The Good stuff.
I'm not talking full out seduction. Just the normal fglirtations and goofy stuffy with blushing that takes place in real life showing up in a role playing game.
Characters eloquently flirting with a young noblewoman Errol Flynn-style.
Instead of sliting the throat of that guard at a starport facility....a female member of the party distracts him by flirting with him a little...while the rest of the group sneaks around.
Or Heq - a player character proposaes to and then gets married to an NPC in the campaign.
Any good rules for romance and flirting out there in RPGs??
In one of my past game sessions, the ship's captain was trying to find out some information about where her other crewmemnbers were without being too obvious. Her character is in her 50s. I rolled for the Imperial Officer's reaction to her questions. He started being friendy ...then mentioned when his shift emnded and also subtly hinted that he found her attractive. (The guard NPC was in his early 30s)
My player suddenly realized: "Oh God!! he's flirting with me while saying there is only so much he is allowed to tell me and also keep his job." (He did direct her to another route of investigation without violating any of his rules)
I think she said she would look him up again if she was ever in the Glisten/GLISTEN star system again and he said "I'll look forward to that Ma'am ...very much so. "
Also had a player one time "hit on/make a pass at" an NPC that unbeknownst to him was a lesbian. The other players caught on quiker than he did.
This kind of stuff:
How often does that happen in your games? Any good charts or rules for NPC interaction for all of that kind of fun?
- Ed C.
I don't hit on dudes, dude. And I don't hit on the ladies at the table out of respect.
Keep the romance in the real world, thanks. I don't wanna be part of some sweaty dude's creepy fantasies.
Quote from: J ArcaneGAAAAAAAAAY!
I don't hit on dudes, dude. And I don't hit on the ladies at the table out of respect.
Keep the romance in the real world, thanks. I don't wanna be part of some sweaty dude's creepy fantasies.
Arcaney :
CHILL. These were Player characters flirting with
NPCs. Also, again, a reminder - my game group is 3 women and 1 man as the players....and it sounds like they are more mature at how they handle topics than your usual group is.
- Ed C.
(again, thats 1 male and 3 females are players at Ed's game table...and they are all over the age of 21. )
Ummm, not having any romance in a game strikes me as pretty juvenile. It happens in my games fairly frequently. Nothing past the American network TV censor's line, mind. Anything happens past that is fade to black, but flirting? Romance? Sure!
Quote from: Koltar.............................
Also had a player one time "hit on/make a pass at" an NPC that unbeknownst to him was a lesbian. The other players caught on quiker than he did.
Okay in THAT example, we had
5 players that night. 2 Guys, 3 Gals playing.
He didn't last long as a player for multiple reasons. His work schedule two of us thought he was a bit too much of a chauvinist to work out well with the group.
- Ed C.
Quote from: flyingmiceUmmm, not having any romance in a game strikes me as pretty juvenile. It happens in my games fairly frequently. Nothing past the American network TV censor's line, mind. Anything happens past that is fade to black, but flirting? Romance? Sure!
What the hell is "juvenile" about not wanting to be party to some dude's creepy leers or fantasies?
If you want romantic fantasies, go buy one of those books on the rack at the supermarket. Keep it to your damn self.
I don't wanna know about it, and I don't care about it, and I certainly don't want to be a part of it.
Quote from: J ArcaneWhat the hell is "juvenile" about not wanting to be party to some dude's creepy leers or fantasies?
If you want romantic fantasies, go buy one of those books on the rack at the supermarket. Keep it to your damn self.
I don't wanna know about it, and I don't care about it, and I certainly don't want to be a part of it.
Quote from: J ArcaneWhat the hell is "juvenile" about not wanting to be party to some dude's creepy leers or fantasies?
If you want romantic fantasies, go buy one of those books on the rack at the supermarket. Keep it to your damn self.
I don't wanna know about it, and I don't care about it, and I certainly don't want to be a part of it.
Well, the total avoidence of it does seem a little juvenile. No one said anthing about having to RP out a romance novel. Most of "rommance" items in my games have been more or less pretty undertone in style, like going after a barmaid and revisiting if we go through town again and that sort of thing. No, we don't go into any great detail either.
