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THIS guy is going to be doing the new Cthuhlu?

Started by RPGPundit, December 24, 2006, 01:52:46 PM

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yeah, i'm still in a "wait and see" mode, but i've been playing CoC since 1st ed. so it'll just plain feel weird.

Again, as Consonant Dude said, it's not like Chaosium CoC is going away...the GUMSHOE version will simply be an additional "tool in the rpg engine toolbox" and not meant to replace anything.

(and really, until they release GUMSHOE stats for the mythical Delta Green second printing, the 'default' engine of choice is still BRP/d20, imho.)
middle-school renaissance

i wrote the Dead; you can get it for free here.


It's hard when people you like like things you hate. Harder still when people you hate like things you like. Hite and Laws are smart guys who have done interesting things in the past; we'll see what they come up with.
Looking for your old-school fantasy roleplaying fix? Don't despair...Fight On!

Consonant Dude

Quote from: Geoff HallSee as a standard thing I might agree with you but, well, my previous experience of Franklin's posting has kinda coloured my views on his motivations.  I'm pretty sure that the objection is far more based on 'omfg, someone redoing CoC?  You can't do that!!!' than any special love of rules that he believes are utterly awesome!

Of course I could be entirely wrong about that but ~shrugs~ until Franklin tells me otherwise I'll go with what I've seen previously.

You've got a better memory than I do. Didn't notice it was that guy. Sorry if I was a little abrupt earlier but I hate the "badwrongfun" expression and the culture it comes from.

However, I do understand and somewhat agree with the sentiments expressed in your post. I still hate the word "badwrongfun". I think it's close to pathological in my case :p

PS: I really liked D20 CoC fluff. Tynes did great!

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Geoff Hall

Quote from: Consonant DudeYou've got a better memory than I do. Didn't notice it was that guy. Sorry if I was a little abrupt earlier but I hate the "badwrongfun" expression and the culture it comes from.

However, I do understand and somewhat agree with the sentiments expressed in your post. I still hate the word "badwrongfun". I think it's close to pathological in my case :p

PS: I really liked D20 CoC fluff. Tynes did great!

Heh, no real reason you would have remembered.  You're significantly more active on these forums than I am (I've only just started to properly de-lurk after 2 or 3 months of mostly watching) and Frank's 'Swinewatch UK' thread was one of the first big threads I'd joined in on (plus it was a cheap shot at some guys I consider frineds so, y'know, slight personal investment), hence my remembering him.

As to abrupt, I wouldn't worry about it.  I prefer my forums with a little more wild and a little less west (which I guess is one of the main reasons that I'm here).  If people see me post stuff that they think is BS I fully expect to be called on it.  I certainly can't blame you for disliking the whole badwrongfun meme, it isn't one of the 'nets more pleasant concoctions if I'm being honest with myself.  So, my bad!

And yes, Tynes did a top job, the fluff sections of that book were excellent.


Quote from: Geoff HallYes, change and new things are badwrongfun! :rolleyes:

Nobody's saying that new games shouldn't be created. But just like with the movies, remakes are almost invariably unneccessary, inferior wastes of time, money and effort.
In order to qualify as a roleplaying game, a game design must feature:

1. A traditional player/GM relationship.
2. No set story or plot.
3. No live action aspect.
4. No win conditions.

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Quote from: beejazzAs for Lovecraftian Superheroes, it's called Hellboy.

As for Lovecraftian supervillains there was a scenario in the Chaosium game Superworld.And Lovecraftian cultists and a huge monster in a scenario in the magazine Different Worlds.

So atheists have been abused, treated badly by clergy or they\'re stupid.They\'re just being trendy because they can\'t understand The God Delusion because they don\'t have the education, plus they\'re just pretending to be atheists anyway. Pundit you\'re the one with a problem, terminal stupidity.