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"RPGs are Serious Business"

Started by Benoist, July 12, 2010, 03:50:03 PM

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Soylent Green

You missed one. It's actually 5 things. Friends/family, intimate, work, hobby and TV.

Never trust anyone who doesn't watch TV.
New! Cyberblues City - like cyberpunk, only more mellow. Free, fully illustrated roleplaying game based on the Fudge system
Bounty Hunters of the Atomic Wastelands, a post-apocalyptic western game based on Fate. It\'s simple, it\'s free and it\'s in colour!


Quote from: Kyle Aaron;393362(good stuff)
I agree with all this.

Now, when you're talking about some topic on the web related to role playing games, you can both care enough about said topic to want to discuss it without gonzo shit and various internet memes thrown in, and yet, be a balanced individual in your work, relationships, what have you. It's not because you can talk seriously about role playing games that suddenly you're a whackjob living in your mom's basement. The same way, arguing about something on a message board about this or that topic does not make one unbalanced either.

The whole meme strikes me as completely made up shit to just be able to differentiate "good Geeks" from "bad Geeks" somehow.


Quote from: Benoist;393364The whole meme strikes me as completely made up shit to just be able to differentiate "good Geeks" from "bad Geeks" somehow.

It's the same as tl;dr, "Some people have no lives" etc.  Just flippant bullshit people toss off to dismiss someone out of hand (usually because they have no cogent argument to respond with.)
Even the the "cutting edge" storygamers for all their talk of narrative, plot, and drama are fucking obsessed with the god damned rules they use. - Estar

Yes, Sean Connery\'s thumb does indeed do megadamage. - Spinachcat

Isuldur is a badass because he stopped Sauron with a broken sword, but Iluvatar is the badass because he stopped Sauron with a hobbit. -Malleus Arianorum

"Tangency Edition" D&D would have no classes or races, but 17 genders to choose from. -TristramEvans

Kyle Aaron

Quote from: Benoist;393364It's not because you can talk seriously about role playing games that suddenly you're a whackjob living in your mom's basement.
Of course. But sometimes the tone of some of the people discussing things makes me wonder. Like on that Dragonsfoot thread Sacrificial Lamb and Joethelawyer were bitching about, a game group broke up after six years because some wights level-drained someone's henchman. Plainly there were other things going on with the group, but nope, everyone wanted to talk about level-draining and teh r00lz. That's FreakSign right there.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver


Quote from: Soylent Green;393363You missed one. It's actually 5 things. Friends/family, intimate, work, hobby and TV.

Never trust anyone who doesn't watch TV.

How do you define that??

One of my frequent players only watches the occassional news program on TV and maybe a documentary or two.

The last series she watched 'NEW' was "Battlestar Galactica" - but that was mostly the DVDs.

She has admitted a recent fondness for the show "NCIS".

She does watch TV - but mostly only stuff on DVBD that her friends recommend she might like based on her past preference. Both she and her husband have lives so busy that they tenmd not to watch shows on a schedled weekly basis.

Of course her TV preferences might be because she grew up in Europe, not the USA..

Also, Sean Punch/ Kromm doesn't have a working TV last I heard. He has watched a few things on DVD over the past few years - again based on what his friends and colleagues told him might be entertaining or good.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Quote from: One Horse Town;393317Indeed they can, just not too seriously and not all the time.

That leads to embolisms.

...and missing out on the fun.

Many times when a browser/visitor stops into the store and asks why do people plays RPGS or D&D I answer with :

 "Because they can be quite a lot of Fun with a group of people."

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Quote from: Kyle Aaron;393362If they've one or none, they'll be trouble.

Or you know, some of us are mostly sane, but just kinda shy.  I have plenty of friends and I go out all the time, I'm attending college and I have a pretty decent paying job (though it lacks a purpose other than making money), but I'm not really a natural at picking up women.  Unless you count part-time college and a job I mainly have for the sake of money as totaling "work", I've only got 2 on there.

I also know people with all 4 bases covered and they're still batshit crazy.
"In a way, the Lands of Dream are far more brutal than the worlds of most mainstream games. All of the games set there have a bittersweetness that I find much harder to take than the ridiculous adolescent posturing of so-called \'grittily realistic\' games. So maybe one reason I like them as a setting is because they are far more like the real world: colourful, crazy, full of strange creatures and people, eternal and yet changing, deeply beautiful and sometimes profoundly bitter."

Kyle Aaron

Quote from: Peregrin;393445I have plenty of friends
+1 = 1/3
QuoteI'm attending college
+1 = 2/3

Quotebut I'm not really a natural at picking up women.
I didn't say anything about picking up, I talked about an "intimate". Sex wasn't mentioned. Someone you're close to and trust absolutely, a closeness you share with no-one else. But let's call it +0. Still, as you say, that's 2/3. You pass.

If you have the social skills to maintain 2 of 3 of work, family/friends or intimate, then you're very unlikely to be some kind of weirdo we run from. It's simply a test to see if you're likely to be a freak. Because they're out there. Now, you can be non-freaky and we still don't get along in gaming, that's fine. But I won't mind your knowing when I live. I won't expect you to show up randomly five years after we last gamed together and tell me frightening stories about your life. Which has happened.