Mostly I use it as bait on the GMs hook, so they have more things to throw into the game that mean something to my character.
different strokes for different folks and all that. some groups don't care for graphic violence & descriptions thereof (so i've heard), so some may not care for the other side of things as well.
there was plenty of sex in our games when we were younger. maybe the odd innuendo these days, but not much. "romance" is a big meh. the carnage part of gaming-escapism appeals to us much more :D
I want a back rub story!
Quote from: SettembriniI want a back rub story!
Didn't have one "in-game" .
Years ago, had a game so good that one player lingered afterwards ans she gave me a really good back rub and then...... are going to marry her, no?
We've had a fair amount of mariages in our games. More 'Lady of the Castle' than 'you meet a barmaid' though. Takes a back seat to normal adventuring and gains no more attention than a couple of fleeting sentences during a session or two.
QuoteWell, the total avoidence of it does seem a little juvenile.
So I guess the countless examples of flim, literature, and television that manage to avoid interjecting hackneyed romantic subplots into the story are also "juvenile" then?
It's bad enough when the bad romance subplot gets interjected into an action movie, or the pointless fanservice slapped into the middle of an anime for no apparent reason. Add in the personal fantasy and wish fullfillment elements of roleplaying, not to mention the overwhelming odds that it's either another dude across the table from you, or a woman who's likely a little tired of always being the object of seemingly obligatory leers from her fellow players, and it escalates to a whole new level of creeptastica that I'd rather leave out of my games, thanks.
Quote from: IdiotSo I guess the countless examples of flim, literature, and television that manage to avoid interjecting hackneyed romantic subplots into the story are also "juvenile" then?
Ok, here's the deal. I'm talking about intentionally avoiding it, meaning if a situation comes up in a game you just avoid it all together instead of taking at as a RPing challenge.
No, not all game,movies books require it to be good but avoinding it is a little dumb.
Quote from: are going to marry her, no?
That was 12 years ago - she married somebody else. But yeah 2 months later I was ready to propose to her.
Oh Wait!!! We DID have a "massage" or back rub scene in a game session.
The character of Angel McCoy had gotten in trouble with Mertactor High Port security for going berserk on therir security man in the dress shop . (its a long story)
After she was released from the Space Station Brig - a couple of the other other crewmembers paid for a very good looking male masseuse to give her a full body mnassage in the prvacy of her cabin "to calm her down and get her to chill the F out " I think was the phrase.
She played it that it DID relieve her character's tension and somewhat murderous urges.
The "Angel" character is played by my friend Tina.
- Ed C.
Quote from: McrowOk, here's the deal. I'm talking about intentionally avoiding it, meaning if a situation comes up in a game you just avoid it all together instead of taking at as a RPing challenge.
No, not all game,movies books require it to be good but avoinding it is a little dumb.
It just flat doesn't come up, because I've almost never had a group or player that was rude enough to try and force the game to go that direction.
It's impolite to expect the rest of the players to go along with your wierd little romantic fantasies.
It's all good, highly desirable from a genre-emulation standpoint, you just have to know when to abstract on both the description/roleplay and the mechanics.
Right now in our B/X game two of our characters (both cunning if not shrewd Thieves) were captured by Amazons and managed to improve their conditions by flattering the leaders and allowing themselves to be made into their "playthings". Descriptions were kept "light", no more than PG. Of course there's no real love or actual interest on the part of the PCs (at least, not mine). But I've played in other games where there was more going on in terms of emotional attachment if not graphic details. PC-NPC has a higher comfort level than PC-PC, IMO.
Quote from: J Arcane"Avoiding"?
It just flat doesn't come up, because I've almost never had a group or player that was rude enough to try and force the game to go that direction.
It's impolite to expect the rest of the players to go along with your wierd little romantic fantasies.
So, if a player in your group says he/she wants their charter to take a run at a nobles daughter you'd all be unhappy?
Romance, usually not, but flirting, yes. Said flirting is usually done for sinister reasons, like trying to gain favor in court, trying to distract a guard while someone else sneaks by, or simply trying to seduce someone for a favor.
If a romance did come up, none of the intimate moments would get roleplayed, only public scenes where the NPC played an important part.
