What setting most interests you in becoming an RPG, to open its doors to gamers as well as readers/watchers/etc?
Liz Williams's supernatural/cyberpunk pac rim of the Detective Inspector Chen novels, Snake Agent, Demon in the City, Precious Dragon, and there may be more . . .
C. J. Cherryh's Union/Alliance/Compact Space uiiverse.
Glen Cook
'The Dragon Never Sleeps' (http://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Never-Sleeps-Glen-Cook/dp/1597800996/ref=sr_1_33/103-9992524-4916645?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1193286281&sr=8-33)
"For four thousand years, the Guardships have ruled Canon Space - immortal ships with an immortal crew, dealing swiftly and harshly with any mercantile houses or alien races that threaten the status quo. But now the House Tregesser has an edge: a force from outside Canon Space offers them the resources to throw off Guardship rule. This precipitates an avalanche of unexpected outcomes, including the emergence of Kez Maefele, one of the few remaining generals of the Ku Warrior race-the only race to ever seriously threaten Guardship hegemony. Kez Maefele and a motley group of aliens, biological constructs, an scheming aristocrats find themselves at the center of the conflict. Maefele must chose which side he will support: the Guardships, who defeated and destroyed his race, or the unknown forces outside Canon Space that promise more death and destruction."
I'd probably smash the guardships rule and break things wide open.
Edit: Or the universe of his Noir fantasy detective 'Garret' novels.
Gene Wolfe's Urth.
The universe descibed in Iain M. Banks Culture novels.
Stephen King's 'The Dark Tower' setting.
Pete F. Hamiltons's 'Night's Dawn' trilogy.
Alan Moore's America's Best Comics setting, specifically the milieu inhabited by Tom Strong, Promethea and Top Ten.
Quote from: flyingmiceC. J. Cherryh's Union/Alliance/Compact Space uiiverse.
2300AD works well on that setting if you don't mind a little stretch.
For me, I'd like to see Pournelle's CoDominion done, with Niven's part in
The Mote thrown in for good measure.
Quote from: darGlen Cook
'The Dragon Never Sleeps' (http://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Never-Sleeps-Glen-Cook/dp/1597800996/ref=sr_1_33/103-9992524-4916645?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1193286281&sr=8-33)
Hey, that's not even out yet! Sounds very good, though.
There are several Argentinean comics that could become kickass settings. The works of Robin Wood (http://www.nippurweb.com.ar/) and Hector Oesterheld (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A9ctor_Germ%C3%A1n_Oesterheld) are particularly noteworthy: Dago, Nippur of Lagash, Gilgamesh the Immortal, Cybersix, Savarese...
PCs as carnies in a travelling show across the Dustbowl caught in a supernatural fight between good and evil. Could be fun.
alistair reynolds' revelation space stuff.
Quote from: beeberalistair reynolds' revelation space stuff.
I'm going to second that.
something based on Steven Erikson's 'Tales of the Malazan Book of the Fallen'
I was waiting for someone to mention that. All my friends want to play something like that, but man, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how I'd run it.
Alan Cole and Chris Bunch's "Antero" series of novels could easily have their setting (and, most importantly, their mood and flavor) extracted and injected into any given FRPG.
How about a game set in the world of the astonishingly bad Italian (http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/StarOdyssey.html) SF (http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/CosmosWarofthePlanets.html) films (http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/WaroftheRobots.html) of the late 70s?
Ideal for MetaScapeII !! I think I could do that.
I want to see a decent, carefully-crafted juvenile delinquent/exploitation game with real rules. I like hot cars and cutting school and raunchy music and girls that let you get to second base.
Steven Brust's Jhereg books. That would rock so hard.
I'm pretty thoroughly obsessed with the 100 Bullets comic. Of course, to write that setting up, you'd first have to figure out what the hell is going on.
I read Anthony Hope's Prisoner of Zenda a couple of months ago and felt it had the makings of a rip-roaring adventure game.
Quote from: Dr Rotwang!Alan Cole and Chris Bunch's "Antero" series of novels could easily have their setting (and, most importantly, their mood and flavor) extracted and injected into any given FRPG.
Hey! I was gonna say The Far Kingdoms too! Lots of cool little kingdoms and civilizations both described and hinted at, with plenty of unmapped territory for expanding into as well.
