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Food and Snacks at your RPG sessions!

Started by Benoist, June 11, 2012, 12:11:07 PM

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Kyle used to say (and still does say, actually): People, Snacks, Setting, System, in that order.

We talk some about people and settings, and way too much about systems, let's face it.

But what about the snacks? What type of social event are your role playing game sessions, exactly? What type of stuff do you drink and eat prior and during play? Do people bring their own stuff, or you just pitch in some bucks and go for the groceries before play begin, or you cook stuff, order pizza? Coke, mountain dew, cheetos, or carrots and dip? What's the deal at your table?

For us here, the food and snacks are an important part of the whole RPG thing. It's part of getting together, enjoying the presence of each other, blowing some steam and then playing a game we like together. So what we generally do is that everyone brings a dish or drink or whatnot for the game. Most of the type, they've been cooked for the occasion, but not always. When you bring a bunch of people together and have the chance to have a gaming group composed in majority of women with a liking for good foods and the company of each other, this can lead to some serious food porn, people...


So what about you guys? What's your gig, food and snacks wise, at your RPG games?


Ben, I think it is safe to say, my table is considerably less delicious than yours. We usually order pizza or chinese food. In the past I have cooked pasta with a meat marinara (sunday gravy for those in the NJ/NY area) or made turkish coffee. But at a game that stuff get's messy fast. Trying to run a game and keep an eye on a pot of sauce is a challenge.


Quote from: BedrockBrendan;547787Ben, I think it is safe to say, my table is considerably less delicious than yours. We usually order pizza or chinese food. In the past I have cooked pasta with a meat marinara (sunday gravy for those in the NJ/NY area) or made turkish coffee. But at a game that stuff get's messy fast. Trying to run a game and keep an eye on a pot of sauce is a challenge.
Yeah I get you about the mess. As you can see on the pics, what we usually do is that we have lunch before the game, and then we leave the food on low living room table there to play on the actual dining table in the back (well the set up's changed since we moved, but that's the basic idea right there). One of the rules is to not put food and stuff on the gaming table itself, so people just move back and forth and eat at the table with a plate in their hand for a few minutes or whatnot.

It works great for us. No spillage so far, in like 8 plus years we've been doing it. :)


We don't go nearly that all out.  Typically we have your standard gaming snacks, and whoever is hosting cooks a main meal.  Sometimes that's BBQ steaks (with potato salads, fruits, etc), sometimes it's meat balls with twice baked potatoes, sometimes it's a huge chunk of ham roast, etc.
D&D is not an "everyone gets a ribbon" game.  If you\'re stupid, your PC will die.  If you\'re an asshole, your PC will die (probably from the other PCs).  If you\'re unlucky, your PC may die.  Point?  PC\'s die.  Get over it and roll up a new one.


What do you call "standard gaming snacks", Sacrosanct?

The Traveller

Thinly veiled "I am the living reincarnation of Chow, god of cooking" thread. :D Normally we just eat pizza, maybe some snacks in bowls, having feasted my eyes now though I want moar.
"These children are playing with dark and dangerous powers!"
"What else are you meant to do with dark and dangerous powers?"
A concise overview of GNS theory.
Quote from: that muppet vince baker on RPGsIf you care about character arcs or any, any, any lit 101 stuff, I\'d choose a different game.


We start later in the evening after the kids have been put to bed, so no nibbles so extensive. The drinks of choice are soda water and/or caffeinated aspertame, though one of the newer players makes his own cider. Foodwise it's the usual variety store bags of sugar and chips.

On our annual gaming trek into the forest of the far north, we have wood-stove beef stew.

Insufficient Metal

The wife and I usually stop at the grocery store on the way, pick up something small, and eat before game. Usually, the rest of the group gets delivery and eats before we start, too. Usually pizza or wings or whatever. One guy brings a big vegetable tray, or a bag of chips, depending on how health-conscious he's feeling that week.

I don't snack while gaming, really. Especially since I GM, I'm talking the majority of the time, and listening intently the rest of the time. I ain't got time for Cheetos.


The group I game with used to do that, but since most of us have kids now, our free time to cook food outside of meals is limited.  Now it's only occasional.

Also, I have that same coffee table.

Dr. Gentleman
The Large Polyhedron Collider - RPG blog


Quote from: Benoist;547794What do you call "standard gaming snacks", Sacrosanct?

Sodas, chips, jerky...that sort of stuff.  We always have a fruit and vegetable tray though, for those that prefer to avoid junk.
D&D is not an "everyone gets a ribbon" game.  If you\'re stupid, your PC will die.  If you\'re an asshole, your PC will die (probably from the other PCs).  If you\'re unlucky, your PC may die.  Point?  PC\'s die.  Get over it and roll up a new one.


Quote from: DrGentleman;547798The group I game with used to do that, but since most of us have kids now, our free time to cook food outside of meals is limited.  Now it's only occasional.

Also, I have that same coffee table.

Dr. Gentleman
Yeah, I imagine with the kids the logistics of the whole thing are bound to evolve as well. We have some gamers around here (I'm looking at you, Lord Vreeg) who are making cooked snacks and have wine and all while having the kids around too. I'm sure Vreeg won't resist posting in this thread with some pics too. We'll see what he's got to say from his neck of the woods.

Welcome to the RPG Site, man! :D


Quote from: Sacrosanct;547800Sodas, chips, jerky...that sort of stuff.  We always have a fruit and vegetable tray though, for those that prefer to avoid junk.

OK. When I hear the "usual snacks" I figure stuff like Coke, Mountain Dew, cheetos and cookies, yeah.

BTW the name Kyle has for the "PSSS" thing is actually "Cheetoism". :D


I game with 2 groups.

The Friday group meets at my place and I supply a variety of chips, cheesy poofs, cookies, and soft drinks. Sometimes I will bake goodies like brownies or cupcakes. Everyone usually brings some fast food dinner or eats real food prior to the game.

The Saturday groups meets over at a buddies house. These sessions are longer (5pm-2am or so) and we like to have a real meal in there somewhere. Its either a pizza order or the host's wife will cook something absolutely amazing for us. Week before last we had homemade raviloi in a creamy white wine sauce. We were all so stuffed and drowsy from the great food that the 2nd half of the game was played in the hazy post Thanksgiving dinner type of half alertness. It was awesome.
Quote from: JonWakeGamers, as a whole, are much like primitive cavemen when confronted with a new game. Rather than \'oh, neat, what\'s this do?\', the reaction is to decide if it\'s a sex hole, then hit it with a rock.

Quote from: Old Geezer;724252At some point it seems like D&D is going to disappear up its own ass.

Quote from: Kyle Aaron;766997In the randomness of the dice lies the seed for the great oak of creativity and fun. The great virtue of the dice is that they come without boxed text.

Spellslinging Sellsword

Right now we game at a Donatos pizza, so everyone just orders something from the menu. In the past we've usually just met a person's house. In those cases we've ordered pizza, made sloppy joes, cold cut sandwiches, homemade pizzas, brownies, cookies, chips, water, pop.


let's see....Igbar group played just last night (damn knight from the Armor of Trade made a critical hit against the necrotic Chimera)...last night the wife made ginger glazed pork belly, we had 3 alarm home made chili, strawberry-arugala salad, home-made french bread (warm out of the oven), prosciutto crudo from the charcuterie with 3 cheeses.
we had an 06 bordeaux thrid growth, an 05 claret, an 07 barbaresco, an 06 Gattinara, an 07 meritage from washington, an 08 Mount Veeder Cab, and one player (who plays Sirrah Grobach from said Armor of Trade) brought a year old blackberry mead she made.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.