I have some hundreds of $s on my paypal account. The $ to € ratio being what it is, it seems smart to buy in $.
Do you have RPG stuff that you want to get rid off, in exchange for some US-$?
Right now I have a hard-on for anything Renegade Legion, except the novels, but I might consider other nifty stuff. I also have a crush on AD&D 2e products.
Preferrably, I would buy from a single person to lessen the shipping costs.
Can you point me to pdfs that are so awesome I really, really want them?
Buying non-used stuff is not an option, as customs will burn all arbitrage profits. They put anyone ordering bigger stacks of new US product under general suspicion of being a shadow business, and charge high on these "imports".
I know how you feel; I've been using the strong pound to kick ass and take names on EBay. (My own "currency crash special" purchase is Skyrealms of Jorune 2nd Edition with the two companion supplements...)
The "Green Book" AD&D historical settings were awesome. When I gave away my AD&D books, I kept the green books to mine ideas, and basic D&D to actually run games from, though I would more probably run FtA! or IG. A Mighty Fortress is particularly brilliant, and centered on Germany in the Thirty Years War. If you can find it, buy it.
I already own it, of course!
Quote from: SettembriniI already own it, of course!
Good taste, Sett! :D
Have you got the Vikings green book as well? Another superb campaign! I don't know what it is, but this whole series was just superior in writing, organization of ideas, and depth of material. It must be editorial, because the Kit books were all over the place - some were excellent, and some were terrible, and they differed in how you created them. A great idea gone wrong.
Now that you mention it, I have a hate/love relationship with Rick Swan´s writing. The Complete*s he did were very neatly organized, but the meat was rotten very often. If you ever wondered where some of the ridiculous, legalistic interpretations of abilities and alignment restrictions come from, it´s Rick Swan´s bad.
The ZebCookian PHB was written in a totally different spirit than what Swan wrote.
Also interesting: every writer had his own style of organizing "his" Complete*.
It´s almost as if they were written akin to the Gazetteers:
Doled out to freelancers, overseen only by a single benevolent guy (Bruce Heard for the GAZs).
I still need the Sha´Ir, the Gladiator and the Ninja.
Oh, and most of the blue ones.
So if anybody wants to get rid of these, I´m full of $s!
Quote from: SettembriniNow that you mention it, I have a hate/love relationship with Rick Swan´s writing. The Complete*s he did were very neatly organized, but the meat was rotten very often. If you ever wondered where some of the ridiculous, legalistic interpretations of abilities and alignment restrictions come from, it´s Rick Swan´s bad.
The ZebCookian PHB was written in a totally different spirit than what Swan wrote.
Also interesting: every writer had his own style of organizing "his" Complete*.
It´s almost as if they were written akin to the Gazetteers:
Doled out to freelancers, overseen only by a single benevolent guy (Bruce Heard for the GAZs).
I agree 100%, Sett! When I used the Complete* books, I mostly re-wrote them for internal use. There were only two I let the players use unaltered, They needed a strong editorial hand, and a better prep kit sent out to the free-lancers. They were all over the place, in a bad way. The concept, though, was excellent. If you were comfortable with kit-bashing, 2E was a dream!
Why not buy the Harn pdf only products that Harn's creator is selling?: http://www.kelestia.com/?q=product
Well, I pretty have the whole Midnight (FFG) stuff that I could sell (like new), for a excellent price.
I don't take dollars, nor Paypal.
If you're interested drop me a PM (I'm in Italy).