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I got the Old School Essentials Rules Tome!

Started by GhostNinja, March 29, 2023, 04:34:06 PM

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Thor's Nads

There is a reason OSE has been so successful. It is about as perfect an expression of Basic as is possible. Like a box of rocks that have been highly polished into perfectly smooth gems. It even keeps the right quirks and improves in the right places.

Though I still just can't get past race-as-class. So I prefer Advanced OSE.


Quote from: Thor's Nads on March 31, 2023, 07:26:35 PM
There is a reason OSE has been so successful. It is about as perfect an expression of Basic as is possible. Like a box of rocks that have been highly polished into perfectly smooth gems. It even keeps the right quirks and improves in the right places.

Though I still just can't get past race-as-class. So I prefer Advanced OSE.

For me, it's the opposite.  Even with OSE Advanced, we just use the racial classes.  Because sometimes we want that elegant simplicity.  If I want to separate race & class, I'll play Swords & Wizardry or Castles & Crusades.  But to each their own.

Eric Diaz

I think my objection to OSE, despite finding B/X my favorite D&D, is not even attempting to fix the small errors in the original - such as 12 garlic costing the same as plate, or the cleric spell progression. But, again, I appreciate the fact that its popularity lifts all B/X clones as everything is compatible.
Chaos Factory Books  - Dark fantasy RPGs and more!

Methods & Madness - my  D&D 5e / Old School / Game design blog.


Quote from: Eric Diaz on March 31, 2023, 09:07:20 PM
I think my objection to OSE, despite finding B/X my favorite D&D, is not even attempting to fix the small errors in the original - such as 12 garlic costing the same as plate, or the cleric spell progression. But, again, I appreciate the fact that its popularity lifts all B/X clones as everything is compatible.

Source: https://dcc.newberry.org/?p=14381

By the late Middle Ages, thousands of tons of the most common spices were imported into Europe annually through Venice. The value of these spices was approximately the value of a yearly supply of grain for 1.5 million people. In fifteenth-century England, a pound of pepper cost more than two days' wages by a skilled London craftsman. A pound of cloves cost nearly five days' wages, while a pound a saffron cost one month's wages. You can see the cost of pepper in this selection from d'Anghiera's The decades of the newe worlde or west Indía. Don't get bogged down by specific monetary values in this description of pepper; observe the long list of tariffs merchants had to pay all along trade routes. Importing spices was very expensive, pushing both prices and profits up. Prices varied throughout Europe and fluctuated over time, but the general idea remained the same: spices were a very expensive ingredient in medieval Europe.

Please note how Garlic isn't included, this is because Garlic, onion and other foods were known in Europe since the ancient Romans/Greeks.

Lets take the best paid skilled craftsman, the Chief Armourer, his daily wage would be 10.55 pence (on a 7 day week, supposing he was paid even the day he didn't work if such a thing was happening back then)


In the 15th century a decent set of Milanese plate armor would set you back between 4 to 6 oxen 13 shillings 1.25 pence each.


Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Quote from: Brad on March 31, 2023, 01:24:23 PM

Late to the party, but at least all the beer isn't gone yet.

I have no experience with that adventure, but I will say The Hole in the Oak is really good for something that came out so recently. OSE is literally B/X reformatted, so anything D&D published before 1980 needs zero modification, and older stuff would just need some cleric spells adjusted. Or you could ignore that part if you want and let the NPC clerics be tougher that expected.

The Incandescent Grottoes is pretty interesting...much more whimsical than the typical fare, but worth it for a change of pace.

I looked at this adventures and they look great.  Not to mention I can get them in print (I do not use .pdfs) so I can use them at the table.   

Thank you for the suggestions


Quote from: Eric Diaz on March 31, 2023, 09:07:20 PM
I think my objection to OSE, despite finding B/X my favorite D&D, is not even attempting to fix the small errors in the original - such as 12 garlic costing the same as plate, or the cleric spell progression. But, again, I appreciate the fact that its popularity lifts all B/X clones as everything is compatible.

Considering that garlic is a known weapon against some powerful undead, that can be used as a cause=effect of the prices of certain items.  Who wants to eat their ammo when Count Chocula is rumored to live in that creepy old castle in the Transgendered mountains?
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.

Eric Diaz

Quote from: weirdguy564 on April 02, 2023, 06:10:48 PM
Quote from: Eric Diaz on March 31, 2023, 09:07:20 PM
I think my objection to OSE, despite finding B/X my favorite D&D, is not even attempting to fix the small errors in the original - such as 12 garlic costing the same as plate, or the cleric spell progression. But, again, I appreciate the fact that its popularity lifts all B/X clones as everything is compatible.

Considering that garlic is a known weapon against some powerful undead, that can be used as a cause=effect of the prices of certain items.  Who wants to eat their ammo when Count Chocula is rumored to live in that creepy old castle in the Transgendered mountains?

It is more likely a typo. But they wouldn't change it regardless, and there will always be a rationalization for everything if you're looking for one - from the useless "slow" tag in weapons, to the odd cleric progression (fixed in both AD&D and BECMI), to the absurd prices/weight of weapons and armor.

It is my favorite D&D, but I think it is odd to say there is nothing to improve. IMMV.

EDIT: even if garlic was useful enough to cost almost half a pound of gold, blacksmiths would grow garlic instead of making armors, due to reduced cost. Lots of vampires do not mean garlic is rare - on the contrary, it'd be everywhere, especially at this cost.
Chaos Factory Books  - Dark fantasy RPGs and more!

Methods & Madness - my  D&D 5e / Old School / Game design blog.