Anything intimate or that doesn't contribute to the overall plot is usually just said to happen off-camera.
I'm fortunate to have a group of mature players, equal numbers male and female, all socially well adjusted, so there aren't any issues.
Roleplaying it in character? HELL NO. 3rd person narration of what your character is doing? sure. Charisma has got to be good for something besides spell casting.
Quote from: McrowWell, the total avoidence of it does seem a little juvenile. No one said anthing about having to RP out a romance novel. Most of "rommance" items in my games have been more or less pretty undertone in style, like going after a barmaid and revisiting if we go through town again and that sort of thing. No, we don't go into any great detail either.
Mostly I use it as bait on the GMs hook, so they have more things to throw into the game that mean something to my character.
Exactly, Mike!
I haven't seen much in the way of rules that I like for this kind of thing. Flirting (much less seduction) often serves very different purposes in a narrative from (say) climbing a wall ... and most of the rules I've seen unify them a bit too tightly.
Romance, even casual flirting, can have all sorts of interesting issues in terms of what you know of people, what you suspect, what you just hope for, what they think of you, whether that matters to you, whether you'll change how you act in order to influence how they think of you, etc., etc., etc.
My experience, from games where it worked, is that there was a lot more attention to the how and why of flirting, rather than its success or failure. Attention was paid to the journey, not the destination. Succeed or fail ... that tells us something about the people involved. But how and why, that tells us much more. YMMV, of course.
Quote from: KoltarAny good rules for romance and flirting out there in RPGs??
Doesn't anyone just, like, ya know,
role-play this stuff out anymore?
Quote from: KoltarHow often does that happen in your games? Any good charts or rules for NPC interaction for all of that kind of fun?
Romance happens all the time in the games I play in, generally PC-NPC. It's played a very large roll in several games I've played in and GMed including the paladin who lost his way with what started out as flirting during the first session, my character's courting of the young widowed school mistress in a D&D game I recently played in (he wound up abandoning her out of duty, which probably ultimately saved her life), another player's clumsy barbarian wooing of the jilted blacksmith in the same game (who died shortly after consummating the relationship, leaving her heartbroken), the Fudge Western where more Fudge points were expended on my character's romance (and another player's attempt to thwart it) than on combat, my character who went insane with jealousy after having part of his memory voluntarily wiped (to hide some illegal activity from mind scans), my character whose romance with an NPC of another race which helped him realize that the races in the setting were more alike than different, the dwarf-elf romance and marriage in an old Warhammer FRP game that I ran years ago, the character who pursued the nice girl he was traveling with who had to deal with her taking the relationship far more seriously than he did, and on and on. Romance is part of life and a part of the games I play in. We just sort of role-play it out.
When I GM and need to know how an NPC reacts to a PC, I can always fall back on the "universal table". I roll a die and interpret the result with high numbers being good for the PC(s) and low numbers being bad for the PC(s) (the higher the better, the lower the worse, and the middle being the average or expected result).
Quote from: GunslingerRoleplaying it in character? HELL NO. 3rd person narration of what your character is doing? sure. Charisma has got to be good for something besides spell casting.
What's wrong with role-playing out a romance in character?
Quote from: John MorrowWhat's wrong with role-playing out a romance in character?
Nothing. It's the reciprocation back and forth between the GM and player that I find unsettling. Knock yourself out if it's your character but don't expect me to roleplay the NPC in character as the GM. I'd be more inclined to narrate out the response of the NPC for the player. Even if it was my wife I'd be inclined to do it that way for sake of the comfort of the other players.
In my games I use a LOT of 3 x5 and 4x6 notecxards for private communication between the GM and the players. Often, the players have used these cards to write the more flowery romantic thoughts to NPCs in the game - which is fine by me. It gets the thought or action down as actually happening and makles sure the player doesn't feel awkward in front of the other people at the table.
This has led to interesting actions in the course of the game. Right before a plot-important dance a Player Character gave an NPC 'date' a rose. When I described what she was wearing - the other characters noted it. So, it became a part of the story.
- Ed C.
