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Origins award nominees!

Started by joewolz, April 30, 2007, 10:47:40 AM

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Quote from: pathfinderapHoo thats a crime,  no mention of  Spirit of the Century, yet they have the crappy mongoose version of Runequest, etc,

nice to see Faery's Tale in there, it belongs,
but putting in HEX and not SotC is wrong,

Good point, SotC should be in there. That abomination Mongoose squeezed out should not even be on the list.


To be honest, I expected to see SotC on the list too.

I was hoping it would turn out to be a "Year of Pulp" and that both Hollow Earth Expedition and SotC would get nominated. True, it's probably is good for HEX not to have another pulp game in the running, but the Evil Hat crew did a bang up job on SotC and are nice guys to boot. I'd have been happy to see them nominated.

As it stands, I still think HEX is in good company. A lot of good games made it in and even more didn't. Considering that HEX is the first game I've ever produced, and that Exile is a small indie press, I'm thrilled that we were nominated.

Good luck to all the nominees!
