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Games about being a criminal.

Started by J Arcane, June 06, 2007, 03:29:40 AM

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David R

Quote from: CaudexI liked the film a lot, but it's not for everyone. Well, you know... Jim Jarmusch.

No idea where you'd find the game these days.

Pity I would really liked to have seen what the game was about. I don't suppose there's a Deadman adaptation ? Now I'd pay good money to read maybe not play that game :)

David R


Quote from: CaudexCould you expand on what it is you found interesting? As someone who grew up in rural England (an area bereft of gangs of anything other than cabbages and drunk farmers), I know next to nothing about that sort of thing. (I'm assuming that's a good interesting rather than a bad interesting.)
Yeah, I'd appreciate clarification too. I read "interesting" as meaning "hilariously inaccurate", but maybe I just assume everyone else is as habitually sarcastic as I am.
I am no longer posting here or reading this forum because Pundit has regularly claimed credit for keeping this community active. I am sick of his bullshit for reasons I explain here and I don\'t want to contribute to anything he considers to be a personal success on his part.

I recommend The RPG Pub as a friendly place where RPGs can be discussed and where the guiding principles of moderation are "be kind to each other" and "no politics". It\'s pretty chill so far.

Blue Devil

Quote from: J ArcaneWell, I know of at least one developer who's taken to ripping off Rockstar's visual style with great gusto for their d20 shovelware.  We had a thread about their abortion supplement here some time back . . .

I remember hearing about that Abortion supplement, reading about it and saying "This is in bad taste".

Some topics shouldn't be touched because they are in bad taste. this is one of them.  Rohowa is yet another example

Ian Absentia

Quote from: Blue DevilSome topics shouldn't be touched because they are in bad taste. this is one of them.
Actually, some topics shouldn't be touched, not because they're in poor taste, but because they're not grounds for amusement or entertainment.


Blue Devil

Quote from: Ian AbsentiaActually, some topics shouldn't be touched, not because they're in poor taste, but because they're not grounds for amusement or entertainment.


Said better then I could have ever.


Quote from: Ian AbsentiaActually, some topics shouldn't be touched, not because they're in poor taste, but because they're not grounds for amusement or entertainment.
You know, when you put it like that I can't think of a single topic that can't be or hasn't been used for amusement or entertainment.
The past lives on in your front room
The poor still weak the rich still rule
History lives in the books at home
The books at home

Gang of Four

Pierce Inverarity

Quote from: droogYou know, when you put it like that I can't think of a single topic that can't be or hasn't been used for amusement or entertainment.

That's both true and deplorable. I know I'm going to have to struggle hard to steer clear of the flame wars that are going to erupt around a certain upcoming RPG that "addresses" the holocaust.

Merely typing this makes me want to throw up on the table, actually. That, or call the Wiesenthal Center.
Ich habe mir schon sehr lange keine Gedanken mehr über Bleistifte gemacht.--Settembrini


The past lives on in your front room
The poor still weak the rich still rule
History lives in the books at home
The books at home

Gang of Four


Quote from: Blue DevilI remember hearing about that Abortion supplement, reading about it and saying "This is in bad taste".

In Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob were hanging out at an abortion clinic looking to pick up chicks who were "easy."  

I have a pretty thick skin.  Outside of child pornography and modern day sex slave trafficking, not much ruffles my feathers.  The world is what it is, whether we like it or not.  

I think the main problem with supplements like Abortion is that people give it so much face time.  Who the hell would have ever heard of Rahowa if people hadn't been bitching about it or actually _reviewing_ it?  All a 30-page "I hate Rahowa" thread/flame war does is shine the light on a white supremacist RPG, letting those who would be interested in running a white supremacist RPG know that there is a game out there just for them.  It just seems counterproductive to rant and rave on public forums---like they say, any publicity is good publicity.  

Just watch what happens when that "holocaust" game comes out.  There will be tons of people chiming in with their outrage, not realizing that 1. the designers already knew there would be this type of outrage (were in fact banking on it) and 2. all they're doing is generating more buzz for the game when the thread stays at the top of the page for months.  If you must vent, do it in a private email to the designers.

Small Niche Games
Also check the WWII: Operation WhiteBox Community on Google+

Blue Devil

Quote from: pspahnWho the hell would have ever heard of Rahowa if people hadn't been bitching about it or actually _reviewing_ it?  All a 30-page "I hate Rahowa" thread/flame war does is shine the light on a white supremacist RPG, letting those who would be interested in running a white supremacist RPG know that there is a game out there just for them.  It just seems counterproductive to rant and rave on public forums---like they say, any publicity is good publicity.

That is true.  If I remember correctly the rules didnt even work anyhow.  The good news is I went to the official page and it is gone.  Apparently Rahowa was laughed off the internet.

Quote from: pspahnJust watch what happens when that "holocaust" game comes out.  There will be tons of people chiming in with their outrage, not realizing that 1. the designers already knew there would be this type of outrage (were in fact banking on it) and 2. all they're doing is generating more buzz for the game when the thread stays at the top of the page for months.  If you must vent, do it in a private email to the designers.


I guess this is going to prove your point.  I wasn't aware of this game coming out.


Quote from: Blue DevilI guess this is going to prove your point.  I wasn't aware of this game coming out.

Which means I just did exactly what I was telling everyone not to.  Lousy soapboax.  :)

Small Niche Games
Also check the WWII: Operation WhiteBox Community on Google+

Ian Absentia

Quote from: droogYou know, when you put it like that I can't think of a single topic that can't be or hasn't been used for amusement or entertainment.
Yeah.  Hmm.  It seemed like a relevant point to make at the time, but reading it now, I agree more with Blue Devil's statement.  As the old Japanese proverb goes, "Every worm to his taste; some prefer nettles."


Pierce Inverarity

Quote from: droogWhich one's that?

Bearing Pete's admonishment in mind, I don't want to give it screen time before it's even out.

On a different note, it's great to see how this Abortion thing has completely tanked, publicity-wise. There was one long thread on rpg.net, and then... fizzle.
Ich habe mir schon sehr lange keine Gedanken mehr über Bleistifte gemacht.--Settembrini


Quote from: Pierce InverarityOn a different note, it's great to see how this Abortion thing has completely tanked, publicity-wise. There was one long thread on rpg.net, and then... fizzle.

Yup.  But, I wonder how much of that is due to its distastefulness and how much is due to the fact that no one can envision what the point of playing an Abortion RPG would be.  Modern day setting - no magic - no weird beasties - no cool powers.  Unless it's a game about destroying the anti-Christ before he's born, I'd never get anyone to play it---and even then it would be a stretch.  Hell, it's hard enough pitching 1980s vice cops.  :)

Small Niche Games
Also check the WWII: Operation WhiteBox Community on Google+

Blue Devil

Quote from: pspahnWhich means I just did exactly what I was telling everyone not to.  Lousy soapboax.  :)


[Homer Simpson]Stupid Soapbox[/Homer Simpson]
