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Finished Stonehell!

Started by S'mon, September 19, 2024, 03:34:42 AM

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After more than 7 years, umpteen players, lots of dead PCs... Last night two level 20+ PCs loaded up with sci fi megatech from the Astronaut's Tomb killed the Nixthisis at the bottom of the dungeon. End of an era. 😄


Congrats!  It seems like most of the time with long dungeons the player group ends before the dungeon does.  That's a long time to be doing one thing.  Do you have a plan for what's next?


I did a bunch of other stuff while it was running, several other campaigns, eg Barrowmaze took 2.5 years. My son did play through the
Whole thing, he was 9 or 10 when we started! His first PC went 1-8 then died, his second went from 5th to 20+ (he informs me he is technically 31st level) 😄 and completed the dungeon.

Right now I'm running some episodic Shadowdark games, playing in a 5e game, and wikl be playing in a new urban Shadowdark game soon.


How did the final combat go?  Any details?


Quote from: THE_Leopold on September 19, 2024, 10:37:50 AMHow did the final combat go?  Any details?


Got some details at the above link. Extreme player caution plus OP characters led to a swift smack down of the Nixthisis.


Cool; we've played in a bunch of the megadungeons, but never "finished" any unless you count Temple of Elemental Evil back when I was in high school in the 1980s.  But I'm still hoping we'll do it one day; just need to find the right group and enough time, neither of which is easy.