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Favourite RPG aliens?

Started by Anthrobot, February 08, 2007, 06:32:37 AM

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David R

One of my favs, Symbiots from Fading Suns. An unholy union between ecoterrorist and indeginous alien life, their use of psionics makes them (to me anyway) a pretty interesting race. The biotech motif only adds to the cool factor.

David R


@el diablo robotico: Very cool!  What did you use to colour those?

el diablo robotico

Quote from: Stuart@el diablo robotico: Very cool!  What did you use to colour those?


I got me a bunch of Berol Prismacolor art markers. I love those things! I'm not photoshop savvie, so I do everything by hand then scan 'em.

PS - I read over on the "what's your avatar?" thread that you drew your own. I likes! Cartoonists represent!


thanks!  I'm pretty good with the PotatoChop but I love the way traditional media looks.  I have a few Prismacolor markers and like using them.  (I did this drawring using them).  They're pricey though, and I don't have a full set.  Now I want them. :D

I keep telling myself that I'm going to paint the cover illustration for my game. :eek:

el diablo robotico

I haven't bought a full set of 'em, but you can get 'em singly too, so I buy colors as I need 'em, or if I see one that looks cool. I have a tupperware container full of various colors. I especially like all the different shades of gray they have. It's fun doing "black and white" illos with all the different grays (much like your linked drawing).

That drawing, BTW, is very awesome! I'm not professionally published or anything, I just do it as a hobby. Yours is obviously professional quality. Nice! And if you got the chops to do a painting for your cover instead of photoshopping, I say GO FOR IT!