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Food and Snacks at your RPG sessions!

Started by Benoist, June 11, 2012, 12:11:07 PM

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Quote from: Daedalus;548598Uh TheRPGInformer didn't start TheRPGHaven.  He is only a poster there.

Look at the post you're quoting; I never said he did. They are two separate things: a guy who's whole deal is to try to shit on me, and a forum that was started as a way to shit on me (in the sense of the whole pathetic "let's be therpgsite without the pundit! if we start the revolution, the people will follow us!" kind of way, except of course it didn't work).

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To use a food analogy, your social life is like an onion.  There may be different layers, but it's all the same whole.  You can't divorce one social aspect of your life from the others without serious effort, because for most people it all bleeds together along certain edges.

IMO, every group reaches a balance of casual socialization and focus on the game that is comfortable for them.  And no two groups will ever have that same balance.  I remember hating GMs who used to say "Well you guys should really roleplay more", when it was obvious that some people didn't want to get super-cereal IC-all-the-time during the game.  I've played with groups who did enjoy playing WoD as lots of IC roleplay and atmosphere and very little non-game chit-chat, and it was fun, and right now I'm playing with a Pathfinder group who eats and kibitzes during the game and we make pop-culture references based on what's happening and it's all A-OK because it alternates between cool in-character scenes and a sort of MST3k vibe.

It's just important, especially as the GM/event organizer, to be able to read folks and find a comfortable middle-ground for everyone to settle so that you can keep the game rolling smoothly and naturally and so everyone gets the most fun out of the event.  So the importance of food and other social aspects are going to vary a lot.
"In a way, the Lands of Dream are far more brutal than the worlds of most mainstream games. All of the games set there have a bittersweetness that I find much harder to take than the ridiculous adolescent posturing of so-called \'grittily realistic\' games. So maybe one reason I like them as a setting is because they are far more like the real world: colourful, crazy, full of strange creatures and people, eternal and yet changing, deeply beautiful and sometimes profoundly bitter."


Quote from: RPGPundit;548614Look at the post you're quoting; I never said he did. They are two separate things: a guy who's whole deal is to try to shit on me, and a forum that was started as a way to shit on me (in the sense of the whole pathetic "let's be therpgsite without the pundit! if we start the revolution, the people will follow us!" kind of way, except of course it didn't work).


I don't know who you are referring to when you say "a guy who's whole deal is to try to shit on me.  Who are you referring to?

The Traveller

Quote from: Benoist;548608To me, the enjoyment of the game involves enjoying playing with each other, and thus, enjoying the presence of each other, sharing the moment together, etc. The snacks, even if they are just a bottle of coke and a jar of cookies on the table, are part of that dimension of gaming. This isn't aside of the game; it's part of the game, to me.
There may be cultural differences to consider also. In places like France and Italy, food is very much a part of social interaction to be relished and enjoyed. In other parts of the world its a chore to be undertaken as quickly as possible, literal refuelling.

Food is something I would consider to be reasonably important in the refuelling sense, but having seen the spread you laid out I've begun to consider the other dimensions to food and gaming, there are a lot of facets really. It turns the game into a celebration, which seems like a fun thing to do.
"These children are playing with dark and dangerous powers!"
"What else are you meant to do with dark and dangerous powers?"
A concise overview of GNS theory.
Quote from: that muppet vince baker on RPGsIf you care about character arcs or any, any, any lit 101 stuff, I\'d choose a different game.


It's been alluded to before, and I'm starting to think there is indeed some truth to the argument there is a cultural difference at play here. Just how much of a factor it is in our differing opinions I don't know. Might be a big part of it.

The Traveller

Quote from: Benoist;548627It's been alluded to before, and I'm starting to think there is indeed some truth to the argument there is a cultural difference at play here. Just how much of a factor it is in our differing opinions I don't know. Might be a big part of it.
Raise a glass to the imagination mon ami, and I will raise a glass to you! I can see what you've done there as being something that really enhances the experience, but people who aren't used to it might be thrown by it. In a culture where it is the norm, it fits the experience a little better.
"These children are playing with dark and dangerous powers!"
"What else are you meant to do with dark and dangerous powers?"
A concise overview of GNS theory.
Quote from: that muppet vince baker on RPGsIf you care about character arcs or any, any, any lit 101 stuff, I\'d choose a different game.



Quote from: Daedalus;548620I don't know who you are referring to when you say "a guy who's whole deal is to try to shit on me.  Who are you referring to?

The "RPGInformer", Benoist's aforementioned Whiny Bitch.
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

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Check out my short OSR supplements series; The RPGPundit Presents!

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Arrows of Indra: The Old-School Epic Indian RPG!
NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

The new Diceless RPG of multiversal power, adventure and intrigue, now available.


Quote from: RPGPundit;548641The "RPGInformer", Benoist's aforementioned Whiny Bitch.

Even the name suggests some type of copycat or 'joke' or something.


Quote from: RPGPundit;548641The "RPGInformer", Benoist's aforementioned Whiny Bitch.

On his blog he posted only one post that even mentions you.  He has posted plenty of posts that don't even mention you.  Don't overestimate your importance to him or in general.

He has a role playing game blog, you have a general blog that also discusses role playing games.  You are doing two different things.

That's fine, but it is what it is


Quote from: Benoist;548648Even the name suggests some type of copycat or 'joke' or something.

Or he has a blog that discusses role playing games, thus informing people about things that are going on in the rpg hobby

Not everything is about The Pundit.  Don't inflate his already overinflated ego.  I know he has to say that crap to counteract his low self esteem issue but he doesn't need any help coming up with wacky conspiracy theories.


But back on topic....

I don't mind if people enjoy snacks at their games.  If it works for you then cool, but for me it makes no difference in my gaming

One Horse Town

This thread is shit - even before a non-entity who just regurgitates other peoples thoughts was brought up (pardon the pun).

We eat, we game - therefore we are.

What more is there to say?


Don\'t mess with cats we kill wizards in one blow.;)


Quote from: One Horse Town;548656This thread is shit - even before a non-entity who just regurgitates other peoples thoughts was brought up (pardon the pun).

Who is this non-entity?  TheRPGInformer?  Just because he didn't sit back and take Benoit's arrogance?

He uses things other people say, just like TheRPGPundit and many people do on this forum.  

Quote from: One Horse Town;548656We eat, we game - therefore we are.

What more is there to say?

But does what we eat make us who we are?  Are is just a way to nurrish ourselves?