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Eyes Beyond the Torchlight (half D20, half dice pool)

Started by weirdguy564, August 26, 2024, 10:38:53 AM

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So I get a newsletter from Drivethru RPG every day.  It shows off products that you may be interested in.

Eyes Beyond the Torchlight was one that came up this weekend.  It's not free, but it was only 99 cents.  I took a chance and got it. 

DT-RPG Eyes Beyond the Torchlight

It's your classic European mythology, almost another OSR game.  Almost, as it does change the rules up enough to not qualify.  It doesn't use armor class for example.

1.  Four stats instead of six
2.  Stats are dice types, 1D4-1D12
3.  Roll 1D20+stat dice, roll a 12 or more to succeed.  Also, your stat dice is your damage. 
4.  Player facing rolls.  When attacked, roll a stat check to defend yourself.
5.  Baddies are a single stat called a Threat Number.  It subtracts from your dice roll to beat a 12.  I suppose you could add it to that 12 to make a new target number, but RAW it's a negative to your roll.  It's also TNx5 for the baddie's hit points.  Aka a TN 2 skeleton is going to subtract 2 from your attacks and parries, and has 10HP.
6.  Hero points.  You can spend hero points to improve dice rolls or get other advantages. 
7.  Armor reduces damage received.
8.  Spell casting is a skill check.
9.  There are seven races, though two are half-races. Human, elf, dwarf, halfling, gnome, half-elf, half-orc. They're also a bit customizable at character creation.
10.  Only the four traditional classes.  Warrior, cleric, rogue, and wizard. They're also slightly customizable at character creation.

Overall it looks well done.  Topics are kept to a single page or two facing pages for the most part.  Art is simple black & white drawings. 

If I had to distill it down, it's a fantasy RPG that is half D20, half dice pool, that is mostly skill roll based.

I like it.  Again, it's not free, but 99 cents is damn near free. It's worth literally every penny. 
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


This isn't actually a new game.  The original author turned it over to another company for caretaking while he took care of some life events and just recently took ownership again.  It showed up as new because of the change in company branding.

That said, I've thought the game looks pretty good as well.  It's been in our groups queue to play for a while now, but we haven't had a chance to fit in between longer campaigns using other systems.  Maybe this year...


Yeah, I feel like it's one of those games that should be popular, but just isn't.

I think it's a fine game. 

Also, recently a players primer has become available.   

Players handbook

It is yet another free, or nearly free RPG that is just as good as the $50 ones, but gets no love. 
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


I don't really like player-facing systems or metacurrencies, but other than that it looks great.


Quote from: Spobo on September 07, 2024, 12:52:12 PMI don't really like player-facing systems or metacurrencies, but other than that it looks great.

I get that.  Player facing games are a bit controversial.

In this case I do like it. The main benefit is that it simplifies bad guys to be a single number that subtracts from all of your dice rolls.

I do think player facing rolls may make solo play easier as well. 
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.