Plus the elite lesbian brigade :D
Quote from: jeff379232300AD works well on that setting if you don't mind a little stretch.
Thanks, Jeff, but I wrote StarCluster as a tribute of sorts to Cherryh, Niven, and Brin. It's less of a stretch. :D
QuoteFor me, I'd like to see Pournelle's CoDominion done, with Niven's part in The Mote thrown in for good measure.
Agreed! Someone got the rights a couple years ago, but they dissappeared. The rights are out there! :D
Quote from: DrewStephen King's 'The Dark Tower' setting.
Yep. But I wouldn't trust a single existing big name publisher with it. Marco Chacon could do it justice.
Quote from: JohnnyWannabeYep. But I wouldn't trust a single existing big name publisher with it. Marco Chacon could do it justice.
OOOOH YEAH! Marco! Your next setting! :D
Quote from: PseudoephedrineGene Wolfe's Urth.
There was a GURPS sourcebook for it.
My choice would be David Weber's "Honorverse." Yeah, I know there is a game supposedly in the works, but what little I've read about it hasn't been encouraging.
Space:Above and Beyond would make for a nice RPG setting.
Larry Niven's "Known Space" would be prime RPG real estate. It's difficult to still count the Ringworld RPG since it was published so long ago and so relatively few have even seen it.
Quote from: ColonelHardissonMy choice would be David Weber's "Honorverse." Yeah, I know there is a game supposedly in the works, but what little I've read about it hasn't been encouraging.
I thought that was just a wargame. Is there an rpg coming too?
Quote from: TechnomancerI thought that was just a wargame. Is there an rpg coming too?
Supposedly. I read about it a while back. Can't recall who was slated to do it.
Full Metal Alchemist
The Executioner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Executioner_%28book_series%29) series (Mack Bolan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mack_Bolan), Able Team (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Able_Team), Phoenix Force (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Force), Stony Man (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stony_Man))
Alastair Reynolds's Revelation Space universe.
The Dragon Waiting by John M Ford, or in a similar vein the Damiano trilogy by RA MacAvoy.
Edit: And maybe Viriconium, just to annoy M John Harrison. It's my favourite fantasy work and the game would be a travesty, but it would be funny...
Quote from: ColonelHardissonThere was a GURPS sourcebook for it.
My choice would be David Weber's "Honorverse." Yeah, I know there is a game supposedly in the works, but what little I've read about it hasn't been encouraging.
Space:Above and Beyond would make for a nice RPG setting.
Larry Niven's "Known Space" would be prime RPG real estate. It's difficult to still count the Ringworld RPG since it was published so long ago and so relatively few have even seen it.
Hi Colonel!
The only reason I didn't mention it was the Ringworld RPG. I have it and the Companion, and it's excellent!
I hate to admit it, but I'd love to see Elder Scrolls: Oblivion/Morrowind, a.k.a. Tamriel. I mean hell, if Warcraft and Everquest can get RPGs, why can't Elder Scrolls, a more detailed and deep setting?
I know. I know. I'm lame.
I second Avatar and Elder Scrolls.
Also, the Malazan Book of the Fallen series started out (like most fantasy series) in a RPG campaign. Don't quote me but, it started out as a GURPS game. And supposedly Steven Erikson was looking to sell the RPG rights for his setting, but that's purely rumor and speculation, from what little I've gathered.
I think the massive difference in powerful levels would be difficult to represent in game terms for MBotF. With the ascendants, Master of the Deck, et al.
But how fun would it be to play a Bridgeburner? I submit that it would be pretty sweet.
Quote from: flyingmiceHi Colonel!
The only reason I didn't mention it was the Ringworld RPG. I have it and the Companion, and it's excellent!
I just wish someone would get the permission to reprint all that stuff. What I've seen and heard of it looks like it'd be good source material for any given scifi RPG.
Quote from: GrimJestaI'd love to see Elder Scrolls: Oblivion/Morrowind
Yep, I could see that.
Quote from: Nick BowerSteven Brust's Jhereg books. That would rock so hard.
By the orb! It seems to me I have been making such a declaration for the last hundred years.:)
I wanted to see a published adaptation of the Voltron series.
Anne McCaffrey's PERN - but I'm not sure it would work or what kind of campaign you could run there.
Just something about it is appealing.
- Ed C.
