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Games about being a criminal.

Started by J Arcane, June 06, 2007, 03:29:40 AM

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J Arcane

Quote from: CaudexAt the risk of sounding my own brass instrument, I wrote a "not Mission: Impossible" RPG ages and ages ago, which you can get in PDF from http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/tmcg/impossiblemissions.pdf. The system's rudimentary, but you might like the GM's section.

Improbably, it has also been translated into Italian.

edit: The Italian version is available at http://www.chimerae.it/prodotti.CHN2.html
Oddly, I've been considering trying to learn Italian recently, and had even downlaoded some software to do so which I stupidly deleted.

so your post served to remind me of my mistake there.  ;)
Bedroom Wall Press - Games that make you feel like a kid again.

Arcana Rising - An Urban Fantasy Roleplaying Game, powered by Hulks and Horrors.
Hulks and Horrors - A Sci-Fi Roleplaying game of Exploration and Dungeon Adventure
Heaven\'s Shadow - A Roleplaying Game of Faith and Assassination


Quote from: JimBobOzThere's Steal: Modern Crime Roleplay Game, which is a free download here. It's a British-based thing, so more Snatch than GTA.

I'm sold, anything that resembles Snatch has to be good.


You need to check out Wilderness of Mirrors by John Wick. You can get it from him personally for $5. It's meant to be a spy game where the players make up elaborate plans and execute them. It would be very easy to use it for Ocean's 11 or Heist (meaning that great BBC/AMC show about grifters in London).


Violence: the RPG - if it is still around is a freebie. Of course, the criminal conveyed in Violence might not be the kind of criminal you want to play. In fact, I don't know if anyone would to play that kind of criminal. It emulates the kind of GTA play you get when you are really bored and go around doing crappy things just to pass the time.
Timeless Games/Better Mousetrap Games - The Creep Chronicle, The Fifth Wheel - the book of West Marque, Shebang. Just released: The Boomtown Planet - Saturday Edition. Also available in hard copy.


Steal is probably the closest thing to what you're looking for. Wilderness of Mirrors might work, though it's not about criminals by default. Dog Town has excellent source material, though its system is effectively a generic device that doesn't really model the source material any better than a system such as GURPS or Hero would.

Pierce Inverarity

Speaking of grifters, I can't believe the story games people haven't yet tried to do a Jim Thompson RPG. The Grifters, Pop.1280, The Getaway (which is even better than the movie)... those just beg for a treatment.
Ich habe mir schon sehr lange keine Gedanken mehr über Bleistifte gemacht.--Settembrini


Quote from: Pierce InverarityNot exactly Ocean's 11, but ye olde Thieves' Guild series is supposed to be great for fantasy heists.


IIRC word in the street is that the rules are mediocre but the modules shine.

I was about to recommend Gamelords' Thieves' Guild stuff myself (along with their Free City of Haven).

The rules are indeed rather mediocre (essentially heavily and unnecessarily tweaked AD&D 1e), but the setting is pretty cool (in a gonzo D&D kinda way).
RPG Blog: Akratic Wizardry (covering Cthulhu Mythos RPGs, TSR/OSR D&D, Mythras (RuneQuest 6), Crypts & Things, etc., as well as fantasy fiction, films, and the like).
Contributor to: Crypts & Things (old school \'swords & sorcery\'), Knockspell, and Fight On!

Pierce Inverarity

You're giving me ideas here... that stuff on the gamelords site is dead cheap... and I haven't run a fantasy Cloak & Dagger in ages.
Ich habe mir schon sehr lange keine Gedanken mehr über Bleistifte gemacht.--Settembrini


Here we have Slang!, which is a game that goes more after a Pulp Fiction feeling. It's published by Nosolorol, and it's pretty good. Unfortunately, only in Spanish.
My name is Ramón Nogueras. Running now Vampire: the Masquerade (Giovanni Chronicles IV for just 3 players), and itching to resume my Call of Cthulhu campaign (The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man).

David R

Quote from: UmaSamaI'm sold, anything that resembles Snatch has to be good.

I've always thought so :D

David R


Quote from: David RI've always thought so :D

David R

Naughty boy! :D

clash bowley * Flying Mice Games - an Imprint of Better Mousetrap Games
Flying Mice home page: http://jalan.flyingmice.com/flyingmice.html
Currently Designing: StarCluster 4 - Wavefront Empire
Last Releases: SC4 - Dark Orbital, SC4 - Out of the Ruins,  SC4 - Sabre & World


There's also:
  • Ghost Dog (Guardians of Order)
  • Mob Justice (Contested Grounds Studios)
  • Crime and Punishment (Moyra Turkington)


Quote from: AnemoneThere's also:
  • Ghost Dog (Guardians of Order)
  • Mob Justice (Contested Grounds Studios)
  • Crime and Punishment (Moyra Turkington)

I forgot about Ghost Dog.  The focus is a little too narrow for an RPG IMO, but if you liked the movie, you'll like the read.  I did.  

Small Niche Games
Also check the WWII: Operation WhiteBox Community on Google+

Jared A. Sorensen

If you want to play a criminal that got caught, there's always Designer X's "prison rape race war" game, 4 Walls and a Funeral.



There's the old FGU game Gangster, which is about playing a mobster.  Goes from 1920s to "today."

"Today" being the early 80s.

Noble Knight has a couple of copies.