Quote from: GunslingerNothing. It's the reciprocation back and forth between the GM and player that I find unsettling. Knock yourself out if it's your character but don't expect me to roleplay the NPC in character as the GM. I'd be more inclined to narrate out the response of the NPC for the player. Even if it was my wife I'd be inclined to do it that way for sake of the comfort of the other players.
I've never really had a problem differentiating the NPC or PC from the person playing them, so it doesn't make me feel all that uncomfortable, nor does it bother anyone else at the table as far as I can tell, even when it's just guys playing. Probably helps that I play with friends and other people who seem pretty level-headed about it.
Quote from: John MorrowI've never really had a problem differentiating the NPC or PC from the person playing them, so it doesn't make me feel all that uncomfortable, nor does it bother anyone else at the table as far as I can tell, even when it's just guys playing. Probably helps that I play with friends and other people who seem pretty level-headed about it.
Same here. Exactly.
I think that as clash pointed out, in certain games it would be juvenile NOT to have romance. In others, romance would be utterly irrelevant.
Generally speaking, my campaigns only have romance in them if its topical to the setting of the game in question.
In games like my FtA! game, or WFRP, romance doesn't enter into it, other than going wenching (which happens strictly "off-camera").
In games like Pendragon and Qin, romance is obviously a part of the historical story as well as an important part of dynasty building; though being a historical game of course many of the PCs are married without any real romance being involved (marriage being more about political alliance and production of heirs). One of my Pendragon PCs very uncharacteristically has a deep romance (so much so that its his highest-rated Passion) with his own wife, something that was roleplayed and that was noted for being so unusual in the society of the times. In my Qin campaign, the relationship between one of my (female) PCs and her husband (the Han prince, Liu Bei) is a major plotline and of course of tremendous historical significance, as well as a source of conflict and plot in game as she schemes behind the scenes to help Liu Bei gain power, and she deals with the fact that she's an aging consort while Liu Bei's new young wife has given him a legitimate male heir that stands to inherit all the product of her work, while her own son (Liu Feng) will be shunted off to the sidelines.
Finally, the one game that is an absolute soap opera is the Legion game, where it is a major element of emulation of genre that teenaged romance and serious relationships alike be a major feature of many of the PCs' lives. In fact, my players who's characters haven't been able to get a steady girlfriend in or out of the legion have been upset about that.
Well, to get back to the original question, The Fantasy Trip did have a Sex Appeal trait/skill you could take. Pretty subtle and tame. It would probably help in that flirting with a guard situation.
As a total tangent/off-topic thought to romance and the LEGION thing: Always loved the way that Mike Grell portrayed the women. Especially Duo Damsel and Phantom Girl.
- Ed C.
Quote from: RPGPunditIn games like my FtA! game, or WFRP, romance doesn't enter into it, other than going wenching (which happens strictly "off-camera").
The first game that I ever ran in Warhammer FRP featured a dwarf-elf interracial romance. And chaos hoards (they met during a chaos hoard attack). And dwarven assassins trying to break it up. And an evil spirit trying to possess their unborn child.
Quote from: J ArcaneGAAAAAAAAAY!
I don't hit on dudes, dude. And I don't hit on the ladies at the table out of respect.
Keep the romance in the real world, thanks. I don't wanna be part of some sweaty dude's creepy fantasies.
Ha ha! You made me laugh! I can sympathize with your unease at some big sweaty roleplaying bloke making eyes at you in a game ( if they did that out of game I'd break the sound barrier running away, while screaming like a girl). We have a few big sweaty RPers in our group that enjoy playing women and getting romantic with GM run NPCs. Consequently most of my games don't touch on the romantic side of things too deeply.
Clearly, playing romantic scenes in character is the verbal equivalent of being sodomised on a float by a burly man in leather BDSM gear. You'd have to be a total 100% pillow-biting queermo to ever do it.
Anyhow, my group does do romantic stuff in character, though we tend to gloss over it unless it's important to the story. It occasionally has been, and people will talk in character to one another, though they won't stare into one another's eyes OOC or whatever. I personally am not particularly romantic in real life, so I tend not to have my characters pursue relationships either.
