 26, 2007, 12:50:24 AM

Description of the game:

The game is held in Hoffman Estates, IL.  It runs SAT from noon on.  Yes, there is a game going on this weekend.  Many of the players show up once per two weeks or more.  

The game year is currently in the modern day.  The characters are a wide mix of people who work at a private investigator office – doctors, theologians, archaeologists, world war one vets and, of course, PI's.  Their cases run anything from missing persons to stopping Various Evil Things from doing...evil.  The campaign is a mix between realism and the bizarre.  

This game uses the Heroic Cthulhu system (skill based system).

I can be reached at

We regularly podcast the game.  It has fans literally around the world who enjoy listening to it.  The podcast can be found here if you want to go find out what the game is like:

The Heroic Cthulhu boards can be found at:

[Note:  Even though we have a podcast, web boards, etc I would like to stress that the main game is face to face, not held over online, etc.]

THIS GAME HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH D&D - If you are hopelessly locked into one single system and the quality of the game is not as important as what system it is, this game is not for you.

PS:  If I have contacted you before, please accept my apologies – I do try to keep track of people I have contacted in the past but it does not always work well.
Title: [Hoffman Estates, IL] Looking for more roleplayers!
Post by: obryn on October 26, 2007, 09:24:37 AM
I'm just a few hours away, but it would be tough to make it up on a regular basis...

How long do the sessions generally last?

Title: [Hoffman Estates, IL] Looking for more roleplayers!
Post by: James J Skach on October 26, 2007, 04:00:22 PM
I'd like to take this opportunity to point out a couple of things.

Mr. Logan Horsford must thave the hardest time keeping a game together, or the biggest damn basement in the Northwest Suburbs. I've seen this announcement, word for word, in no less than three Yahoo groups, several forums, and now, finally, here at TheRPGSite.

When I asked him how he got my e-mail address, he informed me that he must have got to me by going through the yahoo group and e-mailing everyone. His first e-mail to me was September 28th - so he's been fishing for more than a month all over the place.

Just an FYI.

Oh, and this beautiful statement that I politely suggested to him could be seen as insulting:
Quote from: logan9aTHIS GAME HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH D&D - If you are hopelessly locked into one single system and the quality of the game is not as important as what system it is, this game is not for you.

My guess - trying to sell a game system. But that's just an unsupported guess.
Title: [Hoffman Estates, IL] Looking for more roleplayers!
Post by: walkerp on October 26, 2007, 04:06:22 PM
Seems perfectly reasonable to me.  He doesn't want to invite someone to his game that has played and will only play D&D and have conflicts about that.
Title: [Hoffman Estates, IL] Looking for more roleplayers!
Post by: James J Skach on October 27, 2007, 10:46:56 AM
Yes, I would expect an inconsiderate clod who has his own issues with D&D/D20 players, like you, would read it in that charitable light.  I expect that might even be what he means.

I can tell you there are roughly 1,000 ways he could have said it without even coming close the insult this version contains.

As I said, I informed him politely that it might be insulting.  There was no "wow, I didn't even realize it, I was just trying to say [insert walker's read]."  Or even, "Go blow, buddy."

It was just "So you're not interested, then?"

Which is why I suspect this is not about a gaming group, but about the "Heroic Cthulhu" and either play testing it or selling it. Which I don't have a problem with, if it was a little more up front.