What's your favourite Halloween game? This can be any type of game -- RPG, Storygame, Card game, Board game -- whatever you like. :)
What makes this a Halloween game and why is it your favourite? Do you like to play it on Halloween, or does it just have the Halloween vibe to it?
I think D&D is the ultimate Halloween game. While not explicitly about Halloween, it has lots in common with it!
It has traditional Halloween monsters: Ghosts, Goblins, Witches, Scarecrows, etc
It also has classic movie monsters: Vampire, Mummy, Wolfman, The Blob, Giant Ants, Frankenstein's Monster, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, etc
Players take on a persona (like a costume) and go "door to door" looking for loot. Along the way there are plenty of tricks (and traps) to entertain the players.
I've never actually played an RPG on Halloween night, but D&D in particular has that Halloween feeling to it, whenever you play it.*
* I tend to add a lot of spooky to my games -- so my D&D might be more monsterific than yours, but I still think it's got a lot of Halloween qualities to it.
I ran a Little Fears game for halloween before. It took place on halloween in the game also. One of the kids parents through a party for all the kids. Several folks in costumes showed up that they didn't seem to know. When they finally walked up and took off their masks it ended up being kids that were 'lost' to closetland or other baddies through the games I had been running the last few months.
It worked out really well. Players had a blast, a couple even came dressed up in costumes. Plus I put a bowl of candy in the middle of the table and drinks for them... until they pulled the mask off the first child. Then I took it all away rather abruptly and the whole mood of the game changed.
This year I have two kids of my own to take trick or treating.
Other games we've played on Halloween is the Zombies board game and the Kult rpg.
Arkham Horror has a fun, goofy Halloween vibe to it. As does The Hills Rise Wild. I love to run old Chill one-shots on Halloween, from Evenings of Terror, the book hosted by Elvira.
I love horror rpgs, but most of them aren't tuned to the creepy-kitchy Halloweeny vibe. It Came From the Late Late Show is a good one. And the Z-Man card games. I guess my love of Halloween is based more on bad horror movie marathons than on tricks or treats. :)
i did a WFRP adventure years ago at this time. lotsa ruined temples, tentacles, chaos & warpstone. basically a CoC in WFRP, but all freaked, had fun, and lived or died.
I traditionally play a game of Morton's List every Halloween and Friday the 13th.
Morton's List is an underground game (it' been un-ceremoniously removed from every shop it's gotten into, due to some of it's internal content) of real life adventures. My RPG playing friends tend not to like the game so much, as most of them are into escapism...and this is a game of real life immersion and experiences.
It's a good time though :)
I've started my kids on the Tomb of Horrors. Using my own version of Skull city too. Today is going to be our second session.
My oldest is a rouge vamp and his brother is a ranger werewolf. They've already squished the brain and finished with a pile on with the four armed gargoyle (who says the grapple rules are hard?). Nearly killed them both there.
In fact the vamp dropped to single digit hit points several times, damn regeneration!
Today I think I'll have the bone golem, the snakes, and the auto fire arrow trap go off all at once and see what they do. Maybe not though.
Quote from: StuartWhat's your favourite Halloween game? This can be any type of game -- RPG, Storygame, Card game, Board game -- whatever you like. :)
What makes this a Halloween game and why is it your favourite? Do you like to play it on Halloween, or does it just have the Halloween vibe to it?
The Shaded Veil using the Impresa rpg system. Its a supernatural horror type background that goes down well with some of my pagan mates. Just the thing for spooky roleplaying at samhain!:)
The Creep Chronicle can have a nice Halloween vibe. The same goes for CoC. For me, games with modern settings are best suited for Halloween/horror.
Quote from: JohnnyWannabeThe Creep Chronicle can have a nice Halloween vibe. The same goes for CoC. For me, games with modern settings are best suited for Halloween/horror.
Oh yeah -- The Creep Chronicle is very cool and can get real creepy. I'd definitely play this for Halloween if I was playing ;)
Typically when I run something on halloween, its Call of Cthulhu.