Quote from: PseudoephedrineClearly, playing romantic scenes in character is the verbal equivalent of being sodomised on a float by a burly man in leather BDSM gear. You'd have to be a total 100% pillow-biting queermo to ever do it.
best response in the thread! :haw:
Quote from: GunslingerNothing. It's the reciprocation back and forth between the GM and player that I find unsettling. Knock yourself out if it's your character but don't expect me to roleplay the NPC in character as the GM. I'd be more inclined to narrate out the response of the NPC for the player. Even if it was my wife I'd be inclined to do it that way for sake of the comfort of the other players.
This is rather near to what I'm on about, and likely how I'd handle Mcrow's hypothetical (though as I said, I've never had a group where it's come up): Handle it briefly and succinctly, in brief OOC description, and then move on with the rest of the game. If the player wants more than that, tough, I'm not here to be a puppet for his creepy fantasies, and I doubt the rest of the players wanna hear it either.
Quote from: J ArcaneIf the player wants more than that, tough, I'm not here to be a puppet for his creepy fantasies, and I doubt the rest of the players wanna hear it either.
Why are all of the other fantasies that a player can engage in, including those of killing other people as a vigilante, so much less creepy?
Quote from: John MorrowWhy are all of the other fantasies that a player can engage in, including those of killing other people as a vigilante, so much less creepy?
Actually, one of my personal "creepy gamer" moments, involved an idiot player who insisted on rather graphically torturing an NPC.
Nice attempt at a strawman/false dichotomy, all in one.
Quote from: J ArcaneActually, one of my personal "creepy gamer" moments, involved an idiot player who insisted on rather graphically torturing an NPC.
That's exactly what I'm talking about.
Quote from: J ArcaneNice attempt at a strawman/false dichotomy, all in one.
Nope. That violence in a game can get creepy does not mean that a game should be purged of violence. Can't you imagine any romance in a game being role-played that you wouldn't find creepy?
I'm fine with lighthearted love and romance stuff, but then again, I don't have a problem with gayness either.
Does the sweaty guy thing make a difference, or is it just meant to be a humorous but irrelevant jab? For example, my SotC play group is mostly women - currently six women and two men. Would you consider romantic talk or flirting between women players any differently than guy/gal or guy/guy?
(Not talking about any physical stuff here -- recall the topic is romance and flirting.)
Quote from: jhkimI'm fine with lighthearted love and romance stuff, but then again, I don't have a problem with gayness either.
Does the sweaty guy thing make a difference, or is it just meant to be a humorous but irrelevant jab? For example, my SotC play group is mostly women - currently six women and two men. Would you consider romantic talk or flirting between women players any differently than guy/gal or guy/guy?
(Not talking about any physical stuff here -- recall the topic is romance and flirting.)
I've not a problem with gayness either. It also has nothing to do with the subject matter. Just because I don't have a problem with gay guys, doesn't mean I want to roleplay out a romantic scene with another guy. I'm still
straight you know.
SO, Arcane just subtracts Love & Romance from his/her games entirely. Wow, what a soul-less world those campaigns must be set in.
- Ed C.
Quote from: J ArcaneI've not a problem with gayness either. It also has nothing to do with the subject matter. Just because I don't have a problem with gay guys, doesn't mean I want to roleplay out a romantic scene with another guy. I'm still straight you know.
Actually, he raises an excellent point.
Your first response to this thread was "GAAAAAAAAAY!", followed by an insistence that you don't hit on dudes, and now we have a reaffirmation that you are still straight.
The fact that you resorted to using the word gay in a distinctly negative manner in your very first reply sets the homophobic tone.
...also, its interesting that J. Arcane assumed that EVERY group out there playing RPGS is likely made up of all guys.
It looks like myself and at least 1 or 2 other posters on here have women players in our groups. What may be awkward or uncomfortably "weird" for Arcane's typical group to handle would just be no big deal for my group.
All of my players are at least 10 years beyond High School and have the more mature mindset to match.
- Ed C.
Quote from: J ArcaneI'm still straight you know.
Should be irrelevant since you are, in fact, role-playing (and not actually flirting)...
Quote from: CallousShould be irrelevant since you are, in fact, role-playing (and not actually flirting)...
