Fear of Girls Pt 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP3GYdrW450)
pathetic load of bollocks.
I loved it. That hat was fearsome.
"Roll to see if any of you are menstruating." -- I may add this to my sig :)
More gamer self-loathing. Getting tiresome.
Quote from: flyingmiceMore gamer self-loathing. Getting tiresome.
I've seen some really bad ones, but I thought that this one was well done. Excellent production values and some great lines.
EDIT: I'm talking about episode 2, not the first one.
Looking forward to watching this later. The first one was great. :)
I love how some people view this sort of thing as a personal attack.
Fear of Girls is a comedy, and a fucking funny one at that. It's protagonists are a pair of grotesques based on years-old gamer stereotypes, and nothing more.
Try not to take it so seriously. I certainly don't.
Quote from: DrewI love how some people view this sort of thing as a personal attack.
Fear of Girls is a comedy, and a fucking funny one at that. It's protagonists are a pair of grotesques based on years-old gamer stereotypes, and nothing more.
Try not to take it so seriously. I certainly don't.
I take it as a symptom of something nasty I see in gamers. It would be funny if it were a rare or isolated occurence, but it's not. This attitude is ingrained.
BTW, I don't see this as a personal attack at all, Drew. I see it as deeply sad and disturbing. This is the way many gamers see gamers.
That's the beauty of mockumentaries: they're bound to piss someone off, and that makes it even funnier.
Quote from: flyingmiceI take it as a symptom of something nasty I see in gamers. It would be funny if it were a rare or isolated occurence, but it's not. This attitude is ingrained.
BTW, I don't see this as a personal attack at all, Drew. I see it as deeply sad and disturbing. This is the way many gamers see gamers.
Trying to prove who's the dorkiest or most socially maladjusted is the lingua franca of gamer self-deprectation. I see nothing sinister or disturbing in that. It's insider humor, and only works if you can accept it as such.
What really cracked me up was an irate RPGnet member claiming the first film was the moral equivalent of a comedy about the realities of chronic alcoholism. When that sort of hyperbole comes into play you can't help but laugh.
And I wasn't aiming my comments at you, Clash. Just remarking on how fucking seriously some people take this sort of thing. Kind of like the characters in the film do, when you look at it. :)
Whereas the first one was based on the usual stereotypes and gamers vs. the world, the second one was more solidly written and could be a pilot for a sitcom (for twisted people).
Quote from: DrewTrying to prove who's the dorkiest or most socially maladjusted is the lingua franca of gamer self-deprectation. I see nothing sinister or disturbing in that. It's insider humor, and only works if you can accept it as such.
What really cracked me up was an irate RPGnet member claiming the first film was the moral equivalent of a comedy about the realities of chronic alcoholism. When that sort of hyperbole comes into play you can't help but laugh.
And I wasn't aiming my comments at you, Clash. Just remarking on how fucking seriously some people take this sort of thing. Kind of like the characters in the film do, when you look at it. :)
I don't see anything sinister in it, just something... pathetic. Like how many gamers hide that they are gamers. If gamers are ashamed of gaming and think of themselves as socially maladjusted dorks, what hope does this hobby have of flourishing, of attracting anyone but those who think of themselves as maladjusted dorks?
Most of the gamers I know are cool people. There are a few wierdos, but no more than any other hobby. Look at some other fandoms someday!
I know I'm alone in this. I've been talking about this subject for years. Most gamers enjoy putting themselves down. I think it's just an excuse for not trying. Set your goals low enough and success is almost guaranteed.
I laughed, I crie....actually I just laughed...
It was entertaining. I didn't mind it.
The first one... meh. This one? Awesome. Worth it just to see Doug's "Game Pope" costume.
Yeah, I could take offense to being lumped together with those cliched stereotypes. I could be annoyed that gamers are never portrayed as well dressed, well educated, and/or socially adjusted adults capable of leading "normal" lives. I could waste my energy getting bent out of shape, but the truth is... an inordinately large number of people who play RPGs are Doug Douglasons. And that's fucking funny.
I enjoyed it. I don't find anything pathetic about being able to laugh at oneself- quite the opposite in fact.
I liked it that the girls where just as psycho as the guys are.
EDIT: There´s some underlying critique and mocking of general human traits going on in those films. It´s a testament to the reflexion and smartness of the RPG Hobby that it´s produced by us. Skaterboiz don´t have such a movie, nor do the bowling clubs produce one.
Is it as annoying and out of date as the first one was ?
This computer is having trouble gettring it to play beyond the first few seconds...