Quote from: KoltarAnne McCaffrey's PERN - but I'm not sure it would work or what kind of campaign you could run there.
Just something about it is appealing.
- Ed C.
I think it would be interesting as a side trek, or as something like those pocket universes/other planets in Queen of the Demonweb Pits. I don't know if I'd want to run a full-blown campaign in it, but I'm sure there are a lot of McCaffrey fans who would.
Like others, I think Alastair Reynolds' "Revelation Space" setting would be interesting. Along the same lines, I think Vernor Vinge's setting for "A Fire Upon the Deep" and "A Deepness in the Sky" would be great fodder for a scifi RPG.
the dirty pair, either the original or the adam warren stuff. as long as there's high-tech utter carnage!
How 'bout a Belgariad RPG where you have character advancement rules but no character advancement?
I am indeed being snarky. Yo' momma.
Malazan Book of the Fallen
The Drenai Series
The Dragaera Series
Silent Mobius
The Vorkosigan Saga
More later.
i would totally do a silent mobius game! you could probably run it with palladium/rifts pretty easily.
mmm. . . temple maidens. . . .:keke:
Silent Mobius Zeta for Hero System by Subrook's Stuff http://surbrook.devermore.net/worldbooks/smz/silentmobius.html
I'd want a "Gotham" rpg, based upon the Batman comic book miniseries written and drawn by Frank Miller (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns). You could have an entire rpg revolving around Gotham City. It would be grim and gritty, and the rules for WFRP 2e would work just fine for it, though it should have a completely new list of careers and equipment. :D
Characters in this setting might be somewhat more powerful than Warhammer, but that's okay. If DC Comics published a game like this, I'd buy it, and I don't normally go for superhero games.
Quote from: TheQuestionManSilent Mobius Zeta for Hero System by Subrook's Stuff http://surbrook.devermore.net/worldbooks/smz/silentmobius.html
sweet! thanks, QM! i don't know the HERO system but i'm sure i can figure something out from all of that. nice resource!
Robert Asprin's Myth Adventures (http://www.mythadventures.net/) series. I know about the board game and I wonder if it has gameable info in it. I do see that SJGames was planning on doing a GURPS book.
Anyway there is enough room to avoid the main characters or shove them into the background and adventure through the multiverse. With the Bazaar being home base, of coarse.
Quote from: RoninFull Metal Alchemist
I'd add Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, and Ghost in the Shell to that list. Also the Akira manga (I'm still kinda nonplussed by the movie). Oh, and Hellboy in some system that isn't GURPS. I hear they're doing the Girl Genius webcomic setting in GURPS too. I think there's a Trigun D20 somewhere out there.
Also, Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto (can somebody please tell me what any of that means so I don't have to type it out any more?), Black Lagoon, and Code Geass strike me as pretty gameable.
Wanting to run a game based on FLCL is like wanting to fly. It sucks because you know you'd only hurt yourself trying.
Snow Crash is something I'd game in. Likewise Dune.
The DrMcninja webcomic is also something I'd play in.
Quote from: RoninFull Metal Alchemist
The Executioner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Executioner_%28book_series%29) series (Mack Bolan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mack_Bolan), Able Team (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Able_Team), Phoenix Force (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Force), Stony Man (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stony_Man))
I have run games based on these books - many years ago using the Delta Force rules and then another campaign more recently using Spycraft/Stargate rules. Worked pretty well. Just used the scenarios straight out of the novels.
Virinconium by M John Harrison - yes, I thought those would be great for gaming.
Stardust - after reading the book several years ago I nearly knocked a game together, then seeing the movie recently, I really want to do something in that setting.
How about the World of Tiers, by Phillip Jose Farmer?
Quote from: Simon WHow about the World of Tiers, by Phillip Jose Farmer?
There it is:
Quote from: Dirk RemmeckeThere it is:
Yeah, I found this after I mentioned it. Now all I have to do is learn to read French.....
Quote from: Simon WStardust - after reading the book several years ago I nearly knocked a game together, then seeing the movie recently, I really want to do something in that setting.
1PGs Idyll + Stardust is one sweet combo
Quote from: Sean1PGs Idyll + Stardust is one sweet combo
Yeah, I have Idyll (and all the other 1PG games). Never thought of that - I'll give it a look.
maybe use bloode island for the skyship ?
Jack Vance's Big Planet