You do realize that there's a reality outside the game, don't you?
Quote from: J ArcaneYou do realize that there's a reality outside the game, don't you?
Exactly! And the in-game role-played flirtation is unaffected by by your out-of-game sexual orientation and/or gender "reality". Or at least should be...
Quote from: CallousExactly! And the in-game role-played flirtation is unaffected by by your out-of-game sexual orientation and/or gender "reality". Or at least should be...
you've got it backwards. The fact that it's a game doesn't magically make the fact that it's a real person at the other end of the table go away.
And as I've said, the gender/orientation thing is a red herring, please stop harping on it. I find it rude and uncomfortable regardless of the sex of the person at the other side of the table.
J. Arcane,
Relax and get therapy if you need it.
All of my players are straight (well mostly, 1 woman is thinking about being Bi) and we have enough brains and maturity to lknow we're playing a role-playing GAME.
- Ed C.
Quote from: John MorrowThat's exactly what I'm talking about.
Nope. That violence in a game can get creepy does not mean that a game should be purged of violence. Can't you imagine any romance in a game being role-played that you wouldn't find creepy?
Everywhere else in my life, issues of romance and intimacy are a private matter, so why the hell should it be any different when it comes time to roll some dice with friends?
Is there a point to it other that "Oh lets role-play some sex"? If its to gather information from a barmaid or seduce an enemy witch that is fine, but two dudes (or even the GM and his girlfriend) role-playing their characters getting it on is CREEPY as hell and completely unnecessary.
Koltar I will give you this link only if you promise not to share the details of the gaming session with us.
I saw the old version of that page years ago .... thank you for the new & updated link.
I don't have to "share" the details of my player characters more interesting intimate encounters. We don't role-play that stuff in front of the rest of the group. But it does exist in the game . Some players go much more into detail than other - like I said with those notecards we use for private player-to-GM conversations and such. The thing is we don't deny the existence of love, romance, longterm commitment and such and those things might influence adventurers in a group that is a crew of starship.
For a TV version of this topic - just look at the show "Firefly".
They had a whole episode where the group's job was to defend a bordello. If that was an RPG scenario, then Jayne Cobb might have been the one being played by the more "juvenile" player. Whereas the rest of the characters played out their actions believably.
Wash didn't need their services because he was married, Shepherd Book wasn't going to enjoy their services because of his vows and faith.
Kaylee? She still lusting after/has a cruch on Simon the doctor. Simon? Too nervous top pursue anyone....and he likes Kaylee - plus he had to deliver a baby during the firefight. (C'mon make those medical skill rolls!!)
- Ed C.
Quote from: J ArcaneEverywhere else in my life, issues of romance and intimacy are a private matter, so why the hell should it be any different when it comes time to roll some dice with friends?
Is this true? In my non-gaming life, it is quite common for there to be flirting and displays of affection at parties, events, dancing, and so forth. Couples are usually comfortable making it known that they are a couple, and will often do things like share romantic stories about how they met or how one proposed to another.
If we differ in this, that may go a long way towards explaining the different attitudes towards gaming.
Quote from: jhkimDoes the sweaty guy thing make a difference, or is it just meant to be a humorous but irrelevant jab? For example, my SotC play group is mostly women - currently six women and two men. Would you consider romantic talk or flirting between women players any differently than guy/gal or guy/guy?
No. The people I've played with and me are not exactly performers. It can be awkward to perform or watch someone perform. Performing intimacy in character is as strange to me as someone jumping up and performing rage or constantly speaking with an accent or lisp. At best, we do pretty sad imitations of our characters and try to narrate how we imagined it.
Quote from: RPGPunditI think that as clash pointed out, in certain games it would be juvenile NOT to have romance. In others, romance would be utterly irrelevant.
I agree on this. Anyway, all my players are grown ups. Romance and sex happens whenever we feel it would make sense. We don't avoid it, and we don't force it, though I agree that it makes more sense ins ome games than in other.
The way it usually comes up in my games is as part of the plot. The "Is there a Brothel in town" days are long gone. I guess some players may still go there but not in my games. This has a lot more to do with the culture and style of your game than any "I am the GM, do it my way" kind of thing.