QuoteI also know people with all 4 bases covered and they're still batshit crazy.
I think when you enquire more narrowly you'll find that they have them nominally, they're not really happy. A wife you never have sex with because you're unattracted to each-other and who you've been thinking about leaving for six years isn't an intimate. A job you hate which pays the bills isn't work. And so on.

Happy, well-adjusted people make better people to share hobbies with. Unhappy, mal-adjusted people make worse ones. Exactly how shy a person is, not really relevant. Unless it's pathological shyness shutting you in the house, it just means you'll have fewer but deeper relationships, that's fine and normal. If you've pathological shyness you won't be much fun to game with, sorry.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver


Quote from: Kyle AaronBut I won't mind your knowing when I live. I won't expect you to show up randomly five years after we last gamed together and tell me frightening stories about your life. Which has happened.

Jesus.  I understand your reason for the test now.  :eek:

And yeah -- a guy who GMs a Dark Heresy campaign I'm playing in (but may soon drop out of...in fact I skipped the last game) doesn't pass the test.  He's not creepy, but he's not fun to game with at all.  He lives with his parents (I think he's 3-4 years older than me...so let's say 26-28?), works a dead-end job (he graduated with a useless degree and never pursued any real careers), is majorly overweight, doesn't have a girlfriend, and has admitted he doesn't have many (if any) friends -- he mainly socializes with the people at the LGS.  He channels a shitton of negativity, even when he doesn't mean to -- it's pretty draining to be around him.
"In a way, the Lands of Dream are far more brutal than the worlds of most mainstream games. All of the games set there have a bittersweetness that I find much harder to take than the ridiculous adolescent posturing of so-called \'grittily realistic\' games. So maybe one reason I like them as a setting is because they are far more like the real world: colourful, crazy, full of strange creatures and people, eternal and yet changing, deeply beautiful and sometimes profoundly bitter."


I mean seriously, either shit or get off the pot. If you're on THIS forum (or any other forum dedicated to RPGs) you clearly do not feel that RPGs are "just a game", and you're just using one of the lamest tactics ever as a pathetic attempt to shut down debate that you don't feel you have the intellectual or moral backbone to defend your position on. Its bullshit.

Obviously, every one of us here feels that RPGs are "serious business" as a game, as a hobby, as a pass-time or a creative endeavour.  That doesn't mean that we should treat them as motherfucking High Art or as some kind of pseudo-intellectual academic study, but that we should be willing to go all-in on actually standing up for our vision of what RPGs are, and take them seriously within that context. To say that RPGs are a serious thing does not mean that you have to go the Swine route; on the contrary, its usually those who are utter failures at grokking the concept of RPGs for what they really are who rally around these movements to try to bring utterly un-necessary pretentiousness to the hobby, and then (when they are losing an argument) very quickly turn around and pull the "Its Just A Game" card when they want to try to silence the victorious opposition.

On the other end of clearly circular spectrum are the would-be Hipsters who think that by trying to say "Its Just A Game" they're showing off some kind of faux-"Cool" at investing years of their lives into the hobby but not actually being willing to engage with that in a serious way. Seriously, motherfucker?! The guys who have put in time to the hobby but DON'T act like they're ashamed of it are the losers? Seriously?!

Man up, bucky. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

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Kyle Aaron

Quote from: Peregrin;393464And yeah -- a guy who GMs a Dark Heresy campaign I'm playing in (but may soon drop out of...in fact I skipped the last game) [...] it's pretty draining to be around him.
That's the kind of person I mean.

If the person can't maintain happy relationships outside their game group, they won't be able to do so in the game group, either.

Again, everyone goes through dark patches. You move to a new country, lose your girlfriend and she takes all the friends, whatever. But most people sort themselves out in a couple of years.

Those who don't, well like I said - sure, rpgs can be taken seriously, but they shouldn't be taken to heart. I'm not going to quit a six-year campaign because the DM had some wights drain a level of one of my henchmen.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver

Soylent Green

Quote from: Koltar;393439How do you define that??

One of my frequent players only watches the occassional news program on TV and maybe a documentary or two.

I was just kidding :-)
New! Cyberblues City - like cyberpunk, only more mellow. Free, fully illustrated roleplaying game based on the Fudge system
Bounty Hunters of the Atomic Wastelands, a post-apocalyptic western game based on Fate. It\'s simple, it\'s free and it\'s in colour!


Let's not forget that EGG himself, while a serious game designer, was not without humor. Subtly it is included in almost game, every game adventure he ever wrote. For the DM, it provides a little smile or laugh while you are reviewing the contents of the adventure during game prep. Other times you roll your eyes and groan: "Egads, the corn!"
Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea -- A Role-Playing Game of Swords, Sorcery, and Weird Fantasy.


Quote from: Soylent Green;393486I was just kidding :-)

I didn't own a TV for 8 years.  The wife made me buy one.  And while she watches some stuff, I'm in that some place with a few documentaries, I watched 'The Pacific' recently, and a pretty bad, jingoistic nationalistic history of the US (that still had fascinationg details).  Just not into the tube.
Currently running 1 live groups and two online group in my 30+ year old campaign setting.  
Setting of the Year, 08 Campaign Builders Guild awards.
\'Orbis non sufficit\'

My current Collegium Arcana online game, a test for any ruleset.