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Is Harn too developed for fantasy?

Started by Striker, September 04, 2024, 09:48:09 AM

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Quote from: Ruprecht on September 06, 2024, 06:49:57 PM
Quote from: Ruprecht on September 04, 2024, 11:17:25 AMHarn was built with the premise....
Looks like I misunderstood the 'built up' part of the question, possibly because half the island is wilderness and the Kingdoms only really have one or two actual towns each and those are fairly small. It isn't built up at all.

Found an image from my blog that illustrates how it looks inside one of the major kingdoms (Kaldor). Each hex is 12.5 mile or 5 harnic leagues taking 5 hours to walk across. The yellow represents the areas under cultivation.

Below what it looks like at the manor level. It is the region just below Olokand in the upper left corner of the map.


Quote from: Striker on September 04, 2024, 09:48:09 AMIs it too developed to have fantasy adventures?

Back to the OP question, no.  IMHO, Harn can handle dialing up of the fantasy quite well, but I would encourage caution with doing so.  Sure, you can just steal the maps and basic background, and drop in standard tropes on top of it, but it will become your pHarn ("personal Harn" in Harnic nomenclature) and quickly become something other.  I have run campaigns this way, and they were fun, but at the same time I feel I ended up loosing more than I gained in that I had to modify things too much (especially when it came to the Shek Pvar (mages) and religions.

I would just encourage you to read the cannon as broadly as you can before make a lot of alterations.  Mostly because you can make big changes with subtle tweaks.  In other words you don't have to go gonzo to  increase the fantasy.

Also, try to keep things human centric as much as possible.  Those goblin bandits - make them humans who are really ugly.  Those Yuan-ti cultists - make them humans, but with a lisp.

I have to run, but good luck and let us know how it turns out.
-The world grew old and the Dwarves failed and the days of Durin's race were ended.