So yeah, like others have said, if it is part of the story but not just because you are in the mood.
Quote from: HinterWeltThe way it usually comes up in my games is as part of the plot. The "Is there a Brothel in town" days are long gone.
Not to pick on you, in particular, since several people have made similar comments, but why do people see a thread titled, "Friendly Love & Romance in RPGs, flirtations and such, Lightheartedness", and instantly jump to prostitutes, one-night stands, and kinky sex fantasies? What about, uh, "love" and "romance"?
Quote from: John MorrowNot to pick on you, in particular, since several people have made similar comments, but why do people see a thread titled, "Friendly Love & Romance in RPGs, flirtations and such, Lightheartedness", and instantly jump to prostitutes, one-night stands, and kinky sex fantasies? What about, uh, "love" and "romance"?
I've been wondering the same. I have not been using those words as euphemisms for sex.
Seems everyone forgets to read the first two words of the thread title.
I was watching Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow really late last night (early morning) and at the end I realized a key scene turned on love of a friend of a colleague.
Joseph Sullivan/Sky Captain is hoping to get help from Franky Cook to go after Totenkopf. No success.
Then he says: "Franky he's got Dex". She then changes her orders and decides to help him.
The look on her face and the way that he pleaded with sold the idea that Dex was a good friend that they both LOVED - as a friend of course . This being the late 1930s and all.
If you deny this kind of stuff or ignore its existence it just makes campaigns a little bit less interesting.
- Ed C.
Quote from: KoltarSeems everyone forgets to read the first two words of the thread title.
I was watching Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow really late last night (early morning) and at the end I realized a key scene turned on love of a friend of a colleague.
Joseph Sullivan/Sky Captain is hoping to get help from Franky Cook to go after Totenkopf. No success.
Then he says: "Franky he's got Dex". She then changes her orders and decides to help him.
The look on her face and the way that he pleaded with sold the idea that Dex was a good friend that they both LOVED - as a friend of course . This being the late 1930s and all.
If you deny this kind of stuff or ignore its existence it just makes campaigns a little bit less interesting.
- Ed C.
Heh! I was watching this movie on Monday, and had remarked on the exact same sequence. :D
Quote from: HinterWeltThe way it usually comes up in my games is as part of the plot. The "Is there a Brothel in town" days are long gone. I guess some players may still go there but not in my games. This has a lot more to do with the culture and style of your game than any "I am the GM, do it my way" kind of thing.
So yeah, like others have said, if it is part of the story but not just because you are in the mood.
I'm not sure what you're contrasting here. I'd agree that if something isn't significant for the PCs, then we'll at best mention it in passing. But the story comes out of what the GM and players want. So if I'm in the mood, then I'll make it part of the story. If a PC takes a romantic interest in someone, then that becomes a part of the plot.
Conversely, I've never had much luck planning out romances (or important friendships) for PCs as GM. That always fell flat for me. What's worked much better is when the PCs showed interest, then we'd pick up a romance/friendship, but not otherwise.
For example, a big part of our long Buffy campaign came out of a PC-PC romance, that started with one PC mooning after another. They eventually got involved and had a baby in Season Three. In our ongoing Harn Burning Wheel campaign, one of the PCs recently took another PC who was married to a brothel, which got him in further trouble with his wife. His marriage woes are definitely a part of the plot.
Quote from: John MorrowNot to pick on you, in particular, since several people have made similar comments, but why do people see a thread titled, "Friendly Love & Romance in RPGs, flirtations and such, Lightheartedness", and instantly jump to prostitutes, one-night stands, and kinky sex fantasies? What about, uh, "love" and "romance"?
Thirded. I'm a big believer in romance writ small ... the flirtation and blushes, and all the stuff that happens in the period where
holding hands would be a big, hairy deal.
I've even got actual play ( and everything.
No mad love for that phase of life and relationships?
Quote from: TonyLBThirded. I'm a big believer in romance writ small ... the flirtation and blushes, and all the stuff that happens in the period where holding hands would be a big, hairy deal.
