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D&D 4e -- Will you buy it?

Started by jdrakeh, April 25, 2007, 03:04:47 AM

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Quote from: AkrasiaI hope you're right about this, Grubman.

My main worry is that it will be even more miniatures-focues in nature than 3.5.  That would be a real turn off for me.

Miniature focused, I don't think so...miniature friendly, I think yes.  I think the "game" element of miniatures (especially with the prepainted plastic ones being so mainstream and simple to obtain) is here to stay.  I simply think too many people enjoy what they add to the game (I'm of them myself).

The Star Wars CMG is so simple to play, and fun to use minis, that I've got high hopes for the combat system for Saga...and like many others, I believe if Saga is a success, we will see many of these changes in D&D 4.


Quote from: David JohansenOne solution I think might go a long ways would be to make feats and skills optional or have a fixed list and an open option.

That way a fifth level fighter could just have the fixed list of feats and skills and be done.

I'm hopeing it has skill trees that are simple and streamlined.  For example, if you want a Fighter who is an Archer type, you could take the Archer skill tree and it would detail what feats you get at what levels.  Basically the same as you can build now, but with a lot less hassle (especially for the GM creating NPCs).

David Johansen

Really, Skill and Feat trees as prestige classes would be a great way to go.  Your class could be like a starting package.
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J Arcane

Quote from: AkrasiaI hope you're right about this, Grubman.

My main worry is that it will be even more miniatures-focues in nature than 3.5.  That would be a real turn off for me.
Yeah!  How dare a game that was designed as a miniatures game from it's earliest conception support miniatures in it's current form!  Those BASTARDS!

PS: What was that again about you not hating 3.0, 'cause here you are again, trashing on it two posts in a row . . .
Bedroom Wall Press - Games that make you feel like a kid again.

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Quote from: J ArcanePS: What was that again about you not hating 3.0, 'cause here you are again, trashing on it two posts in a row . . .

I don't think having a prefference to what one hopes for in a future edition is "trashing".

J Arcane

Quote from: grubmanI don't think having a prefference to what one hopes for in a future edition is "trashing".
You don't know Akrasia.  There's a history.
Bedroom Wall Press - Games that make you feel like a kid again.

Arcana Rising - An Urban Fantasy Roleplaying Game, powered by Hulks and Horrors.
Hulks and Horrors - A Sci-Fi Roleplaying game of Exploration and Dungeon Adventure
Heaven\'s Shadow - A Roleplaying Game of Faith and Assassination

Christmas Ape

You know something?

I hate minis too. The game-within-a-game of square-counting and path mapping is just as fuckstick awful for immersion, so far as my group is concerned, as personality mechanics are for some others. I'd like 4.0 to go the "minis optional" route, rather than the "minis strongly recommended!" approach of 3.5. I know it won't happen, but I'd like it.
Heroism is no more than a chapter in a tale of submission.
"There is a general risk that those who flock together, on the Internet or elsewhere, will end up both confident and wrong [..]. They may even think of their fellow citizens as opponents or adversaries in some kind of 'war'." - Cass R. Sunstein
The internet recognizes only five forms of self-expression: bragging, talking shit, ass kissing, bullshitting, and moaning about how pathetic you are. Combine one with your favorite hobby and get out there!


Quote from: Christmas ApeYou know something?

I hate minis too. The game-within-a-game of square-counting and path mapping is just as fuckstick awful for immersion, so far as my group is concerned, as personality mechanics are for some others. I'd like 4.0 to go the "minis optional" route, rather than the "minis strongly recommended!" approach of 3.5. I know it won't happen, but I'd like it.

Hmm, I was going to reply to this but I think I'll spin it off into its own thread...


Quote from: J ArcaneYou don't know Akrasia.  There's a history.

actually Akrasia and I have a long history of duking it out :) (assuming he's the same Akrasia from RPGnet).

We are two agreeable disagreeable sonnofabitches!

J Arcane

Quote from: grubmanactually Akrasia and I have a long history of duking it out :) (assuming he's the same Akrasia from RPGnet).