- Ed C.
I love how white box DnD is proudly displayed in the gamer den...I think that's in the first one. Top little films.
On a related note, has anyone seen "Fellowship of the Dice"? I've not seen any discussion...did it come out?
"What does it mean?"
"It means you're dead".
"..What are my options?"
Say what you will, the man brooks no dissent at his table.
I thought episode II started slow but considerably picked up once the female gamers were on board. The second one (the actress) was hilarious, I thought.
"I don't enjoy being judge, jury and executioner, but...tactical stupidity must be punished."
"I knew when she sat down I was going to have to kill her....Oh, the crafty ones always play games...but you cant backstab the gamemaster."
"You can't reward that kind of behaviour!"
I love the approach, too, when he's going to the game store. It's clear he's a pariah even among his own kind.
Quote from: walkerpI love the approach, too, when he's going to the game store. It's clear he's a pariah even among his own kind.
That's because he's an
elite dungeon master.
Mere hobbyists like us can't even comprehend Doug's level of commitment to the game.
Quote from: flyingmiceI don't see anything sinister in it, just something... pathetic. Like how many gamers hide that they are gamers. If gamers are ashamed of gaming and think of themselves as socially maladjusted dorks, what hope does this hobby have of flourishing, of attracting anyone but those who think of themselves as maladjusted dorks?
Most of the gamers I know are cool people. There are a few wierdos, but no more than any other hobby. Look at some other fandoms someday!
I know I'm alone in this. I've been talking about this subject for years. Most gamers enjoy putting themselves down. I think it's just an excuse for not trying. Set your goals low enough and success is almost guaranteed.
It's just for laughs, mate. If you want view to it as symptomatic of something deeper and darker then by all means do so, but be aware that virtually every adult-orientated comedy in human history becomes problematic when deconstructed.
Quote from: flyingmiceI think it's just an excuse for not trying. Set your goals low enough and success is almost guaranteed.
I don't want to start any kind of internet row or anything, but what the fuck does this mean? An excuse for not trying what?
Quote from: AosI don't want to start any kind of internet row or anything, but what the fuck does this mean? An excuse for not trying what?
Reaching for the stars!
IME, it's the gamers (and I don't mean clash here, he seems to have some other sort of issue) that have no real life aspirations that tend to take gaming way too seriously and get upset about this sort of thing.
Quote from: AosIME, it's the gamers (and I don't mean clash here, he seems to have some other sort of issue) that have no real life aspirations that tend to take gaming way too seriously and get upset about this sort of thing.
IMHO, it's not as funny as the first.
Some funny bits, but the first one was a tough act to follow.
Quote from: flyingmiceMost of the gamers I know are cool people. There are a few wierdos, but no more than any other hobby. Look at some other fandoms someday!
Serious question. Like what other hobbies?
I ask because I have never, in my entire life, encountered in any other activity, people as weird as the gamers I've come across. Not doing a range of sporting activities (football, mixed netball, ultimate frisbee, fencing), not even doing martial arts, which is an infamous preserve of charlatans, power-trippers, wannabes, bullshitters and sociopaths.
Is it a function of my age (late twenties) that I've never come across any of these other weird hobbyists, my location (the UK), or simply the kinds of activities I've been engaged in?
I lol'd.
Quote from: flyingmiceI don't see anything sinister in it, just something... pathetic. Like how many gamers hide that they are gamers. If gamers are ashamed of gaming and think of themselves as socially maladjusted dorks, what hope does this hobby have of flourishing, of attracting anyone but those who think of themselves as maladjusted dorks?
Most of the gamers I know are cool people. There are a few wierdos, but no more than any other hobby. Look at some other fandoms someday!
I know I'm alone in this. I've been talking about this subject for years. Most gamers enjoy putting themselves down. I think it's just an excuse for not trying. Set your goals low enough and success is almost guaranteed.
You're not necessarily alone, you just interpret the phenomenon differently. I'm sick to fucking death of the gamer hate, the "less geeky than thou" attitude. It was a fucking plague on RPGnet, and it made me sick then, and it still irritates the shit out of me now.
Quote from: Everyone's Least Favorite Gamer HaterIs it a function of my age (late twenties) that I've never come across any of these other weird hobbyists, my location (the UK), or simply the kinds of activities I've been engaged in?
Fuck you, and fuck off back to shilling for wushu on RPGnet. A pathetic fuckstick like you who spends more time putting down other gamers than actualyl having a life of his own has no goddamn room to criticize anyone.
