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First look at WOTC Virtual Table top

Started by GhostNinja, April 03, 2023, 12:15:06 PM

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I am sure this will work for some people.   I prefer to play in person.



Quote from: GhostNinja on April 03, 2023, 12:15:06 PM
I am sure this will work for some people.   I prefer to play in person.

I'll stick with Foundry + Dungeon Alchemist.

The 3D looks nice in isolation, but looks like it'd be a pain to actually move things around in it. Also, you could already see the slight lagging in movement so the graphic requirements are already brushing up on the limits of whatever laptops they were using).

Likewise, if you think models that detailed just get generated instantly by magic... I look forward to seeing people's sticker shock at the cost of the token and map assets. I expect a LOT of "Vancouver Locations and Casting" as GMs reuse as many assets as possible to stretch their budgets.

Lastly, Foundry can be used to play more than D&D 6e.

In short, I see nothing in the Alpha demonstration that is either significantly better in performance or a must have feature than what Foundry can deliver (animated lighting, rain/snow effects, smooth fog of war with functioning doors, scrolling map layers (for chase scenes), layers that go transparent when you move under them (i.e. you see the roof of the house until you move inside it), stairs/teleporters that can move you to different locations/maps, all manner of measuring tools, easy importing from Dungeon Alchemist, a custom system builder along with a number of already built systems, etc.).

And this presumes the long established trend of D&D tripping over its shoelaces on its digital tools shortly before edition launch has been successfully overcome. I would not bet against that prospect either.

Grognard GM

Pasty white tech nerd for competency, surrounded by box tickers for optics.

I'm a middle aged guy with a lot of free time, looking for similar, to form a group for regular gaming. You should be chill, non-woke, and have time on your hands.

See below:



Quote from: Grognard GM on April 03, 2023, 02:56:08 PM
Pasty white tech nerd for competency, surrounded by box tickers for optics.

It's Wizards of the coast.  What do you expect?

Grognard GM

Quote from: GhostNinja on April 03, 2023, 03:14:40 PM
Quote from: Grognard GM on April 03, 2023, 02:56:08 PM
Pasty white tech nerd for competency, surrounded by box tickers for optics.

It's Wizards of the coast.  What do you expect?

Exactly what they did, that's why it's perfection.
I'm a middle aged guy with a lot of free time, looking for similar, to form a group for regular gaming. You should be chill, non-woke, and have time on your hands.

See below:



Quote from: Grognard GM on April 03, 2023, 03:19:20 PM

Exactly what they did, that's why it's perfection.

What a better way to say we hate white people then to have a white guy as a minority in the group and people of other colors and religions as the players.


Quote from: GhostNinja on April 03, 2023, 12:15:06 PM
I am sure this will work for some people.   I prefer to play in person.

This looks like a completely different hobby.


Quote from: hedgehobbit on April 03, 2023, 03:31:40 PM

This looks like a completely different hobby.

Yep I agree.  And I think its stupid that they are sitting at the same table playing on computers instead of, oh I dont know using character sheets and dice


It looks pretty.  But everything they showed was basically a battle mat and there seemed to be no calculations for line of sight or other visibility in play.  One of the things I like for VTTs is the handling of light and vision so you can easily tell exactly what a given thing can see from where they are, and the player themselves cannot see a thing if it's outside of their character's view, in the darkness, etc.  And like Chris mentioned, Foundry is good for dozens of systems and not just D&D.

Thankfully I give zero fucks about D&D 5+, so not using this thing will not hamper my gaming in the least.


Well fuck me, I've been extricating props from my games because they're fussy, they get in the way, and they stifle the imagination, and here we have a set up that is 90% props.

You can't sell imagination, so I see why someone would make this ($$$).

Also, who the hell wants to gather around in person to stare at their individual screens? I do that for work and now I gotta do it for fun? No thanks.

The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out
The ones that crawl in are lean and thin
The ones that crawl out are fat and stout
Your eyes fall in and your teeth fall out
Your brains come tumbling down your snout
Be merry my friends
Be merry

Grognard GM

Quote from: GhostNinja on April 03, 2023, 03:30:46 PM
Quote from: Grognard GM on April 03, 2023, 03:19:20 PM

Exactly what they did, that's why it's perfection.

What a better way to say we hate white people then to have a white guy as a minority in the group and people of other colors and religions as the players.

Them: "OMG, why is this full of white guys? We need to show a player base that represents modern America!"

Us: "Modern America is 50% Asian and 25% black?"

Them: "OMG! I can't believe you make everything about race!"
I'm a middle aged guy with a lot of free time, looking for similar, to form a group for regular gaming. You should be chill, non-woke, and have time on your hands.

See below:



Quote from: Grognard GM on April 03, 2023, 03:48:42 PM
Them: "OMG, why is this full of white guys? We need to show a player base that represents modern America!"

Us: "Modern America is 50% Asian and 25% black?"

Them: "OMG! I can't believe you make everything about race!"

Yep.  When they are presented with facts they shift the goalposts.

It's not even worth arguing with those people because they are so dumb.


Dear lord, what is the point. It looks like a business meeting with all of the laptops out around the table. No way. Never.

I am glad they gave us that dude's pronouns. I would have been lost.


Quote from: Grognard GM on April 03, 2023, 02:56:08 PM
Pasty white tech nerd for competency, surrounded by box tickers for optics.

FFS "post-modern" nu-DnD has become a self-replicating meme of eternal shite.....just when you think the cringe cannot reach a more epic level.  ::)


Quote from: GhostNinja on April 03, 2023, 12:15:06 PM
I am sure this will work for some people.   I prefer to play in person.


That's not D&D. That is WoW.

Extra Hard Pass on that bullshit.