Quote from: Eric Diaz on April 02, 2023, 07:10:17 PM
Quote from: weirdguy564 on April 02, 2023, 06:10:48 PM
Quote from: Eric Diaz on March 31, 2023, 09:07:20 PM
I think my objection to OSE, despite finding B/X my favorite D&D, is not even attempting to fix the small errors in the original - such as 12 garlic costing the same as plate, or the cleric spell progression. But, again, I appreciate the fact that its popularity lifts all B/X clones as everything is compatible.

Considering that garlic is a known weapon against some powerful undead, that can be used as a cause=effect of the prices of certain items.  Who wants to eat their ammo when Count Chocula is rumored to live in that creepy old castle in the Transgendered mountains?

It is more likely a typo. But they wouldn't change it regardless, and there will always be a rationalization for everything if you're looking for one - from the useless "slow" tag in weapons, to the odd cleric progression (fixed in both AD&D and BECMI), to the absurd prices/weight of weapons and armor.

It is my favorite D&D, but I think it is odd to say there is nothing to improve. IMMV.

EDIT: even if garlic was useful enough to cost almost half a pound of gold, blacksmiths would grow garlic instead of making armors, due to reduced cost. Lots of vampires do not mean garlic is rare - on the contrary, it'd be everywhere, especially at this cost.

Una cabeza de ajo (or whatever you English speakers call it) has at least 12 cloves, that's 12 new garlic plants, if I plant all then I have 12 X 12 = 144 garlic heads. I can sell half and still have enough to plant 72 which means 72 X 12 = 864 next time. IF I again sell half and plant the other half I get 432 to plant 432 X 12... You catch my drift.

It makes exactly zero sense especially since it was fixed later IIRC in AD&D2e Aurora's Catalogue and Forgotten Realms. So it would make perfect sense to have fixed it in OSE.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Any other suggestions for resources or adventures for OSE?

I am trying to get prepared for running the game and I want to be well versed before I start.


Quote from: GhostNinja on March 29, 2023, 04:34:06 PM
Greetings Everyone,

So I received my Old School Essentials Rules Tome core book in the mail and I have to say, I am happy with the purchase.

I am trying to get away from 5e and more towards OSR style games.  I read the quick start and I liked what I saw so I bought the core book.

The book is digest size (which is OK), hardcover (which is very cool) and even has two ribbon bookmarks (which is awesome).

It's based on the B/X rules which I think are cool and the simplicity of the rules over something like 5e is really refreshing.   That fact that there are not only OSE supplements but B/X supplements work with OSE as well means there is plenty of good material for years of play.  Also, no money goes to WOTC.

I am going to be spending the next few days reading it and from what I have already seen, I am looking forward to running this.

This is the first game core book I have bought in awhile and I think it is 100% worth the money.

Spent a bit over $100 for the three hardbacks a few weeks ago, was initially surprised at how small they were when they arrived, but am in no way disappointed. Top-notch presentation and the best organization and formatting I have seen in an OSR set. Will be a breeze to find what you need, when you need it. Great books, will likely be my go-to starter game if I ever get motivated to bring a group together.


Quote from: Valhuen on April 03, 2023, 05:39:09 PM

Spent a bit over $100 for the three hardbacks a few weeks ago, was initially surprised at how small they were when they arrived, but am in no way disappointed. Top-notch presentation and the best organization and formatting I have seen in an OSR set. Will be a breeze to find what you need, when you need it. Great books, will likely be my go-to starter game if I ever get motivated to bring a group together.

I want to purchase the Advance Players and Referee (Or DM) books as well.  Just reading the rules tome inspires me to want to run a game because I can tell just from the rules it will bring back the magic of the old days of D&D (I started with the red box).  D&D hasn't been like that for me in a long time.


I'll throw in a plug for the Adventurer Conqueror King RPG line of books.

It's an OSR clone of B/X with a big focus on the Middle of the old BECMI sets being the Conquering and Kingdom setup, management and expansion part. All set in a Late Bronze Age/Dark Ages setting. It's excellent stuff and I highly recommend looking into it.

The line also has several Adventures, Player Options and setting Sourcebooks. PLUS there will be a Kickstarter later this year (no official launch date for the KS yet) for an ACKS II ('Imperial Iteration') so kinda a 2nd edition according to the publisher but more an updated core rules book with much of the great content that's been published in the 'Axioms' zine suppliments.
~ -E.




Quote from: HMWHC on April 12, 2023, 01:16:43 PM
I'll throw in a plug for the Adventurer Conqueror King RPG line of books.

It's an OSR clone of B/X with a big focus on the Middle of the old BECMI sets being the Conquering and Kingdom setup, management and expansion part. All set in a Late Bronze Age/Dark Ages setting. It's excellent stuff and I highly recommend looking into it.

The line also has several Adventures, Player Options and setting Sourcebooks. PLUS there will be a Kickstarter later this year (no official launch date for the KS yet) for an ACKS II ('Imperial Iteration') so kinda a 2nd edition according to the publisher but more an updated core rules book with much of the great content that's been published in the 'Axioms' zine suppliments.

What I wish they would do is put out a massive core book with all (or at least most) of the character classes in one place.  Having them scattered across a half a dozen books is annoying.  I also have no interest in their convoluted create your own class mechanics.  Give me a bunch of cool classes with implied setting info built in and I'm golden.

Steven Mitchell

Quote from: Persimmon on April 12, 2023, 06:27:57 PM

What I wish they would do is put out a massive core book with all (or at least most) of the character classes in one place.  Having them scattered across a half a dozen books is annoying.  I also have no interest in their convoluted create your own class mechanics.  Give me a bunch of cool classes with implied setting info built in and I'm golden.

That would be the second edition that is in the works now.  I think it got pushed back a bit because of reworking to avoid WotC's latest shenanigans.