The halcyon times were over in the World of Equestria, home of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". The ideals of friendship gave way to greed, selfishness, paranoia and, a jealous reaping of dwindling space and natural resources. Wars and hate grew in intensity, until a strategic exchange of dark magic and nuclear weapons devastated the land and snuffed out the lives of millions of Mt Little Ponies in a matter of minutes.
Today, the survivors live in deep underground cities called "Stables". Contact with the outside world is lost. The rules are simple: no one enters, no one exits. But something is about to change...
Yes, I know, I discovered this setting with a mixture of incredulity and... a sort of awe.
Here is the original fanfic novel, 2000+ pages long:
And here is the unofficial supplement for... the My Little Pony RPG I guess:
Full disclosure: yes, I have started reading the novel. The image of millions of My Little Ponies being incinerated in a brutal nuclear exchange was a too strong siren call (I rewatched "Thirteen Days"' opening titles to get in the mood:
I won't waste my time on it, I was just curious about this... unholy marriage. It is surprisingly readable - if you like My Little Ponies (I don't care about them) give it a chance.
Didn't the actual show do something like this? Some sort of alternate Equestria where the mane 6 were rebel fighters or something? I seem to recall seeing camo fatigued ponies on the tv at some point while my girls were watching.
I do have to say the new MLP is actually surprisingly enjoyable. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't like bamboo shoots under the fingernails.
Quote from: KingCheops on May 06, 2021, 10:38:07 AM
Didn't the actual show do something like this? Some sort of alternate Equestria where the mane 6 were rebel fighters or something? I seem to recall seeing camo fatigued ponies on the tv at some point while my girls were watching.
I do have to say the new MLP is actually surprisingly enjoyable. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't like bamboo shoots under the fingernails.
Some years ago I read that there was an adult fandom of MLPs who appreciated how the show could be enjoyed by adults too - due to pacing, humor and good storytelling (a similar thing I guess happened here in Italy with Disney Italy's W.H.I.T.C. - the comic book - which for the first couple of years was really all around enjoyable). I never bothered to check it, though.
They ended up doing conventions but also being infiltrated by furries (all of this in the USA of course). Dunno about how (if) it ended.
Ah yessss. Good good. Cant have those nasty Jews polluting your pure Aryan ponies now can you?
Keep digging that hole.
Oh wow. The word count is over 600k words. Someone put a mind boggling amount of time into this. For comparison typical fantasy novels top out at about 125k, and the Order of the Phoenix was about 250k.
Quote from: Omega on May 06, 2021, 07:11:31 PM
Ah yessss. Good good. Cant have those nasty Jews polluting your pure Aryan ponies now can you?
Keep digging that hole.
My pure Aryan ponies?
I don't have a dog in this race. After a re-telling here about how the original Fallout was initially based on GURPS I wondered if someone maybe did an unofficial Fallout supplement over the years. I did some research and, to my amazement, I stumbled into this MLP: Fallout (there is a sequel to the first novel, BTW, 4000+ pages long :o ).
Re: the MLP subculture, it was born on 4Chan. Unusually for that site, it was friendly and ironic. They called themselves "Bronies" and were adults who appreciated the humor of the series and the quality of storytelling (I never watched it, so I can't comment). Of course initially they watched the show with the intention of obliterating it, only to become "ironic fans". They number grew big enough that they decided to do some conventions. The spirit still was "We are adult males who enjoy the show because it is fun and we watch it with a self-aware streak". The conventions caught, became mainstream, and soon a lot of people who didn't share the original spirit became a big part of them - including furries.
Regarding "furries", as I explained elsewhere the concept doesn't exist here in Italy. It isn't that we are more tolerant or that this subculture is different over here: it literally doesn't exists, so I can't (and will not) comment about it. I have seen fan-made drawings of oversexualised MLPs, the kind around which I put question marks (
those would never survive a convention here in Italy) but with this I don't want imply that the two things are related.
A brief research unearthed an amazing number of fan-made MLP-RPGs, based on D&D 3E, 4E, 5E, Pathfinder, Open d6 and even Savage Worlds (!) For sure the fandom is strong in this one.