That's why I think games make a mistake (as far as I'm concerned, anyway) when games reduce sex between characters to something (to quote an Exalted thread on TBP) "about as common and, in many cases, as meaningful, as a good firm handshake." (
It really depends on genre, I guess. For any sort of mannerpunk game, sure, it's important. For heroic fantasy - high, low, S&S or otherwise -, not so much. I mean, YES, we learn from one of the last chapters and from the Appendices that Aragorn has gone through all that brouhaha to have Arwen married to him, but during the adventure proper Tolkien gives their romance slightly less extensive coverage than he gives to a particularly finely crafted chair leg in Théoden's hall. Similarly, we know that Conan has a way with the ladies, but it's by and large between gaming sessions (and in the last sentences of individual adventures); other times, women are restricted to being easily fainting encumbrance penalties. And sometimes PCs, but that's a whole different matter.
I don't care for it. It sucks up precious time at the table that ought to be used to deal with the matter at hand, especially when the group meets on less than a weekly basis. That stuff is best handled away from the table, through email or phone calls or some other place when it's not disrupting the actual play of the game.
Quote from: Bradford C. WalkerI don't care for it. It sucks up precious time at the table that ought to be used to deal with the matter at hand, especially when the group meets on less than a weekly basis.
But for me, the romance is often the matter at hand.
Remember the classic Star Trek episode
Spectre of the Gun, where the crew is forced to reenact the gunfight at the OK Corral? It's all in the crew's imagination but if they believe it's true, the fantasy can hurt them. Well, Chekov spends his time flirting with a girl and gets himself shot pretty early on. Later on, they find out he didn't really die. Why? Because only the girl was really real to him and he didn't really care about the plot the aliens had laid out for them.
Sometimes, being stuck having to deal with combat-oriented situation du jour instead of pursuing other interests, including romance, can feel that way to me.
Fear of Girls
You have entered the bedchambers of the elf queen. She stands before you and speaks. "Hold Kronk, barbarian of the frozen waste. You shall come... no further."
Quote from: StuartFear of Girls
You have entered the bedchambers of the elf queen. She stands before you and speaks. "Hold Kronk, barbarian of the frozen waste. You shall come... no further."
Yes, Stuart that video has been bopping around the internet for at least 2 years now.
As I pointed out earlier - my group has 3 women and 1 man as the players. They are all over the age of 21.
That video might be more like J. Arcane's typical group...considered what he (she?) posted.
- Ed C.
Stand down Mr. Worf, I wasn't picking on you -- I just think it's a funny video and appropriate for the discussion. ;)
The issue of Romance in RPGs is something that I've heard discussed in at least a couple of Podcasts, and J Arcane's position isn't that uncommon. Lots of players feel uncomfortable with a romantically themed improv acting performance, even more so if the other person is the wrong-gender or in a relationship with someone else at the table.
Personally, I think it's more the 1st person roleplaying / acting that makes that situation so uncomfortable. If you shift it over to 3rd person narration, it's very different.
"M'Lady, you have the most beautiful eyes."
My character is flirting with the countess.
Quote from: StuartStand down Mr. Worf, I wasn't picking on you -- I just think it's a funny video and appropriate for the discussion. ;)
I knew you weren't.
Wish I had a better way to convey tone of voice over the internet.
(Yeah I might still be on a certain forum if I had that) QuoteStuart also said this stuff: Personally, I think it's more the 1st person roleplaying / acting that makes that situation so uncomfortable. If you shift it over to 3rd person narration, it's very different.
"M'Lady, you have the most beautiful eyes."
My character is flirting with the countess.
In your example, if I was the GM at the table and perceived that a male player was a tad uncomfortable - I'd tell he could use a notecard to tell exactly what he says to young noblewoman....then switch over to 3rd person mode.
Most of my players are comfortable enough with the group to do 2 or 3 sentences of in-character roleplaying in front of the group and switch to player-to-GM notecards if it gets more involved or they pair off with an NPC away from the group sight lines.
A lot of this really is a good GM being able to tell how far to take it or to what line his her players are comfortable with things.
I'm just going to argue that Love, Romance, even love of friends and comrades is such a big part of life that it should be included in a good roleplaying game. Hell, even unrequited love can be quite a motivator.
- Ed C.