Quote from: J ArcaneFuck you, and fuck off back to shilling for wushu on RPGnet. A pathetic fuckstick like you who spends more time putting down other gamers than actualyl having a life of his own has no goddamn room to criticize anyone.
Way to get overly defensive. Feeling inadequate about your personal life there, sport?
Quote from: KieroIs it a function of my age (late twenties) that I've never come across any of these other weird hobbyists, my location (the UK), or simply the kinds of activities I've been engaged in?
There are a bunch of hobbies and activities that seem to fall under the "Geek Pride" umbrella that either have the same weird hobbyists, or sometimes weirder ones. Anime, Comicbooks, Cosplay, LARP, SCA, Toy Collecting, CCGs, etc.
I'm sure there are tons of people who like some or all of those things and are well adjusted, socially functional people. But I'm pretty sure the % of social awkwardness is higher than in other hobbies or activities like Football, Fishing, Poker, Auto Racing, etc.
Hmm. On a side note, I think it's the "Friendly" Local Gaming Stores have something to do with it. They're the public face of a lot of these hobbies, and a lot (but not all!) of these stores do a fantastically poor job making "regular" people feel welcome.
Its like I said back when the first Fear of Girls video came out: it IS funny, because its true. Because there are people like this in gaming, because this is how non-gamers see us, because we have tolerated the Lawncrappers in our hobby to the point that, unfortunately, outsiders simply assume that anyone interested in roleplaying must be a lawncrapper.
Quote from: KieroWay to get overly defensive. Feeling inadequate about your personal life there, sport?
Yawn. This is all you've got? The rhetorical equivalent to "I know you are but what am I"?
*tsk tsk tsk* Kids these days.
Quote from: J ArcaneYou're not necessarily alone, you just interpret the phenomenon differently. I'm sick to fucking death of the gamer hate, the "less geeky than thou" attitude. It was a fucking plague on RPGnet, and it made me sick then, and it still irritates the shit out of me now.
Oh, I knew you wouldn't like it.
QuoteBut I'm pretty sure the % of social awkwardness is higher than in other hobbies or activities like Football, Fishing, Poker, Auto Racing, etc.
You never grew up in a redneck town like mine, I guess. Trust me, there's plenty of social malajustment going around, it just doesn't necessarily manifest itself in the same way.
QuoteVampires aren't evil...
Football players are.
Seriously though -- the major factor is the "growing up" bit. All teenagers are socially maladjusted. Much more retarded than you see on TV or in movies. All of us / them. ;)
Quote from: Stuart:haw:
Seriously though -- the major factor is the "growing up" bit. All teenagers are socially maladjusted. Much more retarded than you see on TV or in movies. All of us / them. ;)
Shit, teenagers, sure, but I was really thinking about a lot of the adults around here.
Quote from: Stuart:haw:
Seriously though -- the major factor is the "growing up" bit. All teenagers are socially maladjusted. Much more retarded than you see on TV or in movies. All of us / them. ;)
Yeah, but when it's "adults", not teenagers, I laugh with outright contempt.
Speaking of which: Baby Cakes (http://www.superdeluxe.com/sd/series/baby_cakes) epitomizes what I'm talking about. The prime example being this video (http://www.superdeluxe.com/sd/contentDetail.do?id=D81F2344BF5AC7BBA696F269B9D88D70629D940E51E3A2C6).
Quote from: architect.zeroYeah, but when "adults", not teenagers, I laugh with outright contempt.
That's the point. It's the teenage mindset in an adult body that informs the comedy. Add liberal sprinklings of social maladjustment and codependency and you're set.
The concept of the humorous man-child goes way back, anyway. It's a comedy staple, and can be ascribed to characters as diverse as Puck and Homer Simpson. In this instance it's a pair of gamers, and
that is what seems to be getting people riled up.
We ought to be able to enjoy this sort of thing without getting so defensive, lest we become the caricatures ourselves.
Quote from: DrewThat's the point. It's the teenage mindset in an adult body that informs the comedy. Add liberal sprinklings of social maladjustment and codependency and you're set.
The concept of the humorous man-child goes way back, anyway. It's a comedy staple, and can be ascribed to characters as diverse as Puck and Homer Simpson. In this instance it's a pair of gamers, and that is what seems to be getting people riled up.
We ought to be able to enjoy this sort of thing without getting so defensive, lest we become the caricatures ourselves.
The probblem is that after a good 30 years of this shit, it's become pretty goddamn cliche.