We are two agreeable disagreeable sonnofabitches!
I was referring more to a history of slagging on D&D3 at the slightest provocation.  He denies it of course, but that doesn't stop him popping up and doing it again at every possible occasion.
Bedroom Wall Press - Games that make you feel like a kid again.

Arcana Rising - An Urban Fantasy Roleplaying Game, powered by Hulks and Horrors.
Hulks and Horrors - A Sci-Fi Roleplaying game of Exploration and Dungeon Adventure
Heaven\'s Shadow - A Roleplaying Game of Faith and Assassination

J Arcane

QuoteYou know something?

I hate minis too. The game-within-a-game of square-counting and path mapping is just as fuckstick awful for immersion, so far as my group is concerned, as personality mechanics are for some others. I'd like 4.0 to go the "minis optional" route, rather than the "minis strongly recommended!" approach of 3.5. I know it won't happen, but I'd like it.

See, I can get not liking minis.  There's reasons for that.

What I find silly is slagging on D&D for daring use them.  What the hell did you expect?  

It's like saying you don't like pizza, and then going to a pizza parlor and then bitching about it, and demanding the house make you a special meal to accomodate your tastes.
Bedroom Wall Press - Games that make you feel like a kid again.

Arcana Rising - An Urban Fantasy Roleplaying Game, powered by Hulks and Horrors.
Hulks and Horrors - A Sci-Fi Roleplaying game of Exploration and Dungeon Adventure
Heaven\'s Shadow - A Roleplaying Game of Faith and Assassination

Christmas Ape

Quote from: J ArcaneSee, I can get not liking minis.  There's reasons for that.

What I find silly is slagging on D&D for daring use them.  What the hell did you expect?  

It's like saying you don't like pizza, and then going to a pizza parlor and then bitching about it, and demanding the house make you a special meal to accomodate your tastes.
Eh...I think the inherent-ness of minis is a little overstated in this case. It's a little closer, to me, like hating tomato sauce and meat and walking into a pizza place. Maybe they do a mushroom artichoke on a bed of pesto, and maybe you could encourage local pizza parlors to offer that kind of choice, but it is a little silly to demand it, sure.
Heroism is no more than a chapter in a tale of submission.
"There is a general risk that those who flock together, on the Internet or elsewhere, will end up both confident and wrong [..]. They may even think of their fellow citizens as opponents or adversaries in some kind of 'war'." - Cass R. Sunstein
The internet recognizes only five forms of self-expression: bragging, talking shit, ass kissing, bullshitting, and moaning about how pathetic you are. Combine one with your favorite hobby and get out there!

Blue Devil

Quote from: J ArcaneI was referring more to a history of slagging on D&D3 at the slightest provocation.  He denies it of course, but that doesn't stop him popping up and doing it again at every possible occasion.

Why is it so hard to not say anything negative about a game you don't like and respect the fact that other people do like the game?

I don't like D20/D&D but I am not slagging on it left and right.   I just wont play it.  It's really that easy.

J Arcane

Quote from: Blue DevilWhy is it so hard to not say anything negative about a game you don't like and respect the fact that other people do like the game?

I don't like D20/D&D but I am not slagging on it left and right.   I just wont play it.  It's really that easy.
I got no problem with people slagging on a game.

However, Akrasia's "I don't hate D20, honest!  Now here's everything that's wrong about about, and why RQ/RC/etc. is better" attitude however, is the kind of passive aggressive shit I expect on RPGnet, not here.
Bedroom Wall Press - Games that make you feel like a kid again.

Arcana Rising - An Urban Fantasy Roleplaying Game, powered by Hulks and Horrors.
Hulks and Horrors - A Sci-Fi Roleplaying game of Exploration and Dungeon Adventure
Heaven\'s Shadow - A Roleplaying Game of Faith and Assassination

Blue Devil

Quote from: J ArcaneI got no problem with people slagging on a game.

However, Akrasia's "I don't hate D20, honest!  Now here's everything that's wrong about about, and why RQ/RC/etc. is better" attitude however, is the kind of passive aggressive shit I expect on RPGnet, not here.

Yeah I can see what you mean.