The motivation is rarely a positive one either. It's never the knowing wink, "Look at how silly we are", it's more the sneering, "look at those guys over there". Gamers are creepy, geeky, losers etc., except for US of course, who are all shiny, happy, perfectly normal people, yessiree Bob.
It's laughing at, not with. And I could do without that, thanks.
Quote from: Drew... In this instance it's a pair of gamers, and that is what seems to be getting people riled up. ...
I know that's the point. That's why I laughed my ass off. And actually it's only getting a small portion of gamers riled up: those that are looking into a mirror when watching that video. (boo hoo)
Quote from: J ArcaneYawn. This is all you've got? The rhetorical equivalent to "I know you are but what am I"?
*tsk tsk tsk* Kids these days.
Given I couldn't give a shit what you think, why would you merit anything more than a token effort?
Quote from: KieroGiven I couldn't give a shit what you think, why would you merit anything more than a token effort?
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Quote from: J ArcaneThe probblem is that after a good 30 years of this shit, it's become pretty goddamn cliche.
The motivation is rarely a positive one either. It's never the knowing wink, "Look at how silly we are", it's more the sneering, "look at those guys over there". Gamers are creepy, geeky, losers etc., except for US of course, who are all shiny, happy, perfectly normal people, yessiree Bob.
It's laughing at, not with. And I could do without that, thanks.
I really don't see this as an attack on gamers. It's a formulaic comedy setup using RPG's as the social glue that cements two dysfunctional characters together. the comedy doesn't so much arise from gaming as it does from how the pair function as outsiders. It could just as easily be computer games, model railways or folk music, and very little would change. I neither feel offended or marginalised by that, mainly because there's a tiny part of me that
is Doug and Raymond. If anything I have a great deal of affection for them.
Quote from: architect.zeroI know that's the point. That's why I laughed my ass off. And actually it's only getting a small portion of gamers riled up: those that are looking into a mirror when watching that video. (boo hoo)
Fair enough. I must have misread your post. :)
Quote from: DrewI really don't see this as an attack on gamers. It's a formulaic comedy setup using RPG's as the social glue that cements two dysfunctional characters together. the comedy doesn't so much arise from gaming as it does from how the pair function as outsiders. It could just as easily be computer games, model railways or folk music, and very little would change. I neither feel offended or marginalised by that, mainly because there's a tiny part of me that is Doug and Raymond. If anything I have a great deal of affection for them.
I wouldn't use the term "offended", and certainly not a ridiculous one like "marginalized", I just think it's fucking lame, and slightly irritating. It's rehashing cliches from 80s movies that were equally retarded then, combined with a lot of pathetic ego stroking of the same sort that leads people to develop EXTREME!/ADULT CONTENT! versions of old TV shows.
30 years of gaming, and this is the best they can come up with? Cartoon nerds? There's plenty of decent gamer humor out there, even self-deprecating ones, but this kind of crap is just cliche and unintersting on every level.
Quote from: J ArcaneI wouldn't use the term "offended", and certainly not a ridiculous one like "marginalized", I just think it's fucking lame, and slightly irritating. It's rehashing cliches from 80s movies that were equally retarded then, combined with a lot of pathetic ego stroking of the same sort that leads people to develop EXTREME!/ADULT CONTENT! versions of old TV shows.
30 years of gaming, and this is the best they can come up with? Cartoon nerds? There's plenty of decent gamer humor out there, even self-deprecating ones, but this kind of crap is just cliche and unintersting on every level.
To you, perhaps. I find it extremely funny.
And what 80's movies are you referring to? Surely not that Tom Hanks abomination, which was a totally different kettle of fish.
And by the way, you do come across as being personally offended by all this. Maybe that's not how you feel, but that's definitely the message I've been getting. Please explain why you find it irritating, so I can get a clearer idea of what you're talking about. :)
There was a scene at the beginning where "Doug" goes to the game store wearing his cloak, and there were "normal" gamers there staring at him with WTF? expressions. I didn't get the feeling the film makers are making fun of those gamers -- it was more they were showing just how abnormal Doug was.
The 3 women gamers weren't the stereotypical D&D nerd cliche either. For that matter the two main characters have more depth to them than the standard "Nerd".
Where's the Mountain Dew? :haw:
I keep it in my pants.
I had two thoughts on Aos' reply. The first, was the old standby...
A) I thought you were just happy to see me....
The second was more...intricate...
B) My, that's more of a Mole-Hill Dew, isn't it?
Your choice.
Mole-Hill would be a bit of an